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Gobbler Chaser

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Everything posted by Gobbler Chaser

  1. We all take great care to put a bullet into the vitals and that requires actually seeing the deer, sizing it up and placing the cross hairs in the right spot. How does someone just shoot at movement is beyond me. The victim not having blaze on isnt an excuse. People do walk thru the woods this time of year, walking dogs or just hiking.
  2. Wow, I'm at a loss for words. Guy was in his 20s
  3. Right now I'm sick of turkey white dark otherwise, just had my second Thanksgiving dinner, whew! Prime Rib for Christmas. Extra fatty and well marbled. Nice demi glace and mashys taters and broccoli rabe on the side.
  4. Dark, and lots of crispy skin. And give me that Butt!
  5. I strapped it to a tree and gave it a test drive. Feels good and still fits in my daypack.
  6. I love my little Muddy Strap on Seat when venturing into the wide open but problem is it's a tad small and after an hr it becomes a PITA. So being a mammal of generous proportions I jigged a piece of ply and glued on this old cushion and I gotta say, Nice. I also remove the attached strap and will use a racheting strap which holds it to the tree alot firmer and secure, no more rocking. It might be a pound heavier but hell I've gained about 30 since retirement 3 yrs ago
  7. Hunting decisions make me crazy some time.
  8. I have to get back into venison sausage making. I have all the equipment, except for the deer at this point,lol
  9. You scoundrel you! Glad to see your back
  10. Friggin felt like two weeks. Goes so fast. It is depressing and it takes a couple good sits with the rifle to adjust.
  11. Just get back out again. Things change during rifle. Deer get moved and you never know what's going to pop up in the first week
  12. Ok, I'm misinformed then. I heard that this was new in the NZ.
  13. Leave the house at 5:30. Be in my spot 5:30. Always go in early in rifle with a light. No walking in without a light for me. I'll be on my property tomorrow but you never know. If I move I wait till it's light enough for my blaze to be seen. Be safe out there guys. Lots of loonies
  14. I hunt the SZ but have to wonder about the NZ muzzleloader season being expanded to start on Oct 22 in the middle of archery season. How was this pulled off without major backlash from bow hunters? And would this ever happen in the SZ? I realize I'm treading into dangerous water here but was just wondering. Wouldn't it be funny, Crossbow hunters and Vert bow hunters having to form an odd alliance to keep modern inline muzzleloaders out of bow season...
  15. I'm probably the biggest food slob here. But my sits are usually 3 to 4 hrs and I keep movement to almost zero especially on these dead no breeze days. You never know whats coming up behind you in a stand. I was busted the other morning pulling my coffee from it's holder by a deer I never knew was there. Its hard enough keeping deer from picking up my scent let alone soppressata n swiss on a hero. I eat when I'm out
  16. NY 17 inchs tip to tip. But that particular CP is pretty cool and would be a breeze in any blind. If anyone choose to use one on their own property I certainly wouldn't slight them for it. I think NYs xbow laws are stupid
  17. With a MZ pistol do you need to file an amendment and put it on your lic if you have the components and intend to shoot it? Always wanted one just to play around with
  18. Cats are cool. I have 3, real characters
  19. Wind light outta the west. Cool temps. The rut is looking like it's underway. Last few days of bow/xbow season, a little depressing
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