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The Democrats eventually want to limit how much ammo you can possess at one time too. Allowing them to get away with this one, simply emboldens them to move on to the next oppressive attempt. They have already floated bills to limit how much ammo anyone can own, but they got shot down as ridiculous. But everytime they are allowed to pass any bill like this one, they lower the level of objection to each new, more restrictive bill, they want to put into law. Thinking this is common sense legislation is a recent trend. Twenty years ago, it would have sparked huge outrage from folks who were not numb to government oppression of our rights. How much are you willing to allow them to dictate? With every little encroachment, you invite them to come up with more.2 points
How many of you guys/gals hunt woodchuck with your archery equipment? I went out Thursday evening and got three. I even got two of 'em with one shot (first time that ever happened!), I took my camera along to take photos, but deceided not to - they would be terribly graphic. Two babies and a momma. Gonna go back out probably Monday - there's more to be had. It's outstanding practice for deer hunting!1 point
1 point
I agree. Trail cams at this time of year are just for getting us excited about the deer in the area. I wouldn't expect to hone in on a stand location until the last few weeks before the season.1 point
He also said management buck in his very first statement of this thread. That's culling...unless you care to disagree? Seriously, he's talking about trying to change genetics ina free range herd...AND he is talking about doing that before he's even reached a healthy age class structure. First off, it doesn't work. Second, he's pulling the cart before the horse even if in theory it did.1 point
He said (copy and pasted from page 2, Bold and underline added for effect by me): That is why I posted the pic. I'm torn when it comes to the 6pt because he's a awesome buck but part of me says "man if he made it through this year..." So I was looking to get opinions from other hunters who might be able to give me some insight to bring to the table when my hunting buddies and I decide what to do. This is a super nice 6 pt but has he reached his maximum growth potential? The idea is to work to have trophy deer (150 Class) on the property. In order to achieve this goal you have to try and take out the bucks which have poor genetic traits for growing big antlers so the big boys can have all the ladies. Also you have to let the 2-3 year olds walk, If a 2-3 year old deer is already 100-120 inches his potential to be a "trophy buck" is very good. If you or anyone else was looking to manage your property in a similar fashion to how we are would this 6pt be a buck you would put on the hit list this year or give him another year to grow? If a buck is under 120 inches and we decide his potential to be a trophy buck isn't there then we as a club will still put him on the hit list even if he is under 120 inches. So age was brought up by the original poster. Thanks. Man you guys are an sensitive bunch!1 point
1 point
I have a neighbor that I'm sure burns up enough ammo to keep the feds busy if they started monitoring that sort of thing. I have seen others that have no problem burning up 1000 rounds. annually, I go through quite a bit of ammo myself. Do we want our law enforcement officers chasing around after all these innocent, legal, harmless activities? I mean we can come up with enough nonsense-type laws to keep them all busy watching us law abiding folks so that they won't have time to investigate real terrorists and others that really do pose a threat. I mean, if we put our minds to it, I'm sure we can concoct all kinds of worthless laws to keep them people busy and vitually impotent in terms of being able to do their job.1 point
Must be something about lefties and the 25-06. My crooked(lefty) shooting father has been shooting and swearing by that round for 40 yrs. Whenever he tells people he shoots a 25, people just always seem to nod and grin. It's a sweet ride...A memory i will never forget was watching a big mulie in my binos as Dad drilled him from 300 yrds. I could see the impact clearly as the deer popped all fours off the ground and went down. He scrambled to his feet, only to make it another 40yrds and it was over. I can still hear that crack of the rifle going off in that Rocky Mountain canyon. Good memories. He has always been fond of the Rugers.1 point
I learned to trap as a kid from some real characters I bet you knew. I used to help Okie Butcher with my siblings do mail outs of trapping booklets and fill orders. Hung out at the store (O. L. Butchers trapping supplies) a lot. I wish I had copies of those booklets they were pretty cool. I still hunt there and I know that's coming to an end, bummer. Thanks everyone for the welcome.1 point
I can't controlled what my neighbors shoot. If I pass up a buck and neighbors shoot it so be it. I chose to let it walk. We try to shoot 3 1/2 old bucks and up. It doesn't matter the size of the rack.1 point
It's an issue of left vs right because typically it is the Left who come up with these types of knee-jerk feel good laws so they can feel like they're accomplishing something. The lunatic who shot up the movie theater had his apartment booby-trapped and rigged to explode with enough stuff to level the building. Can you honestly tell me you believe that he couldn't have 1) lied when they asked him what he wanted the ammo for and 2) if he couldn't get it he would've just thrown up his hands and not gone through with his evil plot with explosives instead? I shoot a lot so before I started handloading I would buy most of my ammo at the gun shows in Syracuse so I'd buy 3-4000 rounds at each show. If my friend couldn't go I'd grab some for him too. I know people who will pitch in and get a big order together to get a better deal on shipping. When you could still get Federal .22LR 550 rnd bulk packs at WalMart for $9.99 I'd grab three or four on payday to stock up for the summer. I have news for you, there are evil people out there who aren't right in the head. They are going to do evil s - - t. Once they have already commited themselves to breaking the ultimate laws of God and man in murdering people, the threat of a felony weapons charge ain't gonna' stop them.1 point
I would agree with split and Doe completely but it is so hard to do in reality. The mental discipline it takes to let 135" 3.5 yr olds walk is not easy. You think letting forks and spikes walk causes anxiety with hunters, try letting ny book bucks go until they make it to 4.5 yrs old.. That's hard.. Granted, it is a restriction we bring on our selves so we only have ourselves to blame but thats the game we have decided to play. My failures in this area are well documented and so thank goodness for hunting partners with a good sense of humor.. And for a few big deer to even the score..LOL1 point
Now that we got most of the judgemental comments out there, I seriously think that this is what it boils down to. I don't know if this buck is as good as he's going to ever be but to me, it doesn't matter. He doesn't meet the stated goals so on our property he's a walker and sounds like yours as well so don't even give it any more thought. If the neighbors shoot him, good for them. If he lives next year and blossoms into a 140" dandy, good for you. Either way, it doesn't sound like you are lacking in good opportunities there on your grounds so leaving him is the only choice for me.JMO As for the removing him from the herd statement, As others have said, I think you are wasting time and mental energy even concidering this into the equation. It does not work in the free range period.. And lastly on this particular buck, I do not think he is anything more then a 3.5 yr old and does have some yrs ahead of him for growth. He walks in my book. Good luck with him and ultimately only you should make that choice.1 point
Some guys buy alot of rounds at once to save money on the ammo, shipping costs, etc. This isnt just about hunting here guys. What about competitive shooters and guys that spend alot of time at the range? Honestly, you guys sitting here saying that you support this law because YOU have no need to buy more than 1000 rounds at a time, are being pretty doggone selfish and short sighted. Just wait till they keep whittling it down further and further. At some point it will affect you and youll be crying about it. Like the old saying goes, give them an inch, theyll take a mile.1 point
The conundrum is 2 "bricks" of .22's is 1,000 rounds. (No one's ever bought a couple of bricks of .22's, especially when they are on sale?) Giving in to death by a thousands cuts isn't good.1 point
I, too, can agree with Bill...with one reservation: I buy ammo online. I like such purchases to be my business...with me and the dealer knowing...no one else. Now, I have not, and will never be ordering 1000 rds of any kind of ammo, but I fear, nonetheless, that I will be placed on some sort of govt. "watch list" if this law passes and I buy ammo online thereafter. I do not like govt. watching over my shoulder.1 point
Steep and thick and no where near food sources like fields. This particular spot is up on a flat ( funnel ) on the side of a mountain. I once saw a chart the DEC did on embryos taken from car killed doe. They would measure them and they could tell the aprox. conception date. There were dates from the middle of oct peaking about the 10 - 15 th of Nov and petering out from there all the way to Jan and Feb even. So with that info I conclude that if you hunt the doe starting in late Oct. by the middle of Nov you are bound to see a buck checking those doe out.1 point
Better not shoot that deer with the Circle Jerk Ranch brand on it's hynder.. He's mine..1 point
If you haven't shot a deer in 3 years, why are you passing up a 120" deer? I only hunt the 3 week shotgun season and pass up smaller bucks the first weekend in the season, but once Thanksgiving comes I gladly take any buck I can get. I only live once, and my goal is to shoot a buck every year if I can. I was plenty happy with my 3 pointer last Thanksgiving morning.1 point
That's what the answer should be. Not whether he should be taken out in the name of management.1 point
Hello 2 gun willy, and welcome, I too am new to the site and enjoy it very much. I often hunt fish and trap in Washington County and have since the early 1950s.1 point
Funny thing for me is I don't care much at all for his style of hunting... but i love the way he defends hunting and firearms.1 point