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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/23/11 in all areas

  1. This is for anyone cruising the sight that for what ever reason.....your going through rough times....I understand that the Holidays can make what ever pain your going though a thousand times worse...but please please don't go to those dark recesses of your mind....try to connect with the courage that we all carry in our guts and reach out for a caring hand to hold.....They are out there believe me......For every bit of darkness there really is a bit of light...you have to give your self TIME to see it...we all count in this world....every moment we spend here makes a difference to someone....EVEN if it's just the person you held a door for...or took the time to smile at...there are truly no small moments in life for every thing has a ripple....make them all good ripples in this pond we call life....God Bless
    4 points
  2. Hope you kill one with his gun, I got my first deer with my Grandpa's old Ithaca model 900 this year, it was the most special deer I think I have ever killed. He's been gone since 2006, I've been trying with it ever since.
    1 point
  3. Sorry for your loss Larry.. the silver lining there is that he had 89 years on this earth.. that is something... lots of years of memories that wil last forever.. I'm sure his spirit will fill everyone on Christmas Day.. making it a very special Christmas.
    1 point
  4. Sorry to hear that Larry. Just makes it even harder around the holidays.
    1 point
  5. Sorry to hear about your loss. Always difficult around the holidays.
    1 point
  6. Sorry to hear that Larry...but keep going! I think that your gonna get a slammer with that old model 11. Dad will be looking down on you! My Condolences!
    1 point
  7. God bless you all. Not preaching, but prayer really helps...... Merry Christmas.
    1 point
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Why is it that people automatically think that just because you don't see B/O, hunters would look at something human-shaped and shoot it? Where does that line of logic come from? ..... lol. I will say that if theplace there are people in the woods that don't want to be seen, you very likely will not see them, and they might very well be in the line of fire. Certainly that has a stronger potential of happening with those that are dressed in camo and trying their best to blend in with their surroundings than those dressed in B/O. But that is not going to happen anymore frequently with a B/O regulation. When it comes to other states and their safety records, after this year's results, our record may no longer be so stellar. We had a bad year, especially when you consider all incidents and not just the fatalities. As far as making it mandatory, I am not one of these paranoid types that sees such a regulation as leading to the downfall of the free world. And I would have no problem supporting such a law. And no, that doesn't mean that I would start shooting anyone who isn't wearing it ..... lol.
    1 point
  11. Exctly, Doc. How many of us have actual brothers or sisters...or for that fact parents or kids. There can be knock down drag outs and all kinds of altercations but let anyone form the outside threaten one of mine and then the fun begins. I am betting most if not all of us are like that. we can disagree and get heated amongst ourselves but I bet if threatened they would be surprised how united the front would be.
    1 point
  12. With all the places and people in NY and a deer population that fluctuates between towns and counties from hunting, road kill, nature and food source, we are bound to have differant opinions. Between long bow, compound bow, crossbow, rifle and black powder hunters we will always have opinions that will vary. Add into the mix ethics, tree stand hunters, still hunters, private and state land, AR restrictions and shortening of our seasons will cause tempers to fly even before a discussion is posted. I have to be honest, I LOVE THIS SITE and enjoy the conversations with all my fellow hunters. We are a Brotherhood and need to stick together despite our own views. I like to still hunt on vast state land but will never put anyone down who hunts from a tree stand on 10 acres. We have heated topics but that is because we are so passionate about what we do... That fact causes us to get out of control sometimes. We are a diverse group of hunters who love of the outdoors and have a passion for it and that should unite us, but because we are sooo passionate about what we do, we sometimes have heated discussions. That should not stop us from being brothers!!! To all my fellow hunters may your freezer be as full as your heart, may your sights be full of deer and may you shoot true as your ethics allow. Your Brother in Arms. NFA GETSOME
    1 point
  13. With no tags filled and down to the wire on the last day of muzzle loading season I was able to get out for the last 2 hours. This doe walked by at 4:18pm and offered a 30 yard shot. My 54 cal T/C White Mountain Carbine did the rest. Double lung hit, a 5 second, 60 yard dash and I have some tasty venison! I'm thankful. Merry Christmas to all! Genesee_Mohican
    1 point
  14. Ur supposed to say happy holidays so you don't offend anyone, so merry Christmas !
    1 point
  15. Anytime a person heads afield, their is a risk of injury or death in hunting seasons, period. You can take steps to lower that risk, but the risk is still there. Personally, I like to take steps to lower the risk. I would hope my neighbor is willing to do the same. Their will always be people in the field, not dressed like U want them to be, for one reason or another. That will never change.
    1 point
  16. CCHC... I totally agree with you. The failure of the Adirondacks is the "Non-Management" of the whole area. "Forever Wild" really translates into "Forever Devoid of Wildlife". This is Forestry and Wildlife Management 101, and by state law the entire region goes unmanaged. Interesting thought, "Adirondac" is derived from Algonquin Indian translation meaning "bark eaters". The Native Americans never wintered in the interiior of the Dacks because the winters were so severe. Sure they hunted and fished it around the seasons but never in winter.
    1 point
  17. Pat, are you feeling ok today buddy? Or are you just trying to make 4 points at once? State land is already every man for himself for the most part, so that wont change, and anyone that would put a pecking order in place is probably already doing that now as well. I just dont see there being many changes. Im not exactly pro-AR either.
    1 point
  18. The good news is that Chris Amato who was responsible for the Adirondack UMP Plan has resigned. The whole deal with the purchase of the Moose River Plain Area was that it was to be forever managed for sportsman use. So now, they have locked out a large percentage of the population, whether it be disability or sheer physical capability to access the wilderness areas. Once again, the sportsman community got snookered on this one. Let's all make sure we let our representatives know that we don't what to see further DEC acquisitions go down the some UMP path, whereby only accessible to the few.
    1 point
  19. Was out there today. Grabbed Monday Jan. 16th in Hither Hills. Also Tommy was great meeting you today and talking with you. Best of luck to everyone!
    1 point
  20. i feel the season overall was a bust. the weather at the start was horrible, no deer movement and a hell of alot less deer than past years. 7m and 3s
    1 point
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