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That poor buck has been killed in numerous states too many times . Time to put him in someone's freezer .2 points
Yea, so I missed with the first shot. The next two killed this pair out of a flock of 50-60 this morning in the pea soup fog. Saw some ducks but they were out of range. The dog did good, she's only handled a handful of geese over the years and these were no problem. Good times.....2 points
1 point
So with this weather shutting things down for many of us over the next few days....I want to just make a friendly reminder...in the excitement to get back out...especially with climbers...the storm may pass...but the danger will not. After all these soil soaking rains and what ever winds that may hit..... tree roots will not be stable...you may think the tree is big thus stable but this is where the "bigger they are the hard they fall " saying comes in...Just be careful and safe everyone...and they call those broken limbs "widow makers" for a reason...heads up1 point
started hunting this property 8 years ago, and what a transformation of the quality of deer. back the all pictures of bucks were small young bucks, then it was a heavy hunted area but not anymore. now we have about 600 acres total and guys cooperating on dm. As per trail cameras and lots of them, ratio of quality older bucks to small younger bucks back 8 years ago was 1/8, now its about 1/2. so far this season been seeing alot of nice ones, that didnt go nocturnal yet. great shape jumping flash, imagine how fast he would jump bow young one two 8's fight fight call this guy the vampire only night pics1 point
Sandy just took out my internet ???? thank God for smartphones. Nevermnd. Back up again. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk1 point
To kill waterfowl, you must shoot them in the head. Think SWING: butt...belly...beak...BANG!1 point
1 point
You will get it, good luck... Good point about getting out of the boat... if you are swinging a shotgun fast enough to hit ducks, you will either fall over or tip a boat if you are standing. You need to get out of the boat and wade. Its not the recoil that tips boats, its your swing, and if your not swinging, you cant hit birds...1 point
I have had Great luck with Anthony Scorza. . He has done 2 deer head mounts and a Bear rug for me. Great detail work. 585-586-5311. He has to be over 90 but be careful when you shake his hand he has a hand shake a WWE wrestler would envy.....lol1 point
I live in upstate NY up by Lake Ontario and the St Lawrence. I think at least in our area, they are blowing this storm way out of proportion...they are letting schools out early and everything over some wind. We've got high winds before and people don't get let out early. But because this is attached to a hurricane it's a huge deal. lol. Good luck to all - especially those of you in southern NY and near the city. I have a wood stove, gas stove top, car charger for my phone, and a bathtub and buckets full of water to flush the toilet if the power goes out. I'm set. lol.1 point
Yesterday afternoon, I saw on the radar that we were going to get a break in the rain, so I grabbed my gear and headed out to my stand. It was perfectly quiet getting in, and I ran a drag of doe in heat scent on my way in, hoping a buck would run across it while scent checking the field edges or out browsing. I got in my stand and settled in with some freshly made venison jerky and apple cider. The wind was out of the NW, and kept shifting to a N wind, which was concerning me a bit because it was swirling through the woods a bit. I figured it would be OK, since it was headed away from the bedding I expected the deer to be coming from. It was a slow, dull sit as I had zero sightings. At around quarter after 5, I made sure to flip up the seat on my stand, as magic hour was upon me and I figured I would see something then. I was texting with a buddy when I heard a twig snap behind me at about quarter to 6. I quickly put my phone away and turned to see what it was. I saw what looked like a horse in the timber, about 60 yards behind me. I grabbed my binos and looked through them at a very large rack on the head of this big bodied buck. He was headed right from the bedding out to the corn field, but had used a different trail than I was hoping for. I grabbed my grunt tube and gave him a couple of grunts, and his head snapped right toward me. I could see his antlers were well outside his ears and he had very long brows and G2s, with a good amount of mass. Slowly, he turned in my direction and started my way on a trail that I figured would bring him to 30 yards at my 3 oclock, so I grabbed my bow and turned quietly into position. Over the next 10 minutes he worked his way down the trail and came out right where I thought he would, but about 5 yards further away than I was thinking, with a bunch of brush between us. Damn. He then continued past my lane through the thick stuff and I lost sight of him. I knew he was trying to get downwind of my position, but figured if the breeze held out coming from the NW, I should have a shot before being busted, so I hit him with a couple of doe bleats to keep his attention. He started circling in, through our unplanted food plot, just like I was hoping for, and as he stepped into my first lane, I came to full draw. Unfortunately, he stepped in and quartered right to me. He finally stopped at 20 yards, but I couldnt take a shot, as he was quartering hard to me. All I could think was turn turn turn, when I felt the wind hit the back of my neck! Crap! Just after that happened, his nose went up and he backed straight away, turned, and went right back where he came from. I turned, hoping he would go through the lane to my right, and hit him with a grunt as he did, he didnt pay any attention and I watched him walk into the corn field. I had to sit down for a few minutes, as I was shaking like mad, then I got down and left. I am almost 100% sure the deer was one I had an encounter with last year. I named him Tank last year because of his big body, and he is even bigger this year. He is still an 8 point, but is wider, taller and has more mass than last year, I would say a solid 140 if not more. Here is the best cam pic I have of him from last year. I dont have him yet this year.1 point
1 point
Good shootin! You've got to hook up with us sometime when we go on our airgun hunts.1 point
I am a pretty avid waterfowl hunter have been for a long time and a lot of it is focusing down the barrel and not just shooting at the game. Clay targets are way different then live game especially when coming at you at all angles and speeds and flaring at the last minute Your fine with a modified choke that is best for duck hunting. I would switch to 4s instead of 2s for duck and leave the 2s for goose. Gives you more shot spread out in a little bigger pattern. Kents are a very good shell. What size shell are you using?? 2 3/4, 3, or 3 1/2. I would suggest using 3s or 3 1/2s! Depending on direction the birds are coming you may need to lead them a bit more. However I always say its best to let the birds decoy in and not just sky bust. Work on your calling, have the right decoy spread working with the wind and let them cup up and suck right down in. Be patient and wait for them to just about hit the water, at this point their momentum in sucking them down and is a perfect time to "Take Em". Your shots are usually straight on allowing you time if you miss to follow up by the time the birds have enough momentum to get the lift they need to fly away. Patients and practice and experience will make you a better shot and hunter!! Good luck and enjoy the wonderful world of waterfowl hunting!!!1 point
Kentfasteel works very well for me...I never use any steel shot smaller than #2 for ducks and BB for geese.. I suspect that you are using too tight a choke.. You are just fringeing those birds...I use a IC choke in my 11-87and IC/mod in my O/U. I would HIGHLY recommend an IC choke tube with steel shot in any single barreled gun at any range that steel shot is capable of cleanly killling waterfowl..Which is about 40 yards.. I suspect that switching to an IC choke is the best advice you will get from this thread. However, when you are talking about steel, SPEED KILLS. That is unlike lead, where 200 -300 FPS is much less important than pattern density and weight of the shot load. There are many factory loads today with high velocity non toxic loads. I have had good luck with the Kentfasteel. There are probably other loads that work as well, or perhaps better. I DO know that the Kents kill much better than the generic steel loads that were available back when non toxic shot first beame mandatory.1 point
I agree that it's probably operator error but I would pattern your gun just to make sure you don't have any holes in your pattern. And if you do try a different choke/shell combo. Also what I've noticed a lot of people do (me included) when it comes time too shoot is they don't get down on their gun fully and end up shooting high, and sometimes crippling birds. Make sure your cheek is tight and you have a good sight picture of your bead and the bird. Good luck!1 point
Wow what a night 6 bucks 4 shooters and a bruiser at 45 yards but no shooting lane. All following does!! Too bad this storm is coming it will shutt down deer movement.1 point
1 point
Shawn, I believe hes not talking about just stalking quietly in the woods looking for deer, he is talking about how they do it out west were they use a spotting scope and identify their target from a long distance and try to stalk up for a closer shot in range nothing what so ever like you walking around with a bb gun and kicking up a few deer. newbee correct if im wrong on this.1 point
Pretty neat to really see the difference between 2 eight points. One is about 2yrs old and the other about 4 yrs old. Dates are incorrect, first week of Oct.1 point
You dont need a fur trapping license or a nuisance wildlife trapping license to trap animals causing damage to your property or creating a nuisance where you live. If somebody does this for a fee, he needs a nuisance license. The permit is not the same as either of the above licenses. If it was an unprotected species like a woodchuck, red squirrell, or porcupine, the permit is not needed. Raccoons are partially protected, that is they can be taken, but only during established seasons. I had a permit issued when I was doing someone a favor, but when I requested a permit to take care of animals at my residence I was told to go ahead without the permit... So you may or may not need this permit, it is best to call and find how to be in compliance with the regulations. If you have a fur trapping license and the problem is during the trapping season, you are trapping under the fur trapping regs, a possible issue is the restriction against setting a trap within 100 feet of a house other than your own without permission. I am not aware of any exceptions for cage traps to this reg.. Considering pets and the perception of children getting caught or bitten by a trapped animal, go with the cage, even set it INSIDE your garage. As far as burying the carcass, what is a carcass? Trappers refer to it as the animal with the pelt removed but trappers didnt craft the law. Read the regs, what does it sound like? As I said the actual permits have a list of conditions of the permit with check boxes - one of them stipulates "bury carcasses". The permit I was issued did not have this box checked... The handling of beaver carcasses is more restricted after a certain date and I have no idea why... Curiously, solid waste can also be put in the trash or to the dump, so why specify bury? Maybe it is an oversight, but it only takes two seconds to dig a hole....1 point