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Everything posted by squirrelwhisperer

  1. Whether it leads to more does taken or not, I would welcome an extra month. I don’t understand why more ppl aren’t willing to take a doe. Personally I think they are better eating. I usually set out meat hunting and target does, which is not to say I would pass a wall hanger if presented the shot, but doe are the target. Afterwards I worry more about “head hunting”. Taking more doe is in our best interest, isn’t it? Won’t the bucks have to travel more to find a hot doe? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. They need to bring back doe season. Remember when you could only take a doe the first 2 weeks? I heard a rumor that they passed a law giving us February as well but have yet to enact it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Took my youngest out for a still hunt today. Walk a bit, sit a bit. His first tine on a deer hunt. We saw 10 deer, including 2 bucks. He scared every single one. Never had such a good time hunting!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Awesome pics! I must agree with @The_Real_TCIII about the leeches, tho. Yuck! I live right on the bay down here and White Egrets and Blue Heron are both fairly common. Love to watch them hunt. @Pygmy is right, AWESOME predators. So let me tell you a little story about one of my run ins with an egret...... It is DARK out. It's almost an hour before sunrise. No moon. Thick cloud. Snow coming any minute. Time for some duck hunting! I go to a feeder creek off the bay, perhaps more of a small river, maybe 75 yards to the other bank. Got the decoys done. I walk over to the cattails and just kinda back up into them. The water is only a foot or so deep but i am sunk down a good 4-6 inches into the silt. Load the Browning Gold. Still dark. Starting to snow. Hear ducks in the decoys. Really excited for legal light! What's that noise? Footsteps through the water? No one can get to this spot without a canoe or knowing my bud in the house over there at the dead end. They are getting closer. They definitely don't sound human. Not a deer. Can't be an alligator. Not a raccoon. Musk rat swim. What the hell is it?? They are right on top of me! They stopped. What happened? I hear two more steps, then from the right, out steps a white egret! Stops and turns to look right at me. Less than two feet away! This thing is tall. It didn't sink into the bottom like me but I am 5' 10" and this thing is almost eye level with me. Top of his head is about even with my chest. He doesn't realize what I am and is staring at me. WOW is that beak is long...and sharp looking. What if he spears me? I'm done. I think I am gonna crap in my waders. No way I could shoot him. They are so fast, I couldn't even bonk him on the head before he pierces me. After what felt like an eternity, I blink my eyes and this thing freaks out. Takes off making all kinds of racket. Takes all the duck with him, too. SOB! Imagine...a grown man...with a LOADED gun...scared of a bird!!
  5. I'm def pro Trump, but the tweet nonsense is a bit much. Most very wealthy guys want the one thing they don't have...fame. The nonsense and the rhetoric keeps him on everyone's lips, good or bad. If he does it to throw everyone off some trail so to speak, he is a genius. If he just can't help but have the last word, he should have been a woman lol. Either way....Keep America Great in 2020
  6. Agreed. Its just a ploy to control us and make us dependent on gov't. If they had their way only police and military would be allowed to have guns. Then when the s hits the fan, you have to go running to them for help. How can they stop the thug with the gun in your face demanding your wallet? They can't. My friend, Sig can tho. Go ahead, make it so difficult that a law abiding citizen can't get a gun....the bad guys still get them. F it...I'm gonna start carrying grenades!! Don't worry, I kno a guy. Fagedaboudit! I say we need to take the opposite approach...put a weapon in every law abiding citizen's hand. Encourage the good guys to be prepared to defend themselves. Get a weapon, train with it, be able to use it blindfolded, then hope you don't need it. Pray for the best, prepare for the worst!
  7. I have 2 teenage boys. Eating is all they do, lol! Thank God they are housebroken!!
  8. Didn't even see a deer Shoulda hunted from my front steps, that's where they were!! #worstseasonever
  9. I’d have the bow out the window. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. No crossbow on the Island Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  11. I can only imagine how much fun it was to be involved in your quest. I must say it was pretty exciting just watching from the sidelines. I can't wait to see how the 2020 "redemption" season unfolds. Very cool guys!! Well done.
  12. This all comes down to stupidity. We can infer that: 1. They were shooting at movement/sound 2. They did not identify their target nor what's beyond. 3. They sent multiple rounds down range at an unknown target. There are now two ppl dead because Jethro and Bubba didn't follow some simple safety rules. They deserve to be prosecuted. Now before I get crucified....yes accidents happen, but would this accident have happened if they were following the firearm safety basics?
  13. I always stayed home when it was windy like that thinking they hunker down in the wind because they can't hear anything and/or are spooked by it. After what I saw here that day, I look forward to going and lament all those days given up in the past.
  14. Love the first pic, Paul! I didn't know Retrievers were available in the mini variety. Always wanted a lab/retriever.
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