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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/25/12 in all areas

  1. They don't really look like camera thieves. Pot smokin' hippies, yes..
    2 points
  2. i know the feeling there, i got 2 little ones at home an 11 month and 3 year old so luckily they arent into all the sports stuff and foing all sorts of activities and such. i have a nice setup at home for shooting it takes me less than 5 minutes to setup any distance i want and shoot a few arrows so sometimes ill shoot for 10 minutes and other times an hour. my fiance shoots also so it gives us something to do every once and a while even if it is for a short time but i always enjoy it no matter how many i shoot
    1 point
  3. I think nobody is running yet because there isn't anyplace to run to .... lol. Our biggest problem is that we are trying to change to be like every other country. We keep trying to convert other countries to Democracy, and all that is being accomplished is that they are moving us toward their socialism (and worse). It all relates to the globalization of America in which we are letting foriegn countries influence our values and theories of government. Let's hope those smart sheep can figure a way to get us back to a little bit of nationalism and forsake this damned copy-cat attitude that our leaders have come to embrace.
    1 point
  4. I agree, but so far as I read all this stuff, I have yet to see where any of these intrusive processes are doing what they were jammed into law to do. For example, I see nothing that gets at the mental state of permit candidates. Not that I can think of anything that would do that. But every law that has been passed (and there are volumes of them), I have heard no one state which law should have prevented this event. Of the few actual suggestions that I have heard offered here, there are none of them that actually would do what people think they would and none of them would have prevented what happened in Colorado. I'm having a hard time jumping on this new gun-law bandwagon, when no one has anything new to offer. As I said once before, I think we have reached the end of the road in terms of effective, useful legislative solutions. Now all I see is a bunch of re-runs. It's a tough deal, but there is no way I can sign onto this idea of flailing around passing laws that have no true realistic expectations of actually doing anything. We have already had far too much of that.
    1 point
  5. I know some of you guys don't like Ted, but he has been on before with Piers and sets him straight on guns. Piers, Obama, Bloomberg all want us to be like England. No guns, socialized health care ect.... Hope we vote to take back our freedom in November!
    1 point
  6. Just beautiful...I think they misnamed the wood chucks...it should be Ground bears....lol
    1 point
  7. One thing I'd like to point out is KNOW YOUR EXITS. Where money or tickets are collected you enter through one door, 99.9 % leave that way even if its out of their way,in times of emergency as well. You can leave through any exit in normal times, let alone something like this. The " Great White" bar fire is a classic example people jammed up at the front door and died, many went right past other exits, plus those big windows right next to the front door would fall to any bar stool. One can seldom go wrong doing opposite of the masses. and yes I try to sit near an aisle, and always know the exits. This is not anything against the victims, just trying to help get folks thinking.
    1 point
    1 point
  9. I hunted at a preserve when I was 12 for a Boar, it was a blast. I went with a friend and his son for again a Boar hunt, and again, it was a blast. The boars were no different than the ones I hunted in TN. The only difference was their address! Fact is, I have hunted deer around suburbia that were as dumb as a box of rocks until they were educated by me filling tags. As far as a fence goes, who cares? If it's a sizeable partial of land, hunting with or without a fence means nothing, the animals adapt and avoid the hunters . Truth be known, fences are the only way to keep the trespassers out and the concept of management in. I live in PA and have an honest job that pays good. I can't afford to go to Africa to hunt, but I might me able to swing a hunt in Texas. A preserve hunt can afford a guy the opportunity to hunt a species not native to our area. Not everyone has the funds to travel all over the world to hunt, be realistic. If you are hunting a a seriously confined area, that is a canned hunt and should be considered unethical. 300 acres of land with hogs as far as I'm concerned is no different than 1000 acres without a fence. I see guys with guns and scopes setups capable of killing an animal 1,000 yards away. That can be labeled as unfair, but who am I to judge. Should we all be subjected to shooting a rifle only capable of killing an animal at 50 yards and open sites. To each his own. I say go get em, have a good time.
    1 point
  10. The America that our forefathers created was the greatest country in the world... what our government is turning it into is not. America is no better off now than when King George was in power... George Washington would be rolling over in his grave from what has happen to this country. The progressive movement will be Americas downfall by moving us back towards what we fought so hard to escape.
    1 point
  11. Let's say the crap hits the fan. Are you guys really worried about the government enslaving us? (they already are in many ways) Did you see how hard it was for allied troops to secure Iraq and other countries? Do you really think it can happen here in OUR backyards? I think not. They can't even contain a nation of rock throwers. If this legislation gets through it'll be the last straw that breaks the camels back.
    1 point
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