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  1. Today
  2. Day two was a success. Opening day I messed up. Today was excellent. Spotted 3 Tom's in the field last evening. Followed them to roost. Snuck back in early this morning. They gobbled from the roost. Nothing on the ground. A few soft yelps and a short time later a saw a white head move. He came in silent.
  3. Awesome hunting. Good job.
  4. The person who did this sure isn't a carpenter !
  5. Finally found a morning I could get out back and enjoy a sunrise. Busy spring planting and building pen’s keeps time tight. Perfect Morning!
  6. Congrats on your Double !
  7. Awesome!! Great looking bird.
  8. Congratulations, you have had a heck of a spring!! Al
  9. Congratulations! Must be nice.
  10. Congrats. Great job! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. Let the dog out and decided to do one more Mus patrol. This Mus made the mistake of lounging on the fence. SJC
  12. This Mus didn't get the memo that Mus death is in town tonight. The Fusion II seems to prefer the 8.2 grn RWS pellets. SJC
  13. This Mus gave me the slip many times, but it's slipping days are over. What a beautiful night for using thermal. SJC
  14. Way To Go Big Guy ! Nice Birds !
  15. I’m beyond excited, I had a back to back in 2 days with 2 awesome hunts. Thursday I called in 10 birds at once, 9 left. Today I called in a lone hot mature bird all by himself Yesterday was 4.5 beard and 1/8 “ spurs Today 8” beard and 3/4 “ spurs. I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to enjoy my hunting and harvest 2 nice toms, and have a great time in the woods
  16. Yesterday
  17. Hunted 5:30 to 7:30 heard a gobble at 5:45 then again around 6:30. Way off in the distance, that was it. Great sunrise!
  18. Day 3...this is strange here. Not a single gobble or turkey seen so far this season. Still nice to be out here though. Good luck to all out there
  19. Headed out in a few. No wind and clear should be a good morning! I have three hours to hunt before work. Hope to get it done!
  20. I’m shooting 20 gage 3” mag turkey load full choke
  21. Last week
  22. I threw away the box it came in and there are no markings on the target itself, I am pretty sure it was purchased at a Runnings store, they stock and sell a lot of steel targets. Al
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