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Everything posted by Sogaard

  1. http://www.deeranddeerhunting.com/articles/deer-news/judge-dismisses-painted-trespassing-ticket-landowner-also-charged
  2. Thank you for the links. Bad news for PA. I'm feeling lazy this morning, so I'll ask before I research it: Anyone know what changed in Utah that made PA drop them?
  3. I didn't contradict myself at all. In the first post I said I didn't think Republican Senators would be foolish enough to vote for a stricter version of the SAFE Act during their next term. I said voting against your constituency once, in the wake of a national tragedy, is one thing. Voting against them twice would be political suicide. In my second post I asked how many were even being challenged in September. I did not "say" anything. It was a legitimate question because I don't keep track of "upstate" Republican politics. It would, however, surprise me if many of them were being challenged. My question to you is, if indeed they aren't even being challenged in a Primary race in September, how can you possibly be preaching about the November election? Unless, of course, the change you spoke about included voting for their Democratic challenger.
  4. Can you find more than one source on this? I did a quick google search and everything seems to be sourcing the same place, "pagunblog".
  5. The biggest problem is you aren't really going to get much on him on economic issues. He's been fairly conservative for a Democrat. He cut spending, played hardball with the unions, and was pro-corporate subsidies. If anything, he has weakened his own base more than any Republican could do by not being "Democratic" enough. Oh yeah, and he has a $33+ million dollar war chest. So what are you choosing on? Gun Control? Women's rights? LGBT rights? Marijuana legality? Nationwide polls have the Republicans on the losing side of 3 of those 4 issues (and rightly so, in my humble opinion). The only way Astorino wins is if he give centralists and and moderate Democrats a reason to vote for him without scaring them away on abortion/gay rights. If he panders to the religious right or the Tea Party, he's done. EDIT: PS - Astorino also wants there to be terrible, terrible weather on Nov 4th in NYC. EDIT 2: Bubba, how many of those Republican incumbent Senators are even being challenged in a primary?
  6. After all the backlash the first time, and with no national tragedy to sway public opinion, do you really think the Republicans in the Senate that voted for the Safe Act the first time around would repeat their actions? I don't. I think it would be political suicide for them. Once, after Sandy, they might be able to find forgiveness. Twice, and they are losing their base demographic.
  7. Well, if you read it on the internet, it must be true.
  8. You have a better chance using your time and money to try to turn some Assembly or Senate seats. Barring a ridiculous scandal breaking in the next few months, Andy isn't losing this election, no matter how much that pains me to say.
  9. Reid vs Covert (1957) I swear I have to cite this case at least once a month.
  10. It has been mentioned at least twice already, but I want to add to it. To possess a rifle and/or shotgun within the 5 counties of NYC, you must first obtain a NYC Rifle and Shotgun Permit. This process takes a minimum of 3 months and costs $231.50 ($140 + 91.50 for fingerprinting the first time) for a three year permit. http://www.nyc.gov/html/nypd/html/permits/rifle_licensing_information.shtml Most large stores within a two hour drive of the city (Gander, Cabelas, Dicks) will not sell you a gun without this permit if your Drivers License has a NYC address on it.
  11. And a continuation of that previous interview, also from FoxNews people: Today, Fox News host Mike Wallace visited Mike Gallagher’s radio show and picked up where Krauthammer left off. Gallagher, also a Fox News contributor, seemed of a like mind: GALLAGHER: From day one, I said let’s not get too excited about this guy. We don’t know anything about him. He’s not exactly—this is probably not a guy who could be – is the poster child for being folk hero status. That’s what I said. WALLACE: Well, that’s wise. ‘Cause I must say, some of your colleagues on the conservative side jumped on this bandwagon way too quickly… and, you know, I’ve never quite understood why this guy was a hero. I mean I understand you say, “Well, government overreach, big government.” But as Charles Krauthammer said yesterday, “You know, if I wanted to graze my sheep in Central Park, do I have a right to do that?” …The guy had had judgments against him. They went to court… we have a system…. If you don’t like what the court does, then you appeal it in the court. He’d been in the courts for ten years and the courts kept ruling against him…. I’m not saying that the government acted perfectly. On the other hand… there are obligations. It would be like saying, “Well, I’m not going to allow myself to be screened at the airport. Because that’s government overreach.” GALLAGHER: No, you’re right. You’re right.
  12. From a source you all will be comfortable with, FoxNews: http://mediamatters.org/video/2014/04/24/foxs-krauthammer-blasts-conservatives-for-their/199022 Like rats fleeing a sinking ship. CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: I agree entirely with Chuck. First of all it isn't enough to say I don't agree with what he said. This is a despicable statement. It's not the statement, you have to disassociate yourself entirely from the man. It's not like the words exist here and the man exists here. And why conservatives, or some conservatives end up in bed with people who, you know, he makes an anti-government statement, he takes an anti-government stand, he wears a nice big hat and he rides a horse, and all of a sudden he is a champion of democracy. This is a man who said that he doesn't recognize the authority of the United States of America. That makes him a patriot? I love this country, I love the Constitution, and it is the Constitution that established a government that all of us have to recognize. And for him to reject it was the beginning of all of this. And now what he said today is just the end of this. And I think it is truly appalling that, as Chuck says, there are times when somehow simply because somebody takes an oppositionist stand, he becomes a conservative hero. You got to wait, you got to watch, you got to think about it. And look, do I have the right to go in to graze sheep in Central Park? I think not. You have to have some respect for the federal government, some respect for our system. And to say you don't and you don't recognize it and that makes you a conservative hero, to me, is completely contradictory, and rather appalling. And he has now proved it.
  13. This is one of the few old threads I'm glad to see raised from the dead.
  14. Sogaard


    Some very good info in this thread. Including the fact that Papist removed me from his ignore list.
  15. Sogaard


    It is important to note, those rings do not always appear and the lack of rings does not mean you are not infected with lyme disease.
  16. Sogaard


    +1 here....I bought a bottle from Dick's last year.
  17. Sogaard


    Odorless once dry.
  18. Sogaard


    Don't put it directly on you, and don't put on clothing you have treated with it while it is still wet. Follow the directions on the bottle. It is a pre-treatment. Spray down your hunting/hiking cloths generously and then let them dry for a day or so. It should last all of turkey season, and then some.
  19. Sogaard


    This is what I use: http://www.walmart.com/ip/21947774?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222227000000000&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=41833582510&wl4=&wl5=pla&wl6=19880599990&veh=sem
  20. I'd guess he is just reading the IBO numbers from the spec sheet.
  21. Even if an IBO arrow is going that fast, there is no way a hunting arrow is.
  22. I just noticed how old the first post was. That is truly awesome.
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