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FoxPro Call for deer?


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My e-caller has a remote, and Ive thought about using to draw a buck in with a grunt, and doing it at a distance from me so that the buck's attention is not directed at my location. Problem is, I dont think the battery would last all day long, and the unit may time out and shut off before I need to use it. I have to experiment with it first.

Last year I had a huge buck come out into the field that my stand was on, and after 2 grunts, he came in on a string. Problem was, he came in to my downwind side, on a trail behind my stand. When I tried to draw my bow, I had problems due to my safety strap, and bumped the riser of the bow on the stand, which scared the buck off.

Now, if I would have had that caller, about 30 yards upwind of me, in the same hedgerow, that buck would have probably responded to it and tried to wind it, which would have put him directly in front of me. I can definitely see the advantage to them.

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Q: Is it legal to use decoys and electronic calls to hunt deer?

A: Both decoys and electronic calls are legal to use for deer hunting in NY. You should exercise caution when transporting a deer decoy to and from the locations in the field. Some hunters wrap a strip of blaze orange material around the decoy when carrying it.

Almost at the bottom of the page here: http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/8310.html

Like I said, 100% legal.

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i forgot my grunt tube one day so i typed in youtube and found a "small buck grunting" and chasing that was caught on a trail cam. it was short clip but the real thing and i cracked up when a small doe heard it and came sneaking in right under my stand. i thought it was way to quiet but she sure as heck heard it!

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