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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/29/11 in all areas

  1. Todays hunting does not require that we need to experience anything other than taking the animal from the herd... the only reason there is still hunting is for the purpose of conservation.. hunters may think differently... they may say its for the meat, or the sport... yeah that might be their reason.. but that is not the reason that hunting is still allowed.... it is the only proven means of population control that still allows the rest of the animal in the herd to live in their habitat normally.. there is absolutely nothing to be gained by killing a deer with your bare hands that has anything to do with hunting. Killing deer is meant to be as efficient as possible and not an educational tool to learn about death.
    1 point
  2. No, that IS the farmers wife! LOL
    1 point
  3. Hopefully there will be another one to come for the central NY area and or WNY areas.
    1 point
  4. LMAO now thats funny, I dont care who you are...
    1 point
  5. If you need meat, I have an extra DMP tag for 3N (Putnam County). I never shoot does.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. While certainly not the biggest deer I've ever gotten, this spike was important to me to fill the freezer, so that my family would have meat. Been laid off for what seems an eternity, and this buck will help us along.
    1 point
  8. Good post wooly. Jennifer and Steve I'm with you, a lot of sense made right there by your posts.
    1 point
  9. Steve, that makes all kind of sence to me and I do agree it would make some reconsider why they're truely out there. That would deffinitely seperate the hunters from the target shooters(which I personaly feel many have become). Even though at bow close ranges we as bowhunters feel so close to our quarry, there is still so much seperation from the way nature intended a kill to happen. Unfortunately I like to see everyone enjoy their time afield as much as possible so I couldn't wish this to happen to everyone to gauge where they're at with their own hunts or mental preparedness.
    1 point
  10. Just do yourselves a favor and shoot the deer again. Bullets are cheap and when placed in the correct spot will not waste anymore meat. Just walk up and shoot them in the neck where the head connects. Instant death, severs the cord and all motor functions cease.With bow place one in the chest and walk away for a bit, it can get a bit grisely. Yeah you " waste " an arrow but its not about you anymore its about quickly dispatching a suffering animal. You at least owe them that.
    1 point
  11. every time I have come up on a deer that wasn't dead, 4-5 times, i have shot it again. i don't think i could or would want to risk it, cutting its throat.
    1 point
  12. The Ultimate Recipe Kill stuff Add fire Eat Burp Have a good night. - Ted Nugent.
    1 point
  13. If you have a lot of deer on that hill you could persuade me to go hunt with ya and drag for you!!
    1 point
  14. There are simply too many variables that come into play when someone asks if it matters or not. Things off the top of my head that impact scent and how deer react to it: - Temperature and relative humidity / dew point - Wind speed, direction, and flow over uneven landscape (updraft? downdraft?) - Barometric pressure - Deer's 'experience' with being hunted/hunting pressure and overall attitude which can change hourly or daily (wisened buck, cautious momma doe, dumb young fawn, distracted rutting buck, etc!!) - Deer's expectancy of the scent (deer that live near houses/constant bombardment of man-made and human smells vs. deeper woods deer, etc) There are probably a billion others that I'm not thinking of! If these factors were constant, then yes we could determine what works, what doesn't, and so forth. But they're not. There are too many variables to know if you see more deer any given day because you smell less, or because you smell like apples, or because the deer are simply moving that day. It's not wrong to think about scent, especially scent reduction, but I, too, wonder if some folks put too much thought into it. At the end of the day, if a deer is going to smell me then it is going to smell me no matter what. A deer is going to care if it's going to care, no matter what. I just try to enjoy my time hunting and don't stress over my scent to the point where it becomes labor instead of enjoyment. If someone gets a kick out of extreme scent control, then power to them!
    1 point
  15. i just want meat in my freezer and for everyone i now to have a happy and healthy year
    1 point
  16. hb270deermanager.............jokes on you buddy.............me and my girl knew you were there the whole time. LOL!
    1 point
  17. Lol- that's the most rediculous thing I've ever heard! Your ground pounding tactics are welcome here...probably bump quite a few to me without even knowing it!
    1 point
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