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Everything posted by hueyjazz

  1. It's a fused 3 phase disconnect. Not cheap to buy but to be honest, anyone doing a job would be new as they wouldn't want any liability to inherit from the unknown and un-warrantied. Its value is a nice metal box unless you have application, but it is very industrial for most. I would never allow it in any of my buildings nor would my insurance carrier since it would have been out of our control.
  2. 60 rounds shouldn't foul it up too bad unless jacket were really soft. A new gun will be tight bore too. I do agree with what Dinsdale has said. Amazes me that people will spend $800 on a gun and clean it with a $10 segmented rod without any protection to muzzle. There goes accuracy. I use my $40 borescope to determine when to go after the copper but I always start with a copper brush as part of my cleaning regiment. If only shooting a few rounds at a time then do it every now and then.
  3. Copper comes off the jackets of bullets and coats the barrel walls. Hoppes, CLP, Ed's Red, nylon brushes and a variety of other old stand-by do little to remove this copper fouling. A copper wire brush will help loosen this, but a copper dissolving solvent will really be needed. It is very tough stuff to remove. Especially if you done a lot of shooting and have never made an attempt to remove it. You can get a USB fiber optic camera that you can send down a gun bore. They go for around $40 Ebay, Amazon With these you can really tell the condition of your bore. You can send rifling, any pitting, bore wear and how clean the barrel is. Copper fouling looks like gold leaf on the inside of a barrel. And when the solvent dissolves it, the color it will come out will be blue.
  4. Every contractor I know uses Dewalt. Stay away from their Atomic line. There's plastic parts where there should be metal. Dewalt also sells a contractors line through distributors. You won't find those at HD or Lowes. I too have been wiring pole barn and the LEDs are great. I'm down to wiring for a few ceiling fans and a LED projector. One thing I added that's working great is cord reels you can pull down from center of pole barn. That way I can get power anywhere in barn without extension cords to trip on. I may do something like that for compressed air too.
  5. Try getting some bore foam. (Outers and Hoppes both have it) Fill with foam from action side leaving it tilted toward end of barrel and when filled plug end of barrel with patch or something. Leave it tilted and let sit overnight. Clean it again as normal in morning. Repeat if necessary but this generally gets it. If it comes out a dark blue you had a copper fouling problem. Might want to get some Butches Bore Shine. Stinks to high heaven but does a number on copper. I've cleaned many very old and abused military surplus guns. They don't get dirtier than that.
  6. "Can you just get bear spray or is it illegal in ny" You can get "self protection" sprays which are limited in size and potency. Some of these are actually labelled bear sprays but really what you would be doing is really upsetting a bear at close range. The types of bear sprays that actually work aren't allowed in NY. But they aren't necessary for our black bears From USA Today In New York, there was a fatal attack in 2002, when a young male bear killed an infant in the Catskills, DEC Region 3 Wildlife Manager Ted Kerpez said. Six other people have been injured during the last 26 years; in almost every case, it was due to people chasing or trying to take food or a cub from a bear, he said.
  7. Our NY bears are generally way more afraid of you than you are of them. There's about one death a year by black bear in all the US. That means your chances of being killed by another human are far greater. (Especially in NY) However, being between Mama and her cubs is a very dangerous place. I don't envy you one bit. My worst was being eye to eye with one in mountain blueberry patch. No eye contact and back away slowly but deliberately to put distance. They will respect that. (Well, that's what my training said but I crapped my pants too) Shooting at bear close range is generally a bad idea. They might die but most likely after you do as you pissed them right off. If you have to, shooting into ground is fairly effective. When I was doing a lot of climbing, we would always carry lady fingers to clear trails as a last resort. It worked very well from a distance. You don't throw it at bear, but they certainly didn't head toward the noise. Most of the time we just waited until they moved on without issue. They may give you the bear equivalent of "Up Yours" but that about it.
  8. It is very hard to say what's compliant under the Safe Act. Its construction was a midnight session of multiple State's gun limitations. Many passages are vague, ambiguous and/or are conflicting with other passages. This is an attorney's dream on either side. The SAFE Act wasn't created by anyone that knew anything about firearms. Can anyone tell me what is an "ammo feeding device" Is that a magazine, a stripper clip, an M1 clip??? All are removable. The SAFE Act is an amazing read. The State has no agency to say what is and is not compliant. The State Police did early on in Safe act listed "as-made" compliant, but they even screwed that up as they listed an SKS. It depended what version of SKS as some had detachable magazines. They took down website. When a gun shop tells you that it is compliant it is either the gun shop or manufacturer of device that is saying it is NY compliant. I would like something in writing when this is the case. They take on liability when they make the claim, but verbal doesn't cut it if you get in the crap.
  9. And Defund Police monies will go to programs to stop violence. How's that working?
  10. Sorry man. It's gotten to the point where I watch the sides of the roads than I do the road. Cars are rare on roads around me, the deer aren't. Feels like an AED when they run out. CLEAR
  11. Basically, you're driving a computer hooked to a battery and a bunch of servo motors. Nobody knows how to work on these yet. And if you crash one. Well, good luck as it is different construction. There's even fewer body shops and parts for these. You can be months without your vehicle. Tesla is the worst as they tightly control parts and service. So, I'll be letting a bunch of other people get the bugs out of these. Hard pass for now. I'm not repeating the mistake I made with my 1984 Fiero.
  12. The Modern Gunsmith by James Howe is a must have if you dabble. Part of my collection is the joy of being able to take down to parts and reassemble.
  13. Cdbing I do have a ton of aerosol cans but I'm leaning toward camo netting and brush it in with a ton of small trees I've cut down. The metal is actual pebbled and low reflective. Deer don't see color, just shades.
  14. I worked for the better part of 40 years with environmental in my title running industrial facilities. When buying a property, you do inherit environmental liability. But key to liability is who created the problem. The premise is call "Cradle to Grave". Who owned and operated this facility and created issue has the majority of liability. But this could of been a wildcat operation with no successors and in that case they go after anyone with liability. It's insane to buy any property with issues unless you have an iron clad release from something like the Brownfield program where you pay to clean up property by what DEC tells you to do. In return they certify property clean and release you from liability. A lot of parts of this story make very little sense. The DEC does everything in writing "Agency Told Them" ? Crews came on property? And closed wells? This wouldn't have been a minor operation and would have gone on for many months. You can get a huge amount of information on any property directly from DEC website link. Check the right boxes and you can find out anything with instant access. Good for topo maps too! DECinfo Locator (ny.gov)
  15. After years of various ladder stands on uncomfortable seats and exposed to the weather, I decided to make a nice stand. This has been my winter project in pole barn. It's been insane just the cost of materials to build this. No wonder houses aren't going up. Six by five with seven-foot ceiling. Big enough for training of a young one and also to sleep in to get the silent morning hunt. Key is this all comes apart in premade manageable units that I can hoist up on platform. I'm working on roof design now and the windows. I want this all up in spring. I plan to have platform up ten feet using elevator brackets. Platform will have three-foot deck to which a staircase is attached. This will be tucked into a grove of mature pines at trail bottleneck that has been very fruitful on my property.
  16. Well Both sides of our family ask I do the cooking and not me beautiful bride. I'm an excellent chef. She Not
  17. Wolc Other than the 12 Horse you will never need to worry about me stealing a beer from your cooler. But I was raised on Genny products to overdose. What no Ice beer. You need it for the collection The Black Beer Genny makes is decent when they make it. An Old-time beer they made but no more was Fyfe and Drum. I have no idea why they no longer do. The Genny brewery big product is clear malt. You will see trucks of corn syrup hooking up all day. They used to be one of the largest contract brewers for Sam Adams util American Breweries took over Genny and considered SA the enemy.
  18. I eat a Bastille Day menu with all the various wines to go with each course. That meal starts in morning and goes late into night. Wolc I worked near the Genny plant for 25 years. I knew what they were making and what stage in was in by the smell as I drove passed. Genny Light???? Well, at least it wasn't Genny Cream
  19. I've been after family member to get a permit. If I kick the bucket, you'll be amazed how fast the State Troopers come to your house to collect them. That NY gun registration assures that. When my FIL passed, they were there in first week after we got him in the ground. We had to move them onto a permit to get them back and that had to go through the Executor. Write your pistols in your will if you want someone that appreciates them to get them. SIL just moved to Saratoga County but needs more residency to apply.
  20. I'm glad I kept my recurve. It gives someone a chance to see the difference that 50 years of technology made.
  21. Bet rifle was in rough shape by the time they were done. I wonder if any hit target. I bought my Model 29 Dirty Harry gun off a guy that fire it once. One handed Punched himself in the face with it. He had never fired a gun before, and this was his first gun
  22. My Belo We were not hunting and I was not teaching them how to hunt. Some people actually use a bow to shoot a target. The bow I had available was my older generation compound hunting bow with target arrows. The center of my target is a 5-inch yellow circle. The longest distance on my range is 50 yards but archery competitions are often held at 70 meters just for reference. We started closed like most do when they begin and moved them back. I clearly noted and was impressed that by the end of the day they were regularly hitting most arrows in the yellow. It was windless and the sun was overhead. And even though I would NEVER take a 50-yard shot while hunting, I do occasional shoot there to hone skill. My journey started with a recurve with no sights and the arrows were wood with feathers. I move with the technology as it advanced. Perhaps I should be arrogant and put forth the argument that they never should have allowed compounds into bow season as they are far easier to shoot. But I really don't care what you use. And this senior doesn't need any help at all so stick your special seasons.
  23. Belo "at what distance" At fifty yards standing flat footed at a still target. And a modern compound is still easy to shoot if you have good body mechanics. I never said it made you a deer hunter.
  24. Being in my 60's and I've hunted over 40 of them I've benefited from seeing all of the technology advances. My grandpa shot longbow. He made the longbow as well as the arrows. There was no "bow season" but the bow was what he could afford. That man put a lot of meat on the table and was an expert in woodcraft. Deer wasn't as plentiful then as they are now but that really didn't matter. It wasn't so much a hobby for him. He was feeding family. He started me with a recurve. I recall not being all that good with his long bow. I did move to compound and my present bow is generations behind what's available now. In the beginning, there were no sights. Then came the peep site in string, then there were the pins, then the first compound bows came which were really a long bow with a couple cams. Do you really want to say you are roughing it with what you use now? Laughable as some of the hunting shows being watched. You have greatly benefited from technology that made it easier for you. Just like the crossbow has. With proper body mechanics a modern compound bow is very easy to shoot at a target. That may not be true of deer but there's more things that come into play then. With that be said, I'm glad you do have available modern compounds as you make better shots. I hate to see wounded deer dying from poor shots. Many of you would never achieve the skill required to shoot a recurve or long bow accurately. Sorry if I hurt any feelings but it's true. You need the aid of the compound because it is easier. I really don't care what you hunt with as long as it's legal and ethical. These post as to why you are a better hunter because of the instrument you choose so you deserve your private season are so pointless and self-serving. It's a very big woods.
  25. I do have to admit. It would have felt good to do that to my 84 Fiero. About after it's 20th recall.
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