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Game camera observation


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I have 30 acres in 9P that borders the 1300 acres of English hill state forest.  I have 12 game cameras on this property I keep going year round to watch all sorts of wildlife and a few two legged invaders.  A few things I've noticed this year that seem to be different from passed years even though cameras have been in static positions from year to year.  Many more fawns seen this year plus several doe with two fawns and even three much more so than years passed.  Young fawns seen much later in season than years before.  Is anyone else noticing this trend camera wise or general observation?  It wasn't that nice of a winter on my mountain.  We had pretty deep snow early on and the temperatures were downright frigid so I wouldn't refer to it as a light winter.  I'm over 2000' elevation.

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what ive noticed over the last two years is less coyote pics and sightings.  I often had more yote pics than deer for a couple years and last year had very few coyote sightings while hunting.  We had a really mild winter here in CNY but with the combo of the two am expecting a good bunch of young deer

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I'm over 2000ft, doe had pretty easy winter cold.early.then pretty mild that it biggest factor I've seen , had a huge uptick in rabbit populations and raccoon . Coon I'll get after with some traps as prices have been down and guy that use to trap hasnt . Quite a few more bobcat ,less fisher here as well. 

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In the last two years I'm seeing tons more small animals. My pictures were almost always just of deer, maybe one pic of a possum in a set.  Now I'm getting as many small animal pics as deer. Lots of raccoons, porcupines, fisher cats. The occasional coyote which up until a year ago I NEVER got. (They were always around, you'd see tons of sign, often more than any other animals and you'd hear them at night pretty regularly, but never any pics.)


Isn't twins for a doe the norm once she reaches her second breeding cycle?  

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