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Reminder - License and DMP's avail today, just did my DMP and got squat :)


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I have recieved a tag for 8m for the past ten years!!!!I started huntin letchworth way back when they were called party permits and you needed 3 people to get 1 permit.Believe it or not there were twice as many deer back then.This year i got an 8m and an 8h tag looks like i am heading to the gorge again this year.....Cant wait!!!!!

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I did not apply for a DMP this year, I figure I will be able to kill a doe during the ML season or one of my one day and done buddies will transfer to me his permit for a share of the venison. I am still pissed off that the DEC eliminated the free permit application with the purchase of a Sportsman's license.

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I did not apply for a DMP this year, I figure I will be able to kill a doe during the ML season or one of my one day and done buddies will transfer to me his permit for a share of the venison. I am still pissed off that the DEC eliminated the free permit application with the purchase of a Sportsman's license.

C'mon , be a sport . The state needs that $10 !  ;) ... :D ... :D

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I'm thinking the state will regret the day that they pumped up those license fees. First of all, it caused a huge spike in lifetime licenses. I still am not clear on just exactly how that glut of money is being managed, but I certainly hope they have it in the market somewhere and it is appreciating enough to make up for all the license money that will no longer be coming in ...... ever. My biggest fear is that they may have blown a good bunch of it just trying to keep up with current expenses and making up for current budget shortfalls. I hope not.

Secondly, while it remains to be seen yet, I believe that the fee increases will result in an even steeper decline in sportsmen.  I know that taxation is a great way to cut participation and it doesn't take that much of an increase to push some people over the edge and out of the activity. It's kind of a proven principle that has been used by the government for years as a form of behavior modification. There's nothing unique about hunting, fishing, and trapping that makes these activities exempt from that principle.

It may all wind up to be a downward spiral. As sportsmen numbers decline, the fees have to go up. As the fees go up, the sportsmen numbers decline more. And another lurking force is the stagnant economy that seems to be lasting a whole lot longer than anyone anticipated. The longer that takes to turn around, the less income the state experiences from whatever fund they put the Lifetime license money in, which will eventually force future increases. Also due to the crap economy, the impact of these increases on those sportsmen that are on the edge will force more people to reconsider outdoor activities as their choice of recreation.

I can't say that the state had any choice with their increases, but I don't think it did the system any long-term good.


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