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Everything posted by jusputtn

  1. Is that a Model 40? I have the single shot version in 22 hornet. Nice firearm.
  2. If anyone has reading issues, the hunter ed instructors can assist them.
  3. I find the AR arguement that bucks aren't reaching maturity to be untrue. I've been hunting the same property for 30 years with a few friends. Wé've seen some really nice ones but have only gotten 3 of them in that time. Just talking about the nice ones, not mediocre bucks or does. Once a buck gets past a 1 1/2 then tend to get real sneaky. I find it hard to believe that the status of a heard, that has been growing for 20 years to be unbalanced/unhealthy. I've read books on deer biology, QDM & TDM. I understand how a balanced herd, buck to doe, is important. QDM & TDM are purely personal choices to obtain bigger racks. If horn size isn't a vanity issue, then why are there "trophy buck" breeding programs and canned hunts for them. Shooting one of those is like bragging about climbing Mount Everest after getting a helicopter ride up to 29000 ft. (yes, I'm aware that helicopters can't fly that high, just making a point with a liberal dose of sarcasim tossed in) Why is the market value increasing for mounted trophies?
  4. Do you support AR's? Poll Response No. 1.- No Funny that I've never happened upon an article proclaiming the biological benefits of AR to a deer heard. If it were that great I'd expect to be bombarded with them. Observation: The deer heard has grown considerably in the last 20 years across the areas of NY without an AR limit. ('cept maybe the Adirondacks, not sure about that area) IMHO, AR's are merely to benefit the vanity of a few. Anyone one who wants AR's are free to set their own personal limits. Enjoy but leave me out of it.
  5. Larry, Don't tell us, tell the NYSDEC. The hunter ed programs, gun and bow, have mandated minimum lengths as well as mandated course content. Instructors are volunteer employees of the NYSDEC while in class. Become an instructor. Then you will be able to tailor your class schedule as best you can to fit your needs. It's not a full answer though, due to the mandates that I mentioned above. "If you play sports as my girls did you play YEAR round, add in a monster load of school work,vollentier work, part time jobs, clubs and 3 free nights during a school week don't exist . " How's a kid with this kind of schedule going to find time to hunt? Time to rearrange priorities.
  6. The farmer's livelihood is more important than your recreational hunting. Besides, if he goes out of business the property could be lost to housing or some Peta-phile.
  7. Found this on the last Saturday of turkey season. A 4'x2' oval of grass neatly pressed down next to it. Looked clean, just a bit of blood on the leg. I have a strong feeling that I disturbed a coyote's breakfast. Found a bit of old hide and bone from another fawn last fall during deer season. Only about 200 yds away.
  8. Don't cut it down. Push it down in a circular pattern, then you can blame it on aliens.
  9. I think what you mean to say is that Mark has not/can not be prejudged in anyway by the anti-hunting/anti-gun crowd. Unfortunately, Uncle Ted has been, though if the anti's gave an honest try at listening to him they'd find little to dispute in what he says. He's a very eloquent speaker, IMHO.
  10. @ Steve863 Its plain & simple that NY's gun laws do little, @ best, to reduce crime. They merely put additional burdens on us both to our freedom/rights & our wallets. Someone correct me if I'm wrong but isn't the NRA one of the biggest .org's out there? There's a reason for that. Don't portray the NRA as some headless beast. I am the NRA along w/ 4 Million (-1 ) other people.
  11. I'm not going to search out stats to support my view for pro-gun laws, just some thoughts here. Even if the murder rate where you live is .0000001%, you could be the one to find yourself to be the .0000001% unlucky winner (Most of us buy lottery tickets and the odds are much worse). You should have the right to defend yourself and family. The guns rights issue is far deeper seated than self-defense rights alone. The 2nd amendment was written by people freshly escaped from tyranny. They knew what they were writing and why. Think about it. Most gun laws only affect the people that we don't need to protect ourselves from, because we are the only ones that follow the laws. With murder being highly illegal, do you really think that someone bent on murder is going to say "wait a minute....what I'm about to do is a weapons violation....my bad, better walk away" right in the midst of it all. The majority rules, don't allow silly anti-gun laws to make a majority out of criminals. Why is it that some of our legislators/leaders don't trust their constituents?
  12. I have a Harris Bi-Pod. It's good for a long shot with time to adjust the legs so the gun stays level. Don't like it for quick/dynamic shots , can't pivot it much.
  13. NRA Life Member: because I value my freedom. Woodlawn Sportsmens Club: small club; good members; I live in a city, unfortunately, so the only alternative is a long drive. NYS Hunter Educators: feels good to give back
  14. http://www.pyramydair.com/p/RWS-34-Breakbarrel-Rifle-Striker-Combo.shtml Might as well have some fun with the ones that are too smart for the bucket trap.
  15. I ripped a piece of 1 x 3 poplar into 3/4 inch strips for mine. Picked a greenish looking piece out of the pile, which sorta of had a pre-camo'd look and put a clear finish on it. Also, used a wing nut for the pivot so I don't need a bullet catch. Oh almost forgot, went with the old school spoon look.
  16. Went to the Wildlife Sports & Educational Museum in Vails Mills today. Well, actually I used that as an excuse to swing by Franks Gun Shop. Glad I did both. The museum is worth a stop. Some impressive taxidermy there not to mention the rest of the displays of guns, traps, fishing gear, etc. It was refreshing to shop at Franks. They've a good stock of reloading components. The place has the feel of an old school gun shop.
  17. http://www.varmintal.com/abifu.htm Here's a link if you'd like to make your own.
  18. I decided to check the trigger pulls on my rifles for consistency. Got quite a surprise with my Model 700 as it was breaking at a bit over 5 lbs. The surprise came because quite a few years ago I paid a gunsmith to lower it to 3 lbs. It came back better than the factory setting (hate to think how heavy that was) so I assumed he'd done as asked. Now that the Internet is available, I searched on info to do it myself and it really wasn't very hard to do. The blessing of the Internet. I checked for info on my Browning Lever Rifle and found, as expected, that it's not easily adjusted. Not that it really needs to be with a 5 1/4 lb pull and just some creep to get used to. It's not meant to be a bench rest gun. Anyway, fella's on the Internet were saying how hard it is just to reassemble the rack and pinion gears while getting the "timing right". Glad I didn't know this when I pulled it all apart once to give it a good cleaning. Putting it back together wasn't too tricky. I do remember taking a few tries to get the gears lined up right but perseverance and a little thinking prevailed. Glad I didn't know about the "timing" thing. The curse of the Internet.
  19. Seems like a lot a fuss about a rack. Remember, ya can't eat the horns.
  20. "The black flies were horrible ! They serve no purpose on this planet !" I beg to differ. They serve a tremendous purpose protecting the Adirondacks. Can you imagine how crowded it would get if it wasn't for the black flies? The black flies keep the masses at bay. Hopefully the masses won't ever figure out that they all die off come July 1st.
  21. "Another design factor is in switch barrel guns; many countries regulate numbers of guns by a private owner. But that in some cases doesn't limit barrel count; that's why there are several manufacturers offering this feature. " I expect that these countries have issue with semi-autos as well. Outside of the changeable barrel, why? I bet my Browning Lever Rifle can cycle just as quickly at less than 1/5th the cost. Browning has a take down version of this but I don't know if you can swap barrels. Seems like it would at least work with the same case head size such as .243/.308. Not sure about the rest of their caliber options.
  22. Interesting ballistic program. I'll have to play with it. I've always wondered how much effect temperature and humidity play but have assumed them to be negligible at the short ranges that I shoot.
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