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Everything posted by suburbanfarmer

  1. No more handguns or AR for civilians without mental health checks
  2. IMHO , its never wise to stand your ground with a cellphone when some one is coming towards you with a gun. If they had walked away the outcome would have been different. I know woulda coulda shoulda ...right Bad blood or not was shoveling snow something to lose 3 humans over? Absolutely not. But then we live in crazy times. Be safe all of you out there
  3. I dont know if you have the seen the actual footage, the guy point blank shot the woman and man. Came back with an AR and shot them again. Seems he was mentally disturbed to commit suicide after that. But a tragic incident for sure. The Chicago incidents will never make the news due to race card and most homicides are not involving legal guns.
  4. Anyone heard of this? Guessing it will be used as a starting point for a new law. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1256599#aoh=16125449842114&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s
  5. Supply is there but the demand is crazy high..I came across someone who has bought 5.56 and doesnt even own a rifle for it..lol
  6. Its starting to get very tempting to liquidate and capitalize ..way better return than stock market ever https://madisonguns.com/cci-mini-mag-22lr-ammo-36-grain-copper-plated-lead-hollow-point-100-round-box/?variant=937
  7. Officer Snowden is one of the good guys. Always courteous and respectful.
  8. Sounds like entrapment to me..some officers have a chip on their shoulder.
  9. What did you pay for them, in the good ol days, used to be $12.99 a box
  10. When there is a famine at walmart, every round counts
  11. What make and how much are you asking for them Where are you located?
  12. That channel is insane..more money than brains.
  13. How is this one....https://www.gunbroker.com/item/890871686 20cents for 22lr
  14. If your shotgun receiver is the full size and not lt , you wont need shims.
  15. Praying for a safe return and hope it all works out. Cant imagine what the parents are going through.
  16. Not going to get any better any time soon
  17. Agree, also carbs turn to sugar. Need to reduce that to reduce inflammation
  18. Yeh sadly I couldnt afford any more guns when I lost my only shotgun in Conesus lake while duck hunting. Now I only bow hunt deer.
  19. That was actually 52–48 vote in 1994 I was referring to the RINOs who is the last call switched and voted with Dems. I feel boiling the frog metaphor fits very well here. Slowly the population keeps giving away its right till one day the generations wake up not knowing any better or different.
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