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Everything posted by Deerthug

  1. Yup. You'd think it was a grizzly or some other man eating animal the way they all scattered. Lol!
  2. Check this video out of a small buck that crashed through a classroom window and runs through the hallways. Curious if PETA had anything to do with this . . . http://www.huffingto..._n_1314962.html
  3. Deerthug

    arrow rest.

    Thanks for the link. I think I'm going to buy a can for my WB.
  4. Great perspectives on the photos! Really nice!
  5. Unfortunately I haven't seen anything worth buying at the Dicks at Roosevelt field or Huntington the past couple of weeks.
  6. Deerthug

    arrow rest.

    I switched back to my WB from the NAP Apache drop away. Way too much trouble with the NAP. The slightest misalignment causes heaps of trouble. Falling back to the good ole acronym KISS (keep it simple stupid).
  7. Welcome to the forum. Good group of people here. Lots to learn from all.
  8. I have no personal experience with those brands but I've read a lot of unfavorable reviews about the Cuddiebacks as well as the older model Stealthcams. I had an older model Stealthcam but I was never happy with the pictures and the batteries (took 8 C's) didn't last more than a week. I don't know much about the newer models. I use a Bushnell Trophy Cam now and I am very happy with it. Extremely easy to set up and use.
  9. Here's a story about PETA killing more than 95% of the animals in its care. Damn hypocrites! http://dailycaller.com/2012/02/24/documents-peta-kills-more-than-95-percent-of-pets-in-its-care/
  10. So I dropped off my bow today at CB with Ralph. He gave me a great price for putting a new string on and tuning my bow. Picking it up Friday.
  11. Nice! Something to look forward to this year and the next!
  12. Great pics! Thanks for sharing.
  13. So you set me up I see for this gun control argument LOL!! But seriously, we don't know at least not yet, where this kid got this gun. It could have been a legally purchased gun by his parents or guardian, and this kid managed to get his hands on it. Or he could have gotten it from someone on the street for all I know. I'm sure we'll find this out soon enough. But no matter where he managed to get the gun from, the results would be entirely different if another responsible adult was able to legally arm themselves.
  14. Who said to arm students or to hang them like fire extinguishers? That is farfetched. You have to agree that if a responsible adult who is trained in handling a firearm was legally armed then this and other tragedies like this one would not occur.
  15. I am for metal detectors but that doesn't solve the problem completely. There are ways around them. I actually represent a client who was stabbed by another student who managed to get an 8" metal switchblade passed them into school grounds. But you said it yourself in your earlier post that gun crime is solved with more guns. I assume you meant the same thing I did that stricter gun control would not prevent these tragedies. All it would do is prevent us hardworking good people from defending ourselves or our loved ones if the need arises.
  16. I'm waiting for those anti-gun people to chime in on the news that more gun control is needed. Read between the lines Virgil and dont put words in my mouth. I'm not saying to arm all teachers. I'm just saying that if gun control laws made it easier for the regular hardworking Joe and Jane to arm themselves there would be a lot less stories like this one that end tragically. I know if I was that teacher that chased the gunman out and I was armed I would not hesitate to drop him - not necessarily kill him- but enough to end the shooting.
  17. And the excuses begin: 1. Outcast, 2. Bullied 3. The student killed was dating the killer's ex-girlfriend. Scratch off numbers 18, 13, 10, and 9. Still waiting for the more gun control argument . . . http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/ohio-high-school-shooting-suspect-loose-chardon-high-school-cleveland-lockdown-article-1.1029152
  18. Truly sad! Scares the sh*t out of me when I send my kids to school in the morning. Even worse, here are the top 20 reasons we are going to hear on why this tragedy happened: 20. It's the media's fault. 19. It's Eminem's fault. 18. It's the bully's fault. 17. It's video games. 16. It's movies. 15. It's broken homes. 14. It's being poor. 13. It's no one paying attention to you in the middle of adolescence when all these hormones are flowing. 12. It's acne. 11. It's not having as nice of clothes or homes as what your peers have. 10. It's being a teenager and not realizing that all the people picking on you won't be **** in 10 years. 9. It's being heartbroken by a girl that you think you love. 8. It's parents not being there because they have to work multiple jobs to pay for 4 dollar per gallon gas and pay the mortgage or the rent in a housing crisis. 7. It's a bad job market. 6. It's the internet. 5. It's drugs. 4. It's associating with the wrong people. 3. It's parents on drugs. 2. It's crazy rage. And the number one excuse . 1. not enough gun control! GIVE ME A BREAK!!! If that teacher was armed that chased him off, this tragedy could have been prevented.
  19. Hey if you got them like Ted does why not use them now and then? LOL.
  20. Has anyone on this thread called him an idol? I haven't seen that. Nor do I consider him an idol. I see him as a great spokesman and supporter for 2nd amendment rights that's it. I don't even care so much for his music. But I don't know of anyone else who has the "sac" as Four Seasons has said above, to stand up for our gun rights like he does.
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