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Gobbler Chaser

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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by Gobbler Chaser

  1. Border walls don't work. And besides the majority of illegals (70%) come in legally on HB-1 visas to work for our agricultural giants and construction companies and just disappear into the shadows when the visa expires. The truth is we need these immigrants and our economy would go right down the crapper without them.
  2. Just another bs Trump promise. Just like 40ft concrete border walls, stopping illegal immigration, getting rid of Obama Care the very first day in office and replacing it with something much better, Tax breaks for working Americans. All just a rich Manhattanitte Flimflammer telling everyone what they wanted hear.
  3. I do. And all is good around me. Trumps one term was a freak show. Republicans are something I just can't buy into now. I'll be voting Democrat or independent from here on out until something changes. I was a registered republican till 2008. I don't care what anyone here thinks about that. Just the way it is. Trump's gone, good riddance to him and his whole freak show family.
  4. I'm still trying to figure out what Trump and the last administration did that everyone thinks was so great and changed their lives in such a positive way. Yea he appointed 3 supreme court judges but so what, the high court is an outdated entity that states don't listen to anyway. Yep the court said the ACA was law and red states just refused to inforce it. Yes the court will say abortion is against the law but blue states will just give the big raspberry/Bronx cheer to that. The only major legislation he passed was giving billionaires and corporations that don't reinvest in America the biggest tax breaks in history.
  5. Put them to work. Small business around here need help bad. Contractors are struggling because they can't get laborers here upstate. I know home builders with one man on the job and nothing getting done.
  6. Two nice very nocturnal bucks around me. And a bunch of does. Can't wait for the rut to begin to hopefully get these boys out in daylight before gun season.
  7. Finally getting the feeling! Heading out in 15 mins
  8. That's what I've been doing. Maybe the ones I'm buying are just cheap. I buy the Amazon ones for 10 or 15 bucks.
  9. Yea I grab them in the woods and pop a new one in the cam right away. I really need a small laptop. Having my phone on the end of my nose to look at those microscopic thumbnails sucks.
  10. You'd think the damn things would just work as should. The technology has certainly been around long enough. Nothing pisses me off coming back with a card with a couple hundred pics that show error of won't open. My latest reader likes to shut down as I scroll threw thumbnails, then I have to pull the card and start over not going where the hell I left off! By the time I'm done my damn fingers are shaking. This is like my 20th card reader and I summed it up. THEY ALL SUCK!
  11. Hmmmmm, if this doesn't raise some eyebrows I don't know what does
  12. Get state land maps. The knocking on doors days for land to hunt are over. Like Gramps said there's a ton of info right here on this forum. Groups and clubs are something I've gotten away from years ago. All politics, dues, and volunteer work. Just get out in the woods. And YouTube is great for techniques, deer gutting, rifle reviews. NY has over a million acres of state lands and forest preserve, etc
  13. No but a hotdog could be considered a wurst
  14. Backs of my elbows and legs look like I have small pox
  15. Man I can not wait! I have a group of does bedding in a food plot right in front of a camera. They spend most of the day lazing around, they get up and feed a bit and lay down again. What a friggin life
  16. Looks like T-shirts and mosquito spray for another week.
  17. I hear alot of blame going to the doomsday prepper groups too but alot of that crowd that I know has given up on buying ammo for two reasons, one is they have pretty good stockpiles already and most preppers won't pay a buck fifty per round of 5.56. Yea we've had many surges of new group buyers in the past but but it would always settle down and things would go back to normal after a few months. And the theory that people are buying everything has me puzzled because the gun stores around here will tell you, I have nothing to sell you you. Demand my be high but this more and more looks like it's a supply side problem. Can't even blame it on Biden or Covid because this supply deficiency has been going on since early in Trumps term.
  18. I'm pretty sure by the time this levels out ammo makers will have us paying a 100 bucks for a 50 Rd box of fmj 9mm target ammo. Create fake shortages and charge more. Worked pretty good when oil companies raised the price for gas from .50 cents a gallon to 3 bucks in a period of two years back in the early 70s, and put all the blame on the Saudi OPEC cartel.
  19. 3 years ago I heard this ammo shortage would be over in a few months. We've had so many rushes on ammo and guns in recent history and things always leveled out in a few months with some price increase. Now I know of many hunters who can't even find ammo for their deer rifles this season. And if your lucky enough to come across it you'll pay 70 dollars for 20 rounds. The theory that manufacturers won't tool up for short term surges is crazy too. Companies could easily have invested in the additional equipment to produce for this long term demand a long time ago and paid for that equipment a long time ago
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