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Everything posted by Doc

  1. Most of what I'm seeing on my camera is not deer. Foxes, coon, rabbits and squirrels That's funny because last year I had several sets of fawns already starting to show up daily. I guess every year is different. Also, the fawning area of last year has been getting flooded a lot this year and still hasn't really dried out. The action may be happening on higher and dryer ground.
  2. Lol .... Well, surprise, surprise. You should have been smart enough to figure out what would happen when you come into a hunting forum where many (perhaps most) of the members are bowhunters and start berating them and their hunting methods. It's pretty much the same sort of thing as an anti-hunter coming on here declaring how wrong hunting is. What did you really expect would happen when you laid out your trolling remarks?
  3. Well, let me put it this way..... It isn't me that turning tail and running away from the responsibilities that you listed. So just who is it that lacks stamina? Well, we know one of us has already admitted a lack of fortitude and it isn't me.
  4. You may have some surprises on there if it ha been out for a long time. You never know ...... mountain lions? Sasquatch? ..... Who can say.....lol.
  5. Because they are little doggies, and they are cool. However, I do understand why small game hunters may not be fans of foxes. I always get excited whenever I see one, but I never came across a den. That would really be something. What a great set-up for photography.
  6. Yikes!!!! things have come a long way since that first little orange 185 Suzuki that I bought back in the 80's. And then I joined the Yamaha gang and haven't looked back. But obviously I haven't been looking forward either. That thing is a beast. 700 cc's ..... three people across ..... dump box ..... it looks like something I've seen on TV crushing cars .... lol. But sadly I can never have one. I would have to re-do all my trails to widen them out. Have you considered putting a snow plow on there? It looks like it could do one heck of a job.
  7. First of all, I never said that a dove season flat out cannot happen. I said I have my doubts and explained why. The example that you are desperately trying to use was a total denial that the voting system can ever work. Try to get some sense of scale before making your screwball comments .... lol. On the other hand, never mind, You will never understand the difference, and I'm tiring of trying to explain it to you. You are more interested in personal attacks than in discussion and I'm tiring of giving you the attention that you apparently desperately need but don't deserve.
  8. You really are going off the deep end aren't you?..... lol. That's ok. Make a jerk of yourself if you wish. I never saw a meltdown like this before. It's actually kind of interesting to watch.
  9. If you have a personal beef with me, please spare the other members by taking it off-line and I will engage you there.
  10. Boy, you really are on a tear....lol. For a guy that claims to hate all the non-hunting threads on this site, you sure do seem to spend a lot of time involved in them. But in case you seriously cannot see the difference, let me explain to you that there is a huge difference between using tragedy to further a personal agenda, and predicting that use by the anti-gun forces.
  11. Possibly. Does it bother you that I might have two entirely different opinions on two entirely different subjects?
  12. Yes, there is a predictable pattern that the anti-gunners have found successful. They have become experts at whipping up public sentiment for abolishing the 2nd amendment. They will even create public sympathy for this wack-job such that legal gun owners will be the ones villain-ized. It has taken decades, but at last they have created winning formulas for turning criminal tragedies into tools of their agendas. It is really quite hideous how they publicly weep over such episodes while holding a thumbs-up hidden behind their backs.
  13. I'm sure the lack of support relates to the nature and public perceptions of doves. Such a nice looking bird with the symbology of gentleness and peace. And that soothing "cooing" sound that they make....lol. I'm guessing it is all those touchy-feely reasons and nothing based on sport hunting. It would be like legalizing hunting bluebirds .... lol. I sympathize with your efforts to establish a season, but I don't hold out a lot of hope. You know the kind of thing you are up against. When you take on emotion, usually it is emotion that wins.
  14. Yes, that is what I just heard on the news. They said that he stabbed 3 victims. So it was a 50% kill rate with a knife if you don't count his own suicide. I'll bet that is something that won't be receiving a whole lot of attention in the press or among NYS legislators. To all those supporting gun control, it will only be acknowledged as a gun crime. Oh, and more specifically a "rapid fire" pistol crime.
  15. Well, for one thing, it has been one hell of long time since the citizens have been serious about actually using the system. Most of the citizen response to government is to simply throw up their hands and talk about how Democracy doesn't work anymore. It's a lot easier that way than actually putting forth any effort and trying to use the system. When is the last time you actually worked for a political concept or issue? I don't know, but I will guess that like so many of those that want to trash Democracy, there's a good chance you don't even know who your state representatives are. I will also guess that you have never sent any messages to our legislators about any issue. I am guessing that you most likely do not belong to any gun or hunting advocacy groups or any political lobbying organization at all. These are very minimum things that you should know or do before giving up on the system. As I said, my assumptions are all guesses. I do not know that for a fact that any of them apply to you. But, I would say that the odds are really quite good that I am right on some or all of those guesses, because so many of the people who express the frustrations that you have, possess this disengaged, "opt-out" attitude and expect the system to run itself. Well, when the system runs itself, you lose all voice in how it will turn out. But really, is that a case of a failure of government or a failure of the constituents of that government?
  16. And believe me you have proven yourself an absolute expert at being defeated. Your whole pathetic outlook is one of defeat without a single thought as to how you will climb your way out of your situation of hopelessness nor apparently any desire to do so. Sitting in a corner sucking your thumb and whining about how the world has you trapped is certainly a perfect vision of defeat. I have to tell you, it's a pitiful picture, but I have no sympathy for a quitter.
  17. The first report that I read has it that he used a semi-automatic pistol. I'm sure that will change many times before the official reports .... lol. No caliber or clip capacity was mentioned. And yes, I'm sure that this will fuel future gun law legislation. And all this in a state with draconian gun laws that rival our own state.
  18. The idea of allowing baiting, did not originate with me. The DEC had it listed as one of the options that were being studied. I am suggesting that there may come a time when they may wish they had included it as an as-required component. And by the way, if you can't or don't want to discuss the subject, that is entirely up to you. I am not forcing you to respond.
  19. You see, that is where you are mistaken. I do have a very clear path that I am pursuing. I still have a belief in the democratic process and I intend to continue using it. Apparently you have lost complete faith in this country and are opting out of the process. That is your right, but just stay the hell out of the way of those that wish to use the system. We have enough problems of apathy here without your coaxing more people like yourself to sit passively by watching others do your work for you. I may or may not succeed, but unlike you, I will be able to say that I honestly made the attempt.
  20. I think this emphasis on a bear management plan is a proactive effort to address serious population problems before they occur. I am assuming that they have had enough complaints to indicate that these problems will eventually occur somewhere in NYS just as in N.J. If they are serious about that then the best tool to use is legalized baiting. Like I said, I am not a fan of baiting, but I do recognize the effectiveness of that method.
  21. That's the problem. You guys really don't have a clue about solutions. You both can whine right along with the best of them, but when it comes time to do something about what your whining about, neither of you has anything to offer other than to discourage others from doing anything. Frankly, I could care less as to whether your preferred path is to sit in the corner sucking your thumb and whimpering or running away from problems, but I have no use for those that discourage those that take the problems seriously enough to do something useful about them. And to sit there and actively discourage those that would take serious efforts to work the problems that you want to run away from, really is no where near as honorable an attitude as you would like to convince every here that it is. As they say, if you are not part of the solution then you are definitely part of the problem. You guys take it one step further and try to become an actual impediment to solutions. You might as well join up with the Cuomo camp where you belong and go about doing your work for them in an honest and up-front fashion.
  22. I would say that baiting is required anywhere that serious population thinning is a requirement. Can bears be taken without baiting? ..... obviously they can. But if you have situations where you must cut populations in a planned and significant way, it is far better to rely on more efficient methods than mere incidental contact.
  23. Yeah, I have one camera out now, but not a lot of action just yet. I am expecting some fawn pictures any day now. Any of the deer pictures that I have gotten are some rather unpleasant moth-eaten looking deer that are half-way through the coat change. Pretty nasty looking. I have to be honest. The number of annual time-consuming spring projects and other activities have really screwed up any bow and gun activities for the time being. But it will all get done eventually.
  24. And once again, not one word of a plan or proposed action. Kind of makes all the rest of it to be merely irrelevant whining and whimpering. Not exactly useful. You would think that some one with the self professed ability of a prophet, would have all the answers on how to fix the problems. The intellect that could foresee the future that no one else was able to, seems to be reduced to running in circles, waving his arms in the air, and screaming, "Run for your lives, the sky is falling".....lol. That's not really much of a contribution toward problem solving is it? But he has plenty to say about those who really are trying to contribute. I'm sorry, I may sound a bit harsh, but I truly see those that would impede efforts at removing problem legislators to be as bad as those problem legislators themselves. Maybe even a bit worse because the anti-gunners are very clear and up-front regarding what they are trying to do and are not working within our own ranks to disrupt our efforts.
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