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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. I recall reading not to have them facing East or West as the sun movement would trip the cameras . Weeds , limbs , anything moving will trip the cameras . I have also gotten activity and then nothing for a few days .
  2. The OP's post is about "ground hogs" ......He asked about ground hog land to hunt .
  3. Knock on some farmer's doors and ask permission . They would love to have someone shoot those varmints . You get your foot in the door and they may let you hunt deer , etc ..
  4. Anything I have read says that the heavier arrow will penetrate more than a lighter arrow . http://archeryreport.com/2011/03/arrow-penetration-testing-real-bows-real-arrows-real-results/
  5. We had ADT and I didn't think the price was bad .... $30 a month . Had it when the inlaws lived with us as they were in their 90's and if it got set off accidentally the police or Fire Dept would show up . I plan to have it hooked back up soon .
  6. Redneck Home Security How to install a redneck home security system: 1. Go to a second-hand store and buy a pair of men's used size 14-16 work boots. 2. Place them on your front porch, along with several empty beer cans, a copy of Guns & Ammo magazine and several NRA magazines. 3. Put a few giant dog dishes next to the boots and magazines. 4. Leave a note on your door that reads: 'Hey Bubba, Big Jim, Duke and Slim, I went to the gun shop for more ammunition. Back in an hour. Don't mess with the pit bulls -- they attacked the mailman this morning and messed him up real bad.I don't think Killer took part in it but it was hard to tell from all the blood. PS - I locked all four of 'em in the house. Better wait outside.' 5. INSTALLATION COMPLETE!
  7. I still have these --------- http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/21953-set-of-3-mossberg-20-ga-accu-chokes/
  8. Picked up the grandkids in Honeoye Falls and took them to church in Mendon . The church was packed probably due a lot of folks that go on Easter and Christmas . Had a real nice ham dinner with some delicious sides . Saw over 20 deer on route 42 on the way home . Also saw a bunch while driving to church this am . Glad the snow didn't stick .
  9. See you in Church ............
  10. TruBall slugs are manufactured by Federal . They are inexpensive and usually on sale at DICKs around deer season . They work fine . Even the cheap Federal Foster rifled slugs work fine out of a smooth bore barrel .
  11. THe OP is asking about a 20 gauge Mossberg 500 Bantam with a smooth bore and asking which choke . Not rifled barrels or 12 ga . A 20 ga .......
  12. Several years ago my sister in law shot a buck at over 130 yards with a 20 ga Mossburg 500 . It has a smooth bore and she was using the cheap Federal rifled Foster slugs . The shotgun has a Qwik Point sight on it . I am guessing that the barrel was a Modified ............
  13. I have a section of the yard that I till and plant cherry and beefsteak tomatoes as well as some peppers . I made some boxes so the wife could do her raised garden plants that seem to do well every year . Her organic garden is always pretty healthy .
  14. I'm only 73 and don't have the need or desire for a X-bow yet and will stick with my compounds . If I were to go with a X-bow I would probably go with the Barnett Vengence as it's only about $900 . The way the NYS Regs are now is fine . Then again , where I hunt no one uses them so it's rather a moot point .
  15. Not really hunting but I had a funny experience today . I was driving up Culver Road in Irondequoit and had a Cock Pheasant run across the road in front of me . It happened between Dewberry and Park Road near the Pet Adoption Network building . Never expected to see a pheasant in that area .
  16. I think Hillary screwed up the NICs system when she deleted her files !
  17. I am too lazy to make my own seasoning and use McCormicks Peppercorn - Garlic marinade mix . I cut the strips thin , put them in a quart or gallon baggie depending on the amount of meat . Zip the bag closed and squish the mix & meat in the bag . Place in the fridge and periodically squish / mix some more . I let it soak for a day and then place on trays. Rotate the trays and leave until it looks like it's done . The amount of time needed depends on the thickness of the meat and the saturation of the liquid . You need to experiment . I bought one of the Jerky Shooters a few years ago . It loos like a caulking gun . Works great with venison burger . You squeeze out strips and when they dry , they appear to be a solid piece . I have an inexpensive Mr Coffee Food Dehydrator that suits my needs but wasn't good enough for the wife . She bought a Excalibur Food Dehydrator for about $200 . I think it was a waste of money but "if mama ain't happy , ain't nobody gonna be happy" !
  18. I saw that in the paper a bit ago . I was too slow to post it . Funny Cartoon !
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