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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/30/24 in Posts

  1. I don't plan to go out until Saturday . I don't hunt unless I have someone with me . I didn't get to be 83 by being too stupid .
    3 points
  2. The tags were all attached to the back tag, they had perforations and they were just torn off. Al
    3 points
  3. This site and any site need to have new members. Everyone has a different perspective on any situation, and it would be nice to hear of different ideas or hear different scenarios. Also it's hard to get on here when it's slow and freezes often. It's easier to get in other site.
    3 points
  4. Works good for me. Stopped wiping it on trees because marks it leaves behind are ugly. Wipe a little on my boot heels before walking to stands. Take the top off and lay the stick down on my shooting rail when I get to stand. Killed several mature bucks (3.5 yr) while using it. One for sure wouldn’t have got without it because he stopped at my walk in trail, giving me plenty of time to stitch a slug though thick woods. Never would have been able to do that if he didn’t stop to smell my trail.
    2 points
  5. Pulled cards from my cameras. Seems the big bucks have exited stage left. Haven't seen one in a few weeks. Did ppick up this fat Bear and Coyoyes chasing deer. Seems the yotes surprised them!
    2 points
  6. I have a folder full of old sporting licenses and back tags from years past, they sure have evolved. Al
    2 points
  7. Heard good things and a few not so good I keep my hunting clothes in a big bin with a couple scent wafers , thinking of leaving a tube of EverCalm in the bin open ..
    1 point
  8. Two thumbs up!!!!! Been using it for years. It will leave a white streak on anything you rub it on. Super easy to use. I rub some on my boots then a couple of smooth bark trees while getting close to stand. Once in stand i'll rub it one more time on the tree. Also last a while.
    1 point
  9. less than 24 hours! I was able to take tomorrow off, gonna try to get some slickheads in range!
    1 point
  10. That Bear has been eating good! Al
    1 point
  11. Fat bear indeed! Great pics!
    1 point
  12. Couple 180-90 sets? Conversation piece for sure.
    1 point
  13. Nice pictures. If you're coming this way for hunting this year I'll take a rack or two please lol
    1 point
  14. It has been very peaceful on this site since many disgruntled members left .
    1 point
  15. We have about the same number of darker colored deer here as on average, I'd say. Only once in 25 years, a nice buck showed up with a chocolate colored rack., dark coat Some of my bow hunting trauma days.
    1 point
  16. Yeah, it might be a good idea to have some zip-lock sandwich bags with you to put the tags in for attachment to the carcass.
    1 point
  17. Not sure about pain as they have no problem sticking them into brush or even using the fence at times to get the velvet off, Then they eat it. I will say that they transform into a little different attitude after they lose the velvet. And they sure enjoy the taste of the blood that comes out. They will just rub their racks down their sides and then stand there forever licking themselves.
    1 point
  18. Which is exactly what I just got done doing. As it turned out, The DEC sent me only the cover letter and left out all the other stuff. So I was beat before I even got started. She did her magic on the computer and now I've got carcass tags and DMPs. I'm happy again.
    1 point
  19. The media likes to make this election all about Trump and Harris but do not get pulled into that narrative, the big picture is about party policy and party platform, that where the focus should be and which party is looking out for your interests!! From where I sit the Democrats are doing everything in their power to ruin my life and lifestyle! Listing just few things that do not sit well with me. Let's start with some law and order, cashless bail, defunding police, riots and violence. Open borders, letting anyone vote, welfare state, big government, high taxes, over regulation, inflation, socialism, communism, and who gets the bill? They want to ban oil, internal combustion engines, cars and motorcycle, boats will be affected, ban coal, ban burning wood, ban propane, it is what I use to heat and cook with! Anti farming and over regulating, Animal rights radicals, anti meat eating Anti hunting and fishing, anti trapping, anti firearms, anti traditional ammunition and ammunition period! There is plenty more but my fingers are getting tired from typing all the crap various groups of knuckleheads in the Democrat party are trying to pull they are not our friends! Little by little like death from a 1000 cuts they are ruining this country and turning it into a shithole, the people better take their blinders off and pay attention! Al
    1 point
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