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Everything posted by squirrelwhisperer

  1. I am sorry friend Lee (swear didn't realize until I read it) It was proven inconclusive
  2. Neither did Burack Osama He wouldn't even prove he was a citizen
  3. Did you realize how we really haven't been hearing about Putzkin in Russia or the fat kid in N Korea? It's because Trump gives them pause and they think for a minute. They saw Obama for what he was...Spineless (and worthless). Trump scares them a little. They know he won't take no shat and won't let our military fight with their hands tied behind their backs. MURICA!! LAND OF THE FREE BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE TRUMP 2020
  4. If we were closer, I would hope one of them would be mine lol Regardless, first I would need to get him down so either way, you have nothing to worry about from me hahaha
  5. Total snowfall for the year at my house to date 1-1/4" Total rainfall 9,000,000"
  6. JFK is rolling over in his grave right now wondering what happened to his party
  7. You sir are an artist. Too bad we are sooo far apart.
  8. So much to say, So little time. Keep America Great!!!!!!
  9. I say we hunt, kill and eat the antis and developers. lol This will help "alleviate the environmental damage" caused by certain groups that don't understand certain things like carrying capacity and habitat. I hate when I see new condo complexes going up...I always feel bad for the now homeless deer and other critters.
  10. So I actually just watched the video about the air fryers. Very informative. I think I am changing my mind back to the convection oven. I can get it cheaper. It has larger capacity. Can do a lot more with it, including dehydrate. Easier to clean. It turns out better food. I think someone just got the idea of a new catch phase and made a smaller product with a bigger price tag. Clever marketing is all it is really. Would you rather fry with oil or air? Well obvsly not oil in this health conscious day and age. I still like my fries fried. Just don't tell my cardiologist.
  11. I was in Hawaii and asked a Hawaiian women why so many tattoos? She said it's for tribal identification. So I innocently said my wife needs one. A star on her neck. The woman asked me what tribe my wife was from. I told her the pain in the neck tribe.
  12. You never buy a steak...hardcore! I agree with Eddy, interesting article. Also agree with Belo, what happened to the meat? I don't kill anything I;m not going to eat. I tell my sons we are hunters, not a murderers. Wow, I guess I agree with everybody. That's a first lol. Nothing but love today. hahaha
  13. Oysters are very good raw with some hot cocktail sauce. I don't have the nuts to try ballz. Something inherently wrong with that in my mind. OMG ballz in cocktail sauce. Sounds like something that democrat would love....what's his name...Buttplug??
  14. Interest piqued! I love my 300 WM. One of my Kimbers is chambered for this. I use for long range shooting. Want to take it for elk one day. $1600-1700 for that almost evil gun is reasonable I think. My long range shooting partner is retired Marine Scout Sniper, he loves the 308 WIN but loads his own to make them hotter. Shoots a Sako. I was looking into a Sako but want to see where this goes first. How do the ballistics compare to the 300 WM or 308 WIN? Anybody know?
  15. Most bucks are still carrying down here on the Island. Not sure about the Catskills. I have seen some here had success "up there" already tho. I am going to start looking this weekend, personally.
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