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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/28/11 in all areas

  1. Hello fellow hunters and forum friends I will try not to drag this out but may be difficult. 1st off hope everyone had a good and safe thanksgiving. Ok here we go, I am very curious what everyones imput was or is to this past season/seasons and with our deer hunting in general. I am not a greenhorn at this sport. I am an advid hunter its my passion its one of the things I live for. I hunt all kinds of game deer,turkey,duck,geese,pheasants. I have been doing so for 20 years. Certainly when it comes to prime time for deer during archery and into gun that is where I spend most of my time. This season for me is by far the worse deer season I have had in my hunting career with last year a close 2nd. Now I do not rank this with the lack of harvest, for this season I shot a 7pt. on opening morning of bow and last season I took a doe during archery and a 8pt during gun. But with the lack of seeing deer in general, encounters, oppurtunities, rubs, scrapes, etc. Other then the deer I shot on opening day of archery I never saw a single deer!!!!! I hunt 2 units 8F where I live and 9T where my camp is. And so far this Gun season I am at 000000!!!! 2 years in a row down at my camp we are at ZERO for opening weekend with 7 guys out of my camp. Gunshots were almost none!!!! And only 3 deer were spotted that were out of range. SO WHAT IS THE DEAL????? And we were not the only ones as with talking to others who hunt camps same thing was and still is going on. Are there just not as many deer as we like to think anymore?? Is the DEC giving out to many tags?? Is it coyotes?? Am I the only one?? I know many others say the same. Like I said this is my passion and I do spend alot of time hunting but the lack of seeing deer is really starting to where on me:( I just had to get it off my chest sorry for long drag out story. Your Feed back would be much appreciated. Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!
    1 point
  2. Taking the legal deer you want to take is your choice... what I don't understand is that lots of you find the need to justify the deer that you take.. especially when it comes to smaller bucks.. don't apologize for taking a legal deer... and stop saying that you'd like it to be different when you know thats not true.... killing smaller bucks because your neighbor is only gonna kill'em if you don't is probably the most common justification for doing something you claim you didn't want to do... there is nothing wrong with killing a legal buck and no reason to have to justify it to anyone. If you are feeling the need to justify it, maybe thats not the buck you should be taking... or maybe you should just forget the apologizing and tell it like it is.. "I killed the buck I wanted to kill".... that is nothing to be ashamed of...
    1 point
  3. D&D who told you this info? Because if its reliable I may say to hell with this hunt and go somewhere I know someone wont be walking around...
    1 point
  4. Interesting combo, that's for sure! LOL It made me think of a joke. What does an offspring of Greek and Italian parents do when they shoot a nice buck?? answer: They go calling everyone they know up asking for a buck tag (since they already used the first one up) (these are the Italian genes at work) and then they strap the buck to the roof of their vehicle and drive it around Astoria, Queens for 3 days to show it off!(these are the Greek genes at work) LOL
    1 point
  5. It just seems like when someone kills a record class deer anymore that the hunter is accused of some form or wrong-doing right out of the gates. Granted, there are those stories that immediately raise a red flag (like all of those texts from your buddies with those big road-killed deer that have come from 15 different states and now was killed 2 miles from home). All I see here is a monster buck with several bulletholes and a missing hoof? My cousin shot a buck that was missing a third of its ear over the weekend, things like this happen in the unforgiving world of the whitetail...
    1 point
  6. It would be a COLD COLD COLD day in hell before I drove up and gave my DMP to anyone.
    1 point
  7. Next year, keep your DMP info secret lol!
    1 point
  8. All on tax payer dollar . The park I hunt at, they don't let you take bear or yotes, or anything except deer.
    1 point
  9. Besides the legality of it ,the park is not really set up to drive the safety area to a hunting area
    1 point
  10. My buddy shot this bad boy yesterday! Draged this beast 2 miles through a rough cut trail. Great Deer. Congrats Pat
    1 point
  11. I have a deer cart and it works great, just make sure the one you get has large enough wheels to get over rocks, sticks, etc. A plastic sled will make it easier too.
    1 point
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