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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/11 in all areas

  1. With the Southern Zone Regular Season just a few days away, I was wondering what everyone was carrying into the woods opening day. (Don't hate me if I don't post your caliber!) I'll be carrying my trusty 30-30 Win.
    1 point
  2. I think the state should start a program where we go back and take the hunters safety course every 5 or so years for a discounted price on licenses. What do you all think about this? I mean seriously with the way prices of everything and limited jobs people need a break on license fees. And second i think some people need a reminder on rules and regs and how to shoot and safety.
    1 point
  3. Tried to drag a 180 -200 # out of swamp opening day. I went 15yds. thought screw this noise! Let the young guys drag to the edge of the swamp hooked my atv to it & went the other 3/4 miles with ease!! If I can't get with atv it don,t get shot. I could do the swamp drag at 26 but no more at 62! sucks to get old, but better than the alturative, still on the green side!
    1 point
  4. That absolutely sucks .... I hope a Hunter catches them and offers some field justice .... carry an extra Brown Coat for such an ocassion !
    1 point
  5. I walk my deer out of the woods at gun point lol. I'm lucky enough where I hunt there are alot of trails to get my atv to any point on the property. or even my truck. I've heard the carts work good too.
    1 point
  6. Dear gatorade: thank you for the bigger hole on the bottle..those little necked spring water bottles offer no room for pp error:)
    1 point
  7. Well i play devil advocate here..so he got a 4 pt off your place now he's done hunting. is a deer worth the aggrovation? Let him know you know and be done with it. The deer may of ended up crossing the fence anyway. If it were me id let him know that what is good for the goose is good for the gander, either you can co exist in harmony or be stressed and woried about someone getting your deer... I try to get along with my neighbors and have a stand on a propertyline over looking the land next to me which was sold, the new owner was pissed the stand was there i explained he was welcome to hunt the stand anytime he wanted as was the previous owner(its the only tree over looking a brushy area). Seemed to diffuse the situation he's hunted it 3 years in a row opening day of gun now. Some people are just over protective of "their" deer if your not enjoying it then you need to change, did it ruin your morning hunt?. A good sit down and drink talking with the neighbor might be the right thing just my opinion.. .
    1 point
  8. Thanks all, I was very happy for him. It was like I shot the deer.
    1 point
  9. It occured to me this weekend how blessed we really are as a group. Not going all "churchy" on you guys, but what an amazing thing we are privileged to experience. Being able to watch the sunrise, and the woods waking up. Seeing all of the animals and watching them totally unaware of your presence. Being able to take game home for the table. Just feeling way down in your soul that you belong out there and everything is right with the world, for just awhile when you are in the woods. These are the reasons that I hunt. I am a christian, but I really don't go to church. I feel so much closer to god in the woods than I ever could in a church. Being out there in nature allows me to breathe, and feel at peace. I don't care if you are religious or not, there is something holy about being in the deer woods on a cold fall morning. It's amazing to me how beautiful it is out there, definitely enough proof of a higher power for me. Outdoorsmen have access to a side of life that many people will never experience and could not even imagine. I'm probably opening myself up to criticism, but just putting it out there. Let's not take it for granted.
    1 point
  10. Going to to get kinda cold tonite.I think Turkey day will be good.Would like to wish every one hunting GOOD LUCK.And have a great hunt.AND ALLWAYS OOD HUNTING.
    1 point
  11. Funny how those types never offer to help pay the property taxes !
    1 point
  12. 1 point
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