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Any state land up north?

Brandon Curry

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Fort Drum has a large number of bear, just have to get a permit. They are free and there is over 100k acres of hunting land.

I did not know you could hunt the training area....just checked out their web site all about it( link on dec web page) just need to register.

This will be a first for me as i never have purchased a bear tag.

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  • Be careful on Drum though, there are only certain areas open each day and it takes alot of man hours to know the areas up there. On the plus side though it is close to where you live and the quality of animals is exceptional. Plenty of Bear and Deer up there for the taking. Oh and remember a compass or GPS, its easy to get lost in there.

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If I were you I would go first with someone who knows what they are doing, go and see what they do, ask ton of questions, live and learn, then do it yourself. This ain't a video game, this is 300 pounds animal and firearms...stay safe out there bro....

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  • 4 weeks later...

Darn few bears are actually shot in NY by hunters "hunting bears". They are usually incidental to deer hunting. Without dogs or baiting, it is very difficult to pinpoint them without putting in alot of time. There are certainly areas where bears frequent, but usually they are neighborhood bears, and shooting them is like shooting cows in a farm yard. Keep in mind the avg bear shot in NY (and out of state) are usuallly what are most common: one and two year olds, 125-175 lbers.

Spend alot of time driving back roads in potential bear country in the summer, looking for rural farms and orchards. Then knock on some doors, (probably alot of doors), to find farmers-growers who have beer problems in their fields and orchards, and are willing to let you set up a stand. Set up some game cameras along likely travel routes, etc. It is similar to plotting out a buck....except there are something like a thousand times more whitetail in NY than bears.

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  • 1 month later...

hunting bear this late can be tough sometimes because many have gone to den... but sometimes when weather is mild like this and food is still available.. they will den later... find the food sources... that is the ONLY reason a bear will be out this time of year.

OH yeah.. mothers with cubs will defintiely be denned up... usually only the cubless females and males will venture out this late

Edited by nyantler
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