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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by squirrelwhisperer

  1. The guys in the last pic don't look like hunters, they look like some ppl I know from Sicily lol
  2. Just dump them under/near your apple trees lol
  3. The Left is the ultimate group of anti-america terrorists.They empower the Islamists and want to weaken our ability to defend our country and ourselves. We need Trump. More importantly, we need to vote all the leftist radicals out of office.
  4. "practicing lines from meet the parents" comes to mind! Start your "bail fund" now. I suggest you get her interested in martial arts at an early age!! Congrats on the beautiful baby girl. Hope mom is well.
  5. I have known a few "cheaters". Don't associate with them any more. I don't need DEC thinking I'm part of that group if/when they get caught. Now, come the zombie apocalypse when no food is available, I will be killing everything in my neighborhood lol.
  6. They are accustomed to ppl in the area. They don’t perceive us as a threat....until you enter the woods. I’ve often said the beat hunting spot I know of is my front steps...just not legal. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. If it buys me more season or I have no choice for a particular portion of the season, I'm there. Just saying my Savage is awesome. So unless, for one of the reasons mentioned, in my mind, I can't justify the expense. Not knocking those that like them in any way. My apologies if that's how I came across. Def not my intent. Just putting in my 2 cents. They say opinions are like a$$#ol3$, Everyone has one and they usually stink.
  8. Very good advise. I will def try to convince friends to join me in this (probably wasted) effort. My neighborhood is like a petting zoo. Most EVERYBODY feeds the deer, so saying that is gonna kill them in the winter is BS. My wife feeds them carrots by hand. I could literally hunt them with a hammer if so inclined. They see me walk out and come over thinking I have something for them. 100% fearless.
  9. Ml seem like a PITA honestly. I understand if it is an only option or extends the season, but other than that....PITA
  10. Sorry i didn't clarify....I'm on the Island. Bow from Oct 1 thru Jan 31. Firearms (shotgun/ML) Jan 5 thru Jan 31 No ML only "here"
  11. Wow. Excuse my french but bfd. I will stick with my Savage 220 until we get a ML only season here.
  12. My driveway across the street to the right, sry sideways Neighbors yard, sry sideways down the block, granted he feeds them across the street Coulda kicked them, not that I would but you could walk up to some of them similar to the pigeons in the city My friend Chris found this guy. Hit by a car 2 doors down form me.
  13. They keep all hunters out of there and secretly hunt there themselves. If they opened up this area, even as a lottery, it would be unbelievable. I have nice bucks and turkey in front of my house all the time because of this place. Just can't harvest any without breaking all kinds of law. Apparently only the ones with badges can break the law.
  14. Did you ever see the killer whales almost beaching themselves on one of them shows to get the baby seals? Had a seal do something very similar to me when I was gathering my decoys once. I must have looked like a cross between Jesse Owens and Jesus Christ as I ran along the surface of the water!!
  15. Early Spring in the bay then late spring in the ocean for me!! No ice in the salt this year. Very few seals too. Its always cool to see the seals floating with the tide, sunning themselves atop an iceberg. I did see some frozen puddles a few times in front of my house. lol Sorry for those that don't...I'm loving the weather this winter! One bummer about little to no snow down by the bay...more ticks/mosquitoes in the spring/summer.
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