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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. People should know who owns what property . If they don't know who the owner is and don't have permission to be there , then stay the hell out !
  2. I don't have any problems with the cheap ladder stands from DICKs and have about a dozen of them . As for the foot platform , I install it the opposite way that the instructions show and it gives me about an extra 3" of foot room . I am only 72 but when I get old , maybe I will want a stand with more room so I can put my walker in it too .
  3. I have seen that video several times with changes but this was the best . But ..... you should have used spell check ( where hunter orange / don't give a cap .... ???) .
  4. Try these --- If it's a penny for your thoughts and you put in your 2 cents worth then someone somewhere is making a penny . I put instant coffee in the microwave and it almost went back in time . If a person with multiple personalities threatens suicide , is it considered a Hostage Situation ? I put tape on the mirrors in my house so I don't accidentally walk through into another dimension . If toast always lands butter side down , and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat and drop it ?
  5. I had a Chevy S-10 for almost 10 years . I was starting to put too much into it for repairs and needed a new vehicle and I was getting poor gas milage ., I bought a Subaru Forester in 2009 . It has a 2400# towing capacity so it does what I need to haul a work trailer and another trailer to haul the ATV etc . Hauling the trailers cuts back on the mpg but I am not pulling them every day .
  6. Okay ---- I must confess . It was sent to me as an e-mail and I thought it was hilarious and wanted to share it .
  7. That is near where I plan to install my Ameristep Quad Pod . I want to put the Quad Pod on the bank of a very small pond overlooking the area where the yote is and also have a shot at something that may come across the horse trail that goes East-West across a large overgrown field .
  8. This camera has been up for over a year and the deer are not spooked by it .......
  9. I don't see any collar on this guy ...... Coyote in Geneseo
  10. Medical Appointment I visited a VA physician last week who was quite enthusiastic. It was a “new” doctor in the practice, a young lady. (Hell, at MY age, EVERYBODY is “young”! When I was born, the Dead Sea wasn‘t even sick!) She was obviously a liberal by her dress and manner. I was thinking of hitting on her, but I don’t like the phrase she used: “You remind me of my grandfather.” She asked me what was wrong, and I replied, “I have a cut on my leg; and I think it may be getting infected.” She said, “Before we start, I have to ask you a few questions. Are you allergic to any medications?” I replied, “No.” She said, “Do you have any guns in the house?” I said, “HUH??” She replied, “Guns. Do you have any guns in the house?” I asked, “Why?” She said, “I’ve got to ask this question. It is required under the Affordable Care Act.” I asked, “What are you going to do with the data?” She said, “We compile it, amalgamate it, and submit it to the government.” I said, “Well, I have a Tommy Gun. I let my kid Tommy play with it.” She said, “What’s a Tommy Gun? I don‘t think that is the kind of gun they are concerned with.” With THAT, I knew I had a live one. I said, “It’s similar to a B.A.R., but a little heavier and shorter. I have a B.A.R. also.” She said, “A B.A.R.?” I said, “Yes.” She looked puzzled. Then she brightened up and asked, “Do you have any assault rifles?” I attempted to look puzzled, and said, “I don’t know. What is an assault rifle?” She said, “That’s a gun that is used in wars.” I said, “As a matter of fact, I do I have a replica of a Revolutionary War musket.” She began to look a bit exasperated. I pretended not to notice and kept up the appearance of trying to be helpful. She said, “Do you have anything more modern than that?” I replied, “Well, yes I do. I have a replica muzzle loader from the Civil War. Do you know the difference between a musket and a muzzle loader?” She rather peevishly said, “No, I don’t; and I don’t want to. What else do you have?” I said, “I have an M-1.” She asked, “What’s that?” I said, “A rifle.” She asked, “What kind?” I replied, “It is called a Garand.” She rather loudly said, “I don’t care if it is a grand rifle or not. Is it an assault rifle?” To which I replied, “I don’t know. I don’t know what an assault rifle is. You say it’s a rifle used in war, yet you say that my musket and muzzle loader are not assault rifles.” She calmed down (a bit) and asked, “Anything else?” I said, “I have an MG-.30, and an MG-.50. I‘m also part owner of an Apache. But they are not rifles.” She stated, “Well, then, I’m not interested in them. Anything else.” I replied, “Well, yes. I also have a 12-gauge and a 20-gauge pump. They are not rifled though.” She said, “I’m not interested in pumps; I’m interested in guns.” I replied, “Well, then, I have a Colt, a Luger, a Glock, a bazooka, a Parabellum, a Kalishnikov, a Henry, an Uzi, a Llama, and a Beretta--but they are not rifles.” She then said, “I’ve had enough of this. I think you’re toying with me. Let me see your leg.” I then said, “Excuse me, but before you look at my leg, I have a few questions to ask of you.” She replied, “Of course. What are they?” I said, “I have given you a lot of information about my guns. I am somewhat concerned about your knowledge and ability to assimilate, make coherent sense of that information, and report it correctly. Do you know the difference between a .22 caliber and a .223 caliber? It’s a rather fundamental difference.” She replied, “Actually, I don’t.” I said, “I see. Let me ask some more relevant questions. “How much money do you make?” She said, “That’s personal, why do you ask?” I said, “Well, in pushing the Health Care Act, my president cautioned the population about doctors that would amputate a leg rather than treat a cut because they make more money that way. Consequently, I wish to know if you are financially troubled. What kind of car do you drive? What are your house payments? How much is your mortgage? How much credit card debt do you have? Do you have a student loan; if so, how much?” She said, “I’m not going to answer those questions. You have no right to ask them.” I then asked, “Do you have training and education in homeopathic techniques? Do you know the benefits/effects of CoQ10, ginseng, fish oil, Creatine, BCAA, and other such herbal treatments?” Do you know the difference between Panax ginseng, American ginseng, and Siberian ginseng?” She replied, “Well, No!” I then asked, ”Well, have you studied it at all?” She replied rather defensively,“NO; it’s all a bunch of hogwash anyway!” I said, “Oh, then you have read the research on it. What have you read?” She then said, “I don’t waste my time reading such things. Why are you asking me these questions?” I said, “Well, if I’m going to turn my body over to you for treatment, I believe it is reasonable for me to know something about your motivation, training, experience, and competence. Do you know anything about the practice of holistic medicine?” She said, rather angrily “No, I don’t!” I said, “Oh. O.K. How much experience do you have in practicing medicine?” She replied, “Well, not very much.” To which I said, “Well, we all have to start somewhere. What medical school did you go to; what is its rank in terms of other medical schools; where did you intern; and where did you do your residency? What is the rank of the hospital where you did your internship and residency?” She rather peevishly said, “All my credentials are posted in the waiting room.” To which I said, “Really? The rank of your medical school is posted in the waiting room? Do you have any experience with leg injuries? If so, how much?” I guess that was too much for her. She rather crossly said, “I think it would be best if you saw a different doctor.” ...and started to leave the room. I said, “You know, doctor. You asked me irrelevant questions about my guns, and I answered them. Whether or not I own guns is really none of your business and has absolutely nothing to do with any treatment you might prescribe. On the other hand, I ask you questions quite relevant to my situation, and you refuse to answer them. Isn’t that somewhat backwards?” She said, “But I HAVE to ask those questions. It’s the law.” To which I replied, “Actually, it is NOT the law. Here is what the law says--taken directly from the Affordable Care Act:” (1) WELLNESS AND PREVENTION PROGRAMS.—A wellness and health promotion activity implemented under subsection (a) (1) (D) may not require the disclosure or collection of any information elating to: (A) the presence or storage of a lawfully-possessed firearm or ammunition in the residence or on the property of an individual; or ( the lawful use, possession, or storage of a firearm or ammunition by an individual. (2) LIMITATION ON DATA COLLECTION.—None of the authorities provided to the Secretary under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act or an amendment made by that act shall be construed to authorize or may be used for the collection of any information relating to- (A) the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition; ( the lawful use of a firearm or ammunition; or © the lawful storage of a firearm or ammunition. You may verify this at, :http://housedocs.house.gov/energycommerce/ppacacon.pdf http://wizbangblog.com/2013/01/10/obamacare-amendment-does-not-forbid-gun-and-ammo-registration/.” “As you can see, you have broken federal law TWICE--once by asking, and once by collecting data. It is perfectly legal for me to own guns; it is NOT legal for you to ask and/or collect such data. YOU are breaking the law, and yet YOU are the one that is angry. Not only that, but you erroneously stated that you must ask such questions, and you did it in a very authoritative and convincing manner. You gave me false information, which I then acted upon by answering your questions. On that basis, how can I be expected to trust your medical judgment? When I attempted to ascertain your medical competency, you became defensive and hostile.” “There is really no need for me to see another doctor in this practice. I‘ll go somewhere else, where my privacy is respected, and I can trust the information I receive.”
  11. You could tell their misses without watching . Just listen for the "clank" sound . Bricks hitting the rim .
  12. I worked at Kelly Brothers Nursery in Dansville many , many years ago and was a (tie-er) . The "bud-er" cut an upside down "T" in a Mulberry Bush stem , cut a bud off the scion and slid it into the T slot then I would take a thin piece of rubber and place 4 wraps on the bottom and 3 on top of the slit . The bud would heal up and the rubber would break . I think this was for dwarf fruit trees .
  13. Since Vick's new team is based in New Jersey , why would he want to start a dog fighting ring in New York ? Maybe he could set one up in the swamp at the Meadow Lands .
  14. I usually put stuff in a safe place and then forget where that is ........ I have a spot for my Carpenter square in the garage . I have been putting the square in the same place for many tears . Spent over an hour looking all over the garage , basement , sheds , etc today and still havn't found it . I will be buying a new one at Harbor Freight !
  15. I don't fish in the LIBRARY !
  16. As long as you enjoy it , that's fine . I would make sure I had a charged up cell phone in case something happened . Do you walk 8 miles to where you camp ?
  17. Great looking bucks . Nice pics . Welcome to Hunting NY !
  18. It never ceases to amaze me as to the slobs that toss crap out a car window or toss garbage on the ground . Volunteers periodically pick up litter along the highway and a couple days later it is messy again . What is wrong with people !
  19. Congrats to your son . I went back through the paper andno pic as we get the Rochester D&C .
  20. Happy Birthday ! May the wind in your face not be the result of the cabbage you eat on St Patrick's Day !
  21. G-man --- are you talking about black powder / ML bullet removal ? The Bullet Puller we are talking about is for cartridges .............
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