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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/12 in Posts
I would rather break the law and shoot a deer out of season than live off socialism.2 points
Offer them 100,000 its been on the market that long they just might go for it.Goodluck!1 point
This is an interesting thread... I think Doc kind of hit it on the head for me... as far as the eating what you kill thing. I think a good hunter knows how to balance all the things that you fellas talk about... I never get to deep about any of it... I enjoy hunting, I like to eat wild game, I am very conscious of conservation and do my part to give back by doing the right things for the animal first and myself second... I try to remember that without the animals we hunt... there would be no hunting and we would not be having this conversation... Most of all I try to remember that there are way more important things in the world than hunting... family, friends, health, and happiness being a few of those things...1 point
Very nice.Look's like you have got enough there for Bow-regular and muzzle loader to good luck and Goodhunting to you.1 point
1 point
I think I've said this before... I personally believe if you want to help the herd and make hunters happy.. it should have been put to a 1 buck rule.. period.. no restrictions other than that... you want to shoot a spike.. shoot it and your buck tag is done..1 point
i would live off family and friends then maybe the land before welfare. I think some people should be forced to live off the land for the purpose of learning how to be self sufficient instead of me supporting them.1 point
So in essence we want equality in the first breeding cycle so all does get bred. Cuts down on the 2nd rut, helping those deer regain strength to make it through the winter. Does will drop their fawns at the correct time of year. Factors that come into play-early rut, late spring snowfall, age class of bucks being killed during season and DMP's. I'm starting to understand what your saying Joe:) The health of the herd.........1 point
Justin, i wouldn't show anyone else that deer.. He's a beast. Good luck with him. Also a very nice 8 pointer on your camera Wheeleiman..1 point
1 point
Be careful some people may question whether you are serious when you say that.1 point
Why do people use the Bible so much to decide on what's right, or wrong for the country ? The Bible should not decide our laws.Times changed Through the years I've heard many people quote the Bible and most of the time only the parts that they like.They also preach that they know how God is going to judge. How they know that I'll never figure out . I'm not a religious person, but have read some of the Bible.. I read above about Sermon on the Mount. Correct me if I'm wrong , but wasn't it said in Sermon on the Mount something like if a man looks at a woman with lust he's committing adultery and it's better to pluck out his eye than to commit that sin( I think it was stronger then that). Well I know a lotta Bible quoters and supposedly religious people droolin' over some married women and none of 'em are wearing eye patches. So I guess that one didn't apply... Or when asked about the 2 greatest commandments didn't Jesus say that one of them was love your neighbor.. I read some liberal hating on this site and not just the ideas,they hate the liberals (their neighbors) . I guess they are not Bible people since one of the top 2 was love your neighbor.. So should we condemn the violators of those 2 teachings too, or just the one about the one's we chose,like same sex relationships. If a person believes in God's judgement, how will he be judged for those 2 sins.. I am neither liberal, or conservative. I chose an issue I listen to both sides and decide. I am in favor of same sex marriage.Gays were born Gay, so who am I to judge, especially since it is based on love between 2 consenting adults. Unlike the womanizers, or neighbor hater's who chose their "sin", homosexuals were born with the desire for someone of the same sex, so how can that be sinful especially since it hurts no one. I know some say if we allow that then "they" can allow some other extensions of marriage. I think that's all nonsense . The issue is solely same sex marriage. I also ,know some will say that some people are born with desires that are dangerous, well that's not the case for same sex love between two adults. I don't think that the elected officials should have made an issue against the CEO's first amendment rights because he did not say he wouldn't serve them. However, it went public and people were offended and hurt because it sounded to me like he said they're going to be condemned by God. If you own a company that serves the public, you are entitled to your opinions and to say them out loud. However , when you do, you have to realize that if your statements are hurtful the subject's of your remarks will be highly offended. So he , as an intelligent man must have realized that . I, as a hunter,am offended by organizations that preach that I am going to hell because I kill God's creature's . How many hunter's, or gun owner's would by food from an animal rights activist. If a CEO of a company was on tv and said we were murders would you boycott them and tell people here and everywhere else to do the same...1 point
But I'm the arrogant one for trying to explain the benefits of age structure to him... maybe we should explain the benefits of hunting laws to him instead... nah... he won't understand that either.1 point
aweful!! yet just another reason to conceal carry everyday. I think these shooting are set up by obama to help his anti gun ban compaign....1 point
That about sums it up for the rest of us too..LOL.. I sure don't want to force any legal hunting views on you..1 point
In the Bible, Mathew records Jesus' famous sermon on the Mount in chapters 5,6, and 7. The basis of "Hate the sin, Love the sinner" in Christianity is the following passage from Jesus' sermon, "You have heard that it was said, 'You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.' But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for he makes his sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you salute only your brethren, what more are you doing than others? Do not even the Gentiles do the same? You, therefore, must be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Mathew 5:43-48) Here the command is to love one's enemies. This means loving for people what we love for ourselves of goodness. This does not mean, however, that we love the acts of sin. Jesus still confronted his enemies, but did so with the intention to reform one's enemies.That's because we recognize the destruction of sin so we want others to leave sin just as we would want to. "Treat the people the way you want to be treated." This is the essence of love for the sake of God. You're Welcome.1 point
They have the same rights as every other American. They can marry any other person they choose, as long as they are of the opposite sex. That is equality by definition. What they are asking for is preferential treatment and an exception to the standard right. If they get it, they will have been granted a right that is not for the general populace, but for a protected class of people only. That is a very dangerous thing to start doing with regard to rights. Elected officials do not have the power to infringe on Constitutional rights, even if all of their constituents want them to do it. We are a land governed by the rule of law, not the tyranny of men. As far as the judgement allegation, I'm not judging the man, I'm judging the action being promoted. If you understand the Bible, you know that is what we are called to do. The pious do not allow immorality to prosper without objection.1 point
oh, never mind. I mighta' got a warning for what I was gonna' post. I don't want to tarnish my perfect record. <<grin>>1 point
I name mine tender loin, steaks, backstraps and the really big old ones I call sausage.1 point
Yeap.... and if your friends are like mine , there will not be any help given until pictures are taken and a lot of laughing happens.1 point
Who else thinks shooting and tuning your bow is relaxing and theraputic? (on days it goes well that is)1 point