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WTH Biden , our southern border is a joke

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1 minute ago, fasteddie said:

I know a Wayne County Farmer who gets his apple crop workers through the Green Card System . He keeps things legal so he stays out of trouble . Farmers won't have a problem getting legal seasonal workers if they go through the system to do it . No excuse for hiring ILLEGALS !






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Department of Homeland Security chief defend U.S. handling of border crisis, blames Trump administration for surge 


The article states “In a lengthy statement, Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas revealed that the migration surge is heading towards a 20-year high — and partially blamed the former Trump administration for the tricky situation.” 

Here we go with “blame Trump”.  Looks like Democrats are stuck in the lets blame the past republican president mode.  Obama and his supporters were in the “blame Bush” mode for eight years. 

Obviously Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas was not listening to President Biden before the election and after how he was receptive to allowing more migrates into the United States of America.  Maybe Mayorkas should go look at President Trumps unfinished border wall to improve his thought process on how to handle illegal entry. 

Another Biden failure.



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"Many on our side seem to be falling into the trap of thinking that Biden stupidly made an error when he repealed Trump [border] policies and is compounding it by using the wrong rhetoric. My friends, this was not an error. Biden and the progressives know exactly what they are doing. … The only unintended consequence is that the illegal immigration is happening too fast and is too obvious. The bottom line is that Democrats are putting the demands of non-citizens and their political self-interest ahead of the American people. They are bringing in massive numbers of people who will compete for American jobs and burden taxpayers, all with the goal of securing political power." —Gary Bauer

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Biden just approved an $86 million contract with hotels on the border to house 1200 illegals for months.

Do the math here. That's $71,666.66 each or $5,972.22 per month or about $190 per night.  He must be giving them free meals and an open bar with that contract.

Edited by Grouse
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