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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/08/24 in Posts

  1. I find it amazing how many deer hunters there are who have never even hunted from the ground. They think tree stands are the only way to hunt them. To each their own I guess. Many tree stand hunters will tell you that if you follow safety rules you'll be fine and never have a fall. I've always been of the frame of mind that if you hunt long enough you'll surely have at least a close call or two. Hopefully it will only be a close call and nothing worse. At this stage of my life I'll keep my feet on the ground. I can still fall on my face if I trip over something but it won't be nearly as bad as falling from a tree.
    2 points
  2. I used to hunt from tree stands but as I got older it became more apparent how unsafe it is. No deer is worth it. I know I've missed seeing deer hunting from the ground but so be it. At least I know I won't be another statistic like in the link below. https://www.syracuse.com/state/2024/11/buffalo-mayors-brother-killed-in-hunting-accident.html
    2 points
  3. Buck down! Rattled and he came flying in
    2 points
  4. My Dad when speaking about tree stand safety, "it is not the fall that will kill you, it is the sudden stop at the end" Al
    1 point
  5. I had to look back at what I said 12.years ago. Funny, no reply. I have always been one to mix it up with ground sits and tree stands through the years. Heights never bothered me, as I use to climb silos in my younger days. As I've aged, I leaned more towards natural ground blinds. The grand children come over and like to make them. They like doing the work and enjoy sitting behind them with me. It's great practical experience for them and teach them a skill they can use in their future hunting events. We also have natural tree blow downs, that really pays off sometimes.
    1 point
  6. I am pretty disappointed in anything made using Gortex, billed as being waterproof I have found it to be anything but! Be it a jacket, pants or boots they all were far from being waterproof, better than nothing I suppose but not by much! Al
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. The smart mature ones avoid the cameras, most of the time.
    1 point
  9. The MAD silent dog whistle which allegedly made Toms gobble. Good thing it wasn’t a lot of money.
    1 point
  10. I'm in 8P also same here. Hope this weekend it changes.
    1 point
  11. I hope so. Been dead in the woods. Congrats on your season so far!
    1 point
  12. Older bucks seem to be locked down with does in 8P/8R. I have seen some younger bucks out cruising, but the bigger guys aren't visible (even on camera, overnight, etc.).
    1 point
  13. Deer are pretty nosy. I think that if your tree stand is close to your house or another popular area they could get used to noise and then not flinch when you're making extra noise.
    1 point
  14. Farmer showed up started cutting the corn, so pulled the plug and be back out on weekend. Nothing showed while in the stand.
    1 point
  15. For the Millions upon Millions whom will be leaving the USA and heading to Canada !
    1 point
  16. I saw that in one of the videos .
    1 point
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