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Fields growing pretty good!

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You have no idea.  I never had the opportunity to hunt a field or open area, I've always hunted woods.  Will be nice to set something up on a corner so I can have the woods behind me and a clear view of the field in front of me.  Just not sure how close to the field I should be.  Maybe for bow season setup a stand right on the edge towards the middle to give me more opportunity for shots, then rifle have one back on a corner a little deeper with a clear view still.

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In my opinion I don't think it would matter how far back or close you have the stand to the field.  If you are high enough up and not moving the deer will not detect you.  The more important part is your setup based on the wind.  So if possible I would put two stands, one on each side of the field.  That way you can play the wind in to your hunting strategy each time you go out there. 

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I also, would find the travel corridors and hunt them, about 20 to 40 yards into the woods from the field during bow season. For gun season, pick a spot that you can see as many trails as possible on the edge of the field. Make sure to set up a few stands so you can hunt the area based on wind direction for the day.

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You guys that have hunted food plots during gun season .... how productive are they once the guns start sounding off? In other words is there any reason to even plan a gun stand that relates to open daytime feeding?


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Thats a good question.  I guess it all depends on how the deer react to that pressure and noise.  Good point about the travel routes.  I suspect they may change a little now that the fields are in? Maybe they will be more defined in a month or so?

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It depends on how much pressure there is in the immediate area. If your plot is out in the middle of the thick stuff, or if the thick stuff is just adjacent to the plot, the deer will sometimes use your plot as a sanctuary type area. Remember, deer dont disappear during gun season, they are still around.

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The pictures above where for one of the food plots.  That one was planted with Whitetail   Imperial Pure Attraction.  It's fairly new.  Has a mixture of Oats, Wheat, Brassica, Kale, Winter Peas, Turnip, and a few others.

The other food plot we planted has a mixture of Clover, Chicory, and Oats. 

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The old man speaks... burmjohnh is my dad.  It was planted July 16th.

thats funny!

yeah i have used WTI b4... havnt used there blends since i switched over to biologic. ill tell you, yours looks great tho..

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To be honest, I am in shock its doing as well at it is.  The PH level was a mess, and the lime takes a while to kick in, and will prob need multiple applications.  The Lime was put down 1 day before planting (the 15th), its powdered lime, but still, doesn't it take a few months to really lower the PH?  Curious to see what the PH is later on in the year about 2 months from now, I'll take a sample and get it checked.

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To be honest, I am in shock its doing as well at it is.  The PH level was a mess, and the lime takes a while to kick in, and will prob need multiple applications.  The Lime was put down 1 day before planting (the 15th), its powdered lime, but still, doesn't it take a few months to really lower the PH?  Curious to see what the PH is later on in the year about 2 months from now, I'll take a sample and get it checked.

honestly i always thought lime kicked in reletivly quick... If you think about it once you have either a morning dew or some rain that lime will start working its way in and start being utilized by the soil sooner then you think. I mean ican be wrong...

i always checked with this, youd be suprised how accurate it really is...


i used this alot as well, it made my plots blow pretty good. also used lime as well when i didn thave this stuff.


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