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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. I keep an eye on the Sox on Yahoo and when I am out use the phone and check the SCORE ap .
  2. It's just like some ammo ..... if it is sold at a rediculously low price , they run out . What would you expect ! WalMart doesn't manufacture the product and can't make it magically appear . Some buyers are hoarding the product and have more than they could ever use in a lifetime .
  3. We used to be able to put ladder stands in the area where that big tree is in the top picture . The land owner died and his son is in charge of the property . The son is a non hunter and a real a-hole . We had to take down our stands . The fields don't belong to him and we have Crop Damage Permits to shoot there . I took 2 doe so far this year with the 25-06 . Farthest shot was only 125 yards . The stand I am in is about 18' high and belongs to another hunter . We use the stand during bow saeson and leave the area to the stand owner for gun season . His daughter and wife sometimes hunt with him . Our agreement works for both of us .
  4. Rooting for the Red Sox . I used to be an Orioles fan when they were the parent team for the Red Wings . Then switched to the Twins when they took over . Couldn't stand the pain and went to the Red Sox 4 or 5 years ago . The Twins are 35.5 games out of 1st place in their division and the worst in the American League . It's tough enough rooting for the Bills in the NFL so I didn't need the pain of the Twins . Go Red Sox !
  5. You should hire a "good Lawyer" and do something about having paid for bad service !
  6. I have a WildGame Halo range finder that has the angle compensation . I have enough stands that I lose rememberance of distances I have ranged in the past so I do a recheck on trees , etc . Sometimes when things are slow and I get bored , I pull out the range finder . I try to visualize something 10 yards away and the double the distance then imagine another five for a 25 yard shot . I pick up the range finder to see how close my estimation was . A person ina a tree stand can get pretty good at this . I am not a golfer , but it seems fairly good golfers are good at estimating distances ..
  7. Well , that explains why I can't find the trail to my stand !
  8. Tractor Supply has trailers with pressure treated floors . I wouldn't suggest buying one with the steel mesh flooring as I have seen many that are rusted out . Also , if you plan on using to quite a bit , don't get one with small tires . I have 2 trailers and one has 5.30 X 12 tires and they wear out fast .
  9. What I sometimes do is take one of the plastic holders that the lawn service people put out to show that pesticides have been used . Toss the warning card and spray the plastic piece with scent remover . Spray the round top if you wish to make it easy to spot .. You can place a scent wick in the top and pour or spray some scent on it . This can be used as a yardage marker or even a scent wick holder .
  10. Have the limbs been inspected for cracks , etc ?
  11. My wife bought a knife set for me a few years ago and one of my sons also gave me a knife set . I bought a wusthof dreiz werk filet knife on EBAY and a Dexter 6" filet knife from Pagliusso's Meat Market in Ontario so I have plenty of cutlery for processing .
  12. A few years ago I purcased a Gerber Metolius E-Z open knife . It has a tiny ball on the end so you cant't puncture the guts . Make a small incision at the base of the chest , insert the E-Z open and cut down to the crotch like a zipper . I didn't necessarily need it , Just thought it was a cool knife and I use it a lot . Bought a 2nd one on Closeout at DICKs that I will be giving to one of my sons .
  13. I shot 2 deer so far with the nuisance permits this month . Don't think I will get out again . I let my son who also has permits do the butcher work . I have never noticed any taste difference .
  14. View from Pittsford - Mendon Stand The Bucks are out 97 yards from the stand
  15. Oh yeah , try this for a cutting board . Most kitchen counter installers cut the hole in the counter for a sink . This is an ideal piece for a cutting board . If someone is remodeling a kitchen and replacing the counter , you might be able to get a larger piece of counter top .
  16. Processing your own deer is gratifying . You need to invest in some equipment but it's like buying reloading equipment , once you have it , you're good to go . Most processors tag your deer but do a lot of cutting , grinding and packaging in bulk . You are never guaranteed in getting "your deer" back . Git 'r done !
  17. Obama is busy burning fuel in Air Force One campaigning for Hildabeast ...... Either that of having lunch withAl Sharpton and the BLM leaders .
  18. I have only ever grown a beard once during hunting season . Couldn't wait to shave it off . Never liked the feel of a beard .
  19. I believe you can do this with no problem . At the rifle range , each distance was shooting 10 rounds . 2 rounds were loaded with a Clip and then the other Clip with 8 rounds was inserted after the 1st 2 were shot .
  20. I think the worst pain I have ever felt is when the urologist pulled the Stent out . I will be having another one inserted when they do the blasting . The stent removal reminded me of the "T - Handle" cars I used to buy for my boys . Stubby 68 - You are my new hero ! You have been through a hell of a lot !
  21. I didn't mean to mislead anyone with the post . This is only temporary . The tetanus shot has caused the pain and it should go away in a few days . I normally sleep on my right side but can't at it puts pressure on the shoulder . With the expectation of the pain going away and the kidney stone getting busted up with sound waves , I am hoping to be in shape by October 1st . Normally I have a pretty high pain threshold . I will just have to stay optimistic . In the USMC boot camp , they gave it what was called a 3 step shot . After the shot by the time you took the 3rd step It felt like you had 50 pound lead weight in your hand and your arm just dropped . Does anyone remember getting shots with compressed air ? We got them a couple years later in the Corps .
  22. I had a follow up doctor appointment Monday . After checking my records he asked if I wanted to get the annual Flu Shot and said I hadn't had a Tetanus shot in 10 years so I said let's do it . I got the Tetanus shot in my right arm . I didn't feel anything until I went to bed Monday night . I can still feel some pain in my right shoulder but shot 30 arrows last nigh and 20 from my stand this afternoon . I don't remember any shot bothering me this much except for the 3 stepper they gave us at Boot Camp . Getting old sucks but it beats the alternative !
  23. How do you draw your bow when shooting from an elevated position ? I draw my bow straight out , align the peep with the pin , bend at the waist and get on target . It's probably extra movement but it works for me .
  24. One of my daughters gave me a can of that for my birthday a few years ago . She said she bought it at Wegmans .
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