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fasteddie last won the day on March 23

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1 Follower

About fasteddie

  • Birthday 09/05/1941

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Ontario , NY

Extra Info

  • Hunting Location
    Ontario , Mendon , Geneseo NY , Italy Hill
  • Hunting Gun
    Winchester 1200 , NEF 50 cal Huntsman , NEF 25-06 , Savage 220F
  • Bow
    Ben Pearson TX-4 --- Parker Phoenix EZ Draw

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fasteddie's Achievements

Grand Master

Grand Master (14/14)

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  1. I tried a few times to get the site this morning before going to church . No luck . I thought maybe burmjohn has given up totally on the huntingny site .
  2. My bucket list is to not Kick the Bucket anytime soon .
  3. The phone has saved more deer than anything else
  4. The most comfortable Hunting Boots I ever owned were Rocky Corn Stalkers . They lasted me 4-5 years as I just wore them when hunting . They wore out and Rocky no longer carried that model . Great disappointment !
  5. One brother had his eyes focused on the rabbit .
  6. I was able to dig up the deleted post and put it back . It took some doing but I was able to retrieve the other thread . Sorry !
  7. I didn't mean to delete them if that is what happened. I wanted to merge the two threads. Hunting is serious but can still be fun. Sent from my SM-G975U1 using Tapatalk
  8. There were 2 Threads about Hunting Pranks . I tried to merge them and one of the threads disappeared . I can't find it and a couple members had spent some time typing out a post . I screwed up . SORRY !
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