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Everything posted by suburbanfarmer

  1. I am not buying at the inflated prices but also am not shooting much either. If I find ammo that is regular priced I will ofcourse buy the allowed limit. I understand capitalism but there are some in the middle that are inflating the prices due to high demand. My biggest fear is the federal tax or state limit on rounds one can buy in a given month.
  2. If you feel covid is to blame then wait till you see the prices due to the election results.
  3. Ouch :(`` Gunbroker is cheaper
  4. DicksSportingGoods... yes i know i know In Greece Rochester has a boat load of 12ga target with 5 box limit if some one in that area needs any.
  5. Tennis and golfers elbow pain comes and goes. Maybe you lifted something in the wrong angle or too much weight that you were not used to. As I age the only option is to keep moving and stretching. The body deconditions very quickly.
  6. If i win the lotto when i play it But being motorized, its not allowed on stateland.
  7. Nature is so cruel..you can literally shoot a 50lb and get better speeds than some of us shooting a 75lb bows at 27"
  8. and a pre-approved mortgage..lol Thanks I will pass for now.
  9. To me the first picture is a yote.. Here is a pair in my neck of the woods
  10. Another idea or tip for ground hunter is to dig a hole 30 inches or so deep, so you can sit with your knees bent over the hole and legs dangling. Like sitting in a chair but on the ground. Thinking if that is done with a tree trunk on the back side and throw a cushion in the mix, it would make a comfortable hunt.
  11. A long winded article by the left imho claiming their victory was valid and fair. The actual article that is https://time.com/5936036/secret-2020-election-campaign/ "Democracy won in the end. The will of the people prevailed. But it’s crazy, in retrospect, that this is what it took to put on an election in the United States of America."
  12. Hold on to it, till they come for it..lol
  13. Pretty common practice by snow plow guys also
  14. I sent my buddy in buffalo there and its wiped empty as of 6:20pm..lol
  15. Only for handgun permits. Long guns still go thru the usual NICs
  16. No more handguns or AR for civilians without mental health checks
  17. IMHO , its never wise to stand your ground with a cellphone when some one is coming towards you with a gun. If they had walked away the outcome would have been different. I know woulda coulda shoulda ...right Bad blood or not was shoveling snow something to lose 3 humans over? Absolutely not. But then we live in crazy times. Be safe all of you out there
  18. I dont know if you have the seen the actual footage, the guy point blank shot the woman and man. Came back with an AR and shot them again. Seems he was mentally disturbed to commit suicide after that. But a tragic incident for sure. The Chicago incidents will never make the news due to race card and most homicides are not involving legal guns.
  19. Anyone heard of this? Guessing it will be used as a starting point for a new law. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1256599#aoh=16125449842114&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&amp_tf=From %1%24s
  20. Supply is there but the demand is crazy high..I came across someone who has bought 5.56 and doesnt even own a rifle for it..lol
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