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The ULTIMATE Tick & Mosquito Repelent!

Geno C

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I just wanted to give you guys a heads up on what works for me! It comes in handy for scouting in the warmer seasons and especially in the early bow season when bug movement seems to be at a peak...

I use this product and i have to say it is unbelievable! not only does it repel mosquito's and tick but it kills them within seconds of coming into contact.

i am not sure if any of you guys use it already or had positive or negative experiences with it, but i would like to hear it. I love this stuff and use when scouting or hanging a set and even hunting. it last awhile and alittle goes a long way. i am a tick freek, i check myself every 15ft or so when walking through brush. So i did some research on this product and gave it a go. It worked for me!

Its called:  Sawyer Duranon Permethrin Insect Repellent

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the scent is "oderless" however i do throw some scent blocker over it and im good to go... i have been using it with my scent blocker for my field recon and i have deer 15 yards down wind who dont seem to wind me, so i must be doing something right lol.

eitherway even being oderless im sure there is a slight smell deer may be able to pick up but to make it back to the truck tick free its a risk i willing to take. It does say you can wash your gear a few times over a few week period and it remains active. i bought mine at cabelas, its on sale for 10.99 , 24oz. i just bought 2 more.

its great stuff!

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im telling you, this stuff is a MUST in my bag. i actually went out to do some scouting and picked up a tick. i watched it make it like not 1" up my leg and he was dead on the spot. i love. skeeters dont even bother me when im wearing it and the deer dont seem to mind it. i do love this stuff.

yeah cabelas has it on sale for 10.99, 2 bottles shipped was 27 bux. i chalk it up to some of the best money i spend...

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honestly i thought about that alot latley... and i havnt found much "skin safe" yet... to be honest if you wear a hat or face mask you can spray that and wait the designated time as described and you can wear your face mask or hat no problem. i load it up on my shirt and hat and i have NO issues with the skeeters. i always wear pants and short sleeves but to make sure i dont get tick on my unprotected arms i constantly check myself while i walk. i will ook into it and see what i can dig up.

id say if your wearing short sleeve shirt try not to touch all the debris while walking thourgh the woods. you will be fine without anything on your arms and a sprayed hat will protect your head.

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I gave the old man a can of tick spray as part of a fathers day gift basket (among a bunch of other crap). I picked it up @ target.  It was tick and mosquito spray.

P.S. what I used for the basket was one of those tool bags that attach to a 5 Gallon bucket you can buy at Lowes.  Lowes had this tool bag bucket thing in camo for like 75% off, I bought 5 of them heh.  I kept 2 for myself, because those 5 gallon buckets with the tool bag things are freaking awesome.  They hold a ton of crap in the bucket and you get a ton of little pockets to put stuff in.

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I gave the old man a can of tick spray as part of a fathers day gift basket (among a bunch of other crap). I picked it up @ target.  It was tick and mosquito spray.

P.S. what I used for the basket was one of those tool bags that attach to a 5 Gallon bucket you can buy at Lowes.  Lowes had this tool bag bucket thing in camo for like 75% off, I bought 5 of them heh.  I kept 2 for myself, because those 5 gallon buckets with the tool bag things are freaking awesome.  They hold a ton of crap in the bucket and you get a ton of little pockets to put stuff in.

o yeah those things are great! bought my first house last year and i feel like lowes is like my second home lol.

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Lowes unfortunately is my second home.  I was there today actually, to get carpenter ant spray.  The neighbors tree was rotted and filled with them, they cut it down today only after I sent 2 certified letters to her and also to the town.  Thats a whole other story of fun I'll share when I have time. 

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^ lol i hear ya... i was actually there over the weekend yet again...

i am a freak when it comes to lawn care and i actually make 2 granular treatments during the year for all types of bug conrol. ORTHO sells them in the big red bags, they work wonders!

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well a thermacel wont repel ticks but honestly it works wonders for ticks and skeeters... i think if you used the 2 combined you would have a worry in the world!

i will prob buy 2 more b4 hunting season....

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  • 1 month later...

john, it has not oder once dry... i also spray scent blocker on and i had deer 15 yards down wind and never winded me... dead down wind...

also have used this product alone with no scent blocker and had not one issue to date with deer winding me... it kills chiggers and ticks withing seconds of the getting on your clothes.

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yeah it is... i wonder of there is anything the DEC is doing or can do to control the amount of tick / chiggers problem Suffolk has?

ive heard of the DEC trying to setup food troth's with rollers built in that has permetherin on them and when the deer feed the rollers roller this stuff on the deer. IDK thats what ive heard a few times. i think they practiced this out on shelter island.

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