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Palin is $itch slappin Obama on C-Span........

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No contradiction: Palin is a national disgrace...as was Bush, but even he stands head and shoulders above Sarah.

Nothing like providing facts to back up your baseless claim. Then again the claim you make is baseless, I guess that is why you provide no facts. People like you don't deserve firearms.

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I believe the last time this country was nationally disgraced was when Bill Clinton was in the White House with Monica. Neither Bush, nor Palin has ever come close to that type of embarassment for our nation.

One thing about the left, they aren't happy to just not like someone, they hate them! It's a psychosis. Because they don't really have a good reason for it.

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Facts/Reasons: Bush - Iraq War.....Palin - Quits office to which she was elected

Both are "All Hat....No Cowboy!" (For the record: I voted for Bush...ONCE!)

Fans of Palin and Coulter are most certainly intellectually challenged. Sadly, for the country....they vote.

Warning: Be careful how you respond to needling...It is easy to display your ignorance!

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Woofer, you have it all wrong my friend. Just because you are anti-Palin, doesnt mean you are pro-Obama or even pro-Romney. Theres not much politically that Early says that I agree with, but his opinion on Palin is spot on. Shes a media and money queen that is just smart enough to let her looks carry her the rest of the way. Im not saying she is a total dumbass, but she is NOT presidential material, just like the teleprompter reader thats in office now. You cant take what she said while campaigning as the truth in what she would do given the opportunity to do anything. Didnt you learn anything from Bush, or now Obama? Neither of those two kept their campaign promises, so why would you trust Palin? Shes all politician, and could maybe do some good in the senate or house, but not on the main stage.

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It's funny... people either like her or hate her guts with a passion! Im not sure if I would vote for her but I like some of the things she says. National disgrace??? naw..Bush lied and people died ....blah blah blah.

I'll tell you this much I saw Palin at the airport about 3 years ago and, trust me on this one boys, H-O-T

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As skilled politicians...and as intelligent women, both Clinton and Pelosi dwarf poor Sarah.

Skilled politicians? You do realize that Clinton and Pelosi are two of the most anti gun politicians out there, right? Do you also support obama's appointees to the supreme court? How the hell can you say with a straight face that you support freedom? Especially the right to bear arms.

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Whoa, Skillet.....I can support the second amendment totally, while saying that Hillarry is a more skilled politician than whacky Palin. The two really have nothing to do with each other. Palin may support gun rights, but she is still a moron. You need to consider things a little more carefully. You have obviously falley prey to the "Bo0gey Man" philosophy: There is a liberal behind every tree just waiting to take away our rights/freedoms. Well, buddy boy, our traditional American freedoms suffered way more under Dubya than they will probably ever, under any subsequent liberal. Do yourself a favor...Walk slowly, and look behind your every now and then.....the Boogey Man may be catching up! Ha Ha Ha!!!

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"Well, buddy boy, our traditional American freedoms suffered way more under Dubya than they will probably ever, under any subsequent liberal."

You can't talk about subsequent Liberals other than Obama, but he has surely done a lot more damage to freedom than Bush ever did. The debt is about to bankrupt the whole country and we may soon see martial law.

Clinton, and all the PRIOR Liberals are the ones who passed all of the unconstitutional gun control laws that Americans have been arrested and jailed for since.

Don't know who Jim McGreevy was? Whoa, that's revealing. Google his name.

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wow again..........looks like someone done thrown a log on the fire.........anyway..........Early... clearly the boys where havin fun with this earlier.....however it looks like it has offended you ............sorry........I was simply inferrring Palin is kinda hot........you obviously do not feel the same............that's cool.....

regarding your tone .you sound angry..........he's what you need to do.............it may help............

step out side your front door and then turn and run as fast as you can into the side of your car....lol...

I have found that this helps.......... :bye:

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go bubba..........saw you too skillet...think I mucked it up somehow............

tug hill....roger the palin agreement....took alot of hits before someone else agreed...... sept skillet........ you have snow over there........cats are purrin'...........nothin over here but ice........and cold ones........

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i was a steadfast republican voter for 25 years. after seeing the dog and pony show McCain and that ditz Palin put on i like many others voted for Obama. Now i'm lookin at the monkeys the GOP is trying to serve up this time around and yea i'm votin Obama again...

SOoooo........would you take her fishin.............................

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