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Everything posted by Doc

  1. How many pounds pull is it?
  2. Recognize who all put you in that position, and work like hell to make them pay with their jobs. And remember, Cuomo is only the ring leader. He had a lot of help from his merry band of legislators.
  3. Can we do it? Do we have the resolve? Do all or even most gun owners share the passion to the same extent that we do? Are they willing to become single issue voters? Are they willing to become voters at all? Some days I can absolutely see where it could all come together, but there are other days when I really doubt it. Some of the comments that show up here on this forum from people that supposedly have vested interests in fighting these wayward politicians make me wonder what our side of the issue really is consisting of. I guess all we can do is the best we can and hope there are enough of us to actually make a difference.
  4. I definitely would like to believe that, but I have to wonder if that same spirit exists today in the American people. Today you are lucky to get people excited enough to even go to the polls. Seriously, this next election has me concerned because of that fact. The question is, are we still made of the same rowdy stock that organized a revolution that began our country? Another question is do we really have the resources to fight the U.S. military. Our military leadership has by necessity developed some pretty darn effective pieces of technology designed specifically for scattered uprisings. A lot of what is being used can be implemented from places that we, with our deer rifles, cannot even see even through the best of our scopes. The drone technology employed by the military, creates warfare as an unmanned remote controlled activity. It's not a one-on-one struggle anymore. It's not a question of who has the bigger numbers, it is more relating to who has their fingers on the various buttons of remote destruction. The advances in surveillance that we applaud when it comes to fighting terrorism all lies in the hands of the government, with absolutely no private access or even ability to use if we did get ahold of it. Even the Department of Homeland Security has been given authority to pry into and uncover any developing scheme or plans. As I said, I wish I could believe as you, that the American people still had that backbone that we once had, the resolve of Revolutionary War days (or even WW1 or WW2). But the world no longer fights wars with muskets, and the people no longer get any more passionate over issues than simply making statements on internet forums. Laying down one's life for principle is a concept that is very foreign to most. I sincerely doubt that we really have the will anymore to conduct a successful revolution.
  5. Not to get too political but, anyone other than me notice that there is not one Republican in that list? It is a straight-up comparison on where the two parties sit on gun issues and the defense of the 2nd Amendment.
  6. As incredibly efficient as the AR style rifles and the large cap magazines appear, the fact is that they are completely worthless against the arsenal of the U.S. military. You will not take on the military and win. And so that part of the pro-AR argument simply does not work out well in a credible fashion. However, when it comes to home defense, who really has the right to limit your choices there. Home invaders seldom come one at a time, and the practice of home invasion is not really all that uncommon anymore. So if you should be so unfortunate as to be involved in a fire fight with several individuals, what would you be thinking about the NYS Un-safe Act then. How dare anyone tell you that your home security and the safety of your loved ones has to be sub-standard, or less than you have deemed appropriate, especially when it is currently likely that the threats of that nature are getting more likely every year.
  7. If money were no object, I would opt for at least two places. I would have a home in Alaska for a few of the warmer months there, and then have an array o southern places to go in the winter months. Of course, money is a consideration ..... lol.
  8. Can anybody tell me any advantages of having rifles buried in the back yard or boarded up in the framework of a wall? What is gained by owning a gun that you cannot use without fear of being arrested?
  9. Could have been worse. It could have been a picture of a pile of skinned coyote carcasses.....lol. Now that would be gross. I have seen a pile of skinned muskrats, possums, coons and foxes. It wasn't fun to look at, but that's all part of the process. Still probably no real good reason to take pictures and post on the internet.
  10. We can't even get gun owners to the polls. What makes anyone think we could successfully organize any sort of revolution? I'm thinking that authorities would love to have us commit felonies so they could confiscate all of our weapons (no firearms allowed for convicted felons). But don't be counting on an army of Rambos to come charging to your defense. It all looks good at the movies but reality is quite a different matter.
  11. Yep! ..... blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
  12. Looks like one of those "critter magnet areas" where all kinds of animals just like to travel through. Not always any explanation for what the big draw is for these places, but there are certain spots that just seem to be consistent pathways for just about every creature in the area.
  13. I think that one was shot by the little guy. See how he is trying to cover up the antler area with his arm ....
  14. Makes me think that we have a long ways to go before we really are dressed for hunting in style.
  15. Interesting version of what someone wishes a president of the future would say to congress.
  16. Only one problem ..... The Cuomo jokes are not really jokes. But yes, perhaps we should show the class that's lacking in the anti gunners who blatantly and shamelessly exploit these kinds if events to push their agendas
  17. The unwritten rule used to be that lesser weapons could be used in the seasons of the more effective weapons, but not the other way around. It looks like that rule of thumb or that kind of thinking no longer applies.
  18. Please do not attribute thoughts to me that I have never said. You know and you knew before you started composing your reply that I never said, hinted or implied that this is the first time gun owners have been split. I know your inappropriate paraphrasing of my comments is only a misleading attempt to escape what I said, and has absolutely no bearing on anything that I said. So if you are going to run away from my comments, I only ask that you stop misrepresenting what I have said. It's a very transparent and dishonest way to debate.
  19. I would take the time and effort to trailer the thing back and forth. When local scum-bags realize that properties are left unattended for long periods of time, they take advantage of raiding such places at their leisure. They have the time to work around any inconveniences if the take is worth the effort. These thefts are not committed as simply a casual, spur-of-the-moment, target of opportunity. They are usually planned out such that they can come in with the appropriate tools. When it comes to something expensive, it would be worth the effort to consider it as one of the supplies that have to be taken along and returned home when the trip is over. Another thing to remember is that these guys can get pretty vindictive when anti-theft measures are employed, and can leave your ATV behind in a trashed condition. That intentional vandalism can extend to other items on your property.
  20. Anyone have any idea where the assumption came from that the 2nd amendment is all about hunting, or even has anything at all to do with hunting? How did that notion even get started? The fact is that there is no constitutional guarantees that have anything to do with hunting ..... but there are for gun ownership. So hunting really doesn't even have a place in this discussion. The point is that it is useful to the antis (and certain misguided individuals supposedly among our own ranks) to categorize firearms usage and create rifts among gun owners in a sort of "divide and conquer" maneuver. It appears that with some individuals, it is working well.
  21. I saw a bit of scratching the other day when I went up the hill, but haven't heard anything yet. Of course we aren't exactly a hotbed of turkey population where I am. Should go out in the evening and try a few owl hoots and see what happens.
  22. I stand corrected. I didn't really think of it that way. Well anyway boys and girls, that is your English lesson for today .... lol.
  23. "The Justice Department has requested $382.1 million in increased spending for its fiscal year 2014 budget for "gun safety." " You know what that means? ..... They will be using our own tax money to come up with more ways to implement new harassment techniques to destroy our own rights. Isn't it wonderful?
  24. Not to be too picky, but just for clarity, but the phrase is not "a mute point", but rather "a moot point. Not trying to be the grammar police, but just pointing out a common misuse of words. Might as well have something useful come out of this worthless thread. There, now I have done my good deed for the day .... lol.
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