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Seneca County Giant!!!

WNY Bowhunter

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It just seems like when someone kills a record class deer anymore that the hunter is accused of some form or wrong-doing right out of the gates. Granted, there are those stories that immediately raise a red flag (like all of those texts from your buddies with those big road-killed deer that have come from 15 different states and now was killed 2 miles from home). All I see here is a monster buck with several bulletholes and a missing hoof? My cousin shot a buck that was missing a third of its ear over the weekend, things like this happen in the unforgiving world of the whitetail...

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but he can keep the rack if he finished the deer and legally tagged it (which it wasn't in the camp pictures).

Legally... the tag does not need to be attached to the carcass until it is at the point of transpotation. it could easily be filled out and in his poket and from the pics it doesn't even look like it has been gutted. I love how hunters immediately pull out the "illegal" card on a good buck. If I ever end up needing a jury of my peers I will have my fingers crossed that no one knows I hunt...lol

Great buck and would love to hear the entire story.

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