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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. This is what I found in one of the reviews and a guy on a video mentioned it ----- It is a "one use" system . Don't test it out because it only works once . Here is a review I found . This live wire descent system is the state of the art in emergency descent systems. THe only criticism I have is that it cannot be tested because it is a one use system. It would be nice to have the ability to test the system since you're betting you're life that it will work when in an emergency situation. The other thing I wonder about is the weight capacity. What if you body weight is within the capacity of the system but your carrying a heavy pack and a rifle when you fall making your total weight exceed the limits? Normally other safety gear has a 20 - 30% fudge factor for such situations built into the design basis of the safety system. No mention of this in the manual?
  2. I have never shot a deer in Wayne County . I have hunted Ontario and Walworth with no luck . I have killed my deer in Monroe , Livingston , Ontario and Yates Counties . Hunting close to home has never worked for me .
  3. I wonder if it is anything like the Rescue One Controlled esent System . I bought one a couple years ago , opened the package up but never used it . Generally I don't hunt higher than 15' and figured my HSS harness is fine for that height . The Controlled Desent would be fine for 20-30 feet high . .
  4. I never gave it a thought as to how much work was put into the production of "real maple syrup" and how little maple syrup is in the stuff that we buy off the shelf in the store like Log Cabin , etc .
  5. It's pretty ....... pretty ugly !
  6. I got the list from a post on NY DEER site that no longer has any activity . I have never been on a NYB website and I am not a member of their organization .
  7. I have 3 of the Primos Truth Cam Blackouts that take nice pics and have excellent battery life . I have one overlooking a horse trail that apparently has weeds moving in front and sets the camera off too often . If I click through the pics fast , it looks like a movie ( $80 at WalMart) . I have a smaller Primos Cam 40 Ultra that takes good pics but .... I have set the date at least 3 times on trips and for some reason it reverts back to 2010 . But it only cost me $5 in a Raffle . I have a Moultrie D338s that I have not put out yet and a couple other cameras . I have a Moultrie in Geneseo that I have left for over a year and the deer are used to it even though it has the IR flash . I gave up on Stealth Cams as 3 of them crapped out on me and I havn't had time to take them to the range yet . Never got a response from an email I sent to their company . Apparently I lost some pics when The company transferred my files from my XP Desktot to the new computer . I will have to see if I can get them from the external hard drive . And , like doc said , hide the camera . Take a step ladder and place it about 10' high where it's not noticable .
  8. you might want to set up a hidden trail cam overlooking where the atv is stored ..................
  9. My oldest son moved from compound to Recurve and makes his own arrows with footed shafts .
  10. Belo - The only fault I find with the above post "you can't use a gun during bow." .... a gun can be used during the "Youth Season" .
  11. I think it's pronounced "deah" as in "you don't need 10 bullets to kill a deah" ! We shouldn't be giving Prince Andy any ideas ........
  12. I am going off the beaten path here ------- Making things easier for newbies is not a good thing in my opinion . People don't learn to accept failure . It's part of the "dumbing down of America" ! Examples : 1) T-Ball --- Scores aren't kept . Kids run the bases . There are no losers . Everyone is a winner so little Billy Bob doesn't cry when he strikes out . 2) Daddy takes little Billy Bob gun hunting during the Youth Hunt . The kid hunts with a gun while others are using bows . Because it's warmer weather than during gun season he doesn't suffer the cold and is made to think that's what hunting is about . Plus he isn't in the way when Daddy deer hunts 3) Tests are too hard so they are simplified so more students get passing grades . Stupid kids don't know they are failures until they enter the Real World .. 4) Schools do away with Honor Roll Lists so little Johnny isn't embarrassed because his name isn't on the list . Making things easier doesn't prepare people for failure and that's probably why so many turn to drugs ! I doubt that some youngster that starts out hunting with a crossbow is going to switch to a Compound later on .
  13. Fair isn't the name of the game . What is Fair to one person is a hinderance to another .
  14. Is the requirement to be in charge of the DOJ that you must prove you are an idiot ?
  15. When I saw the pic , I thought it was Grizzley Adams !
  16. Here is what the Ameristep Quad Pod looks like .... It was a package deal --- the quad pod and Blind for $250 at WalMart before Christmas . http://www.walmart.com/ip/Ameristep-6-Vantage-Point-Quad-Pod/21013668
  17. Where the deer are standing is an East / West mowed trail that the Genesee Valley Hunt Club uses to cross the property . I had put up No Tresspassing signs on each property line as someone with an ATV was tearing up the trail and had no business being on the property . The trail gets mowed a couple times a year and I may toss some seed down there . From the pond bank to the closest part of the trail is just over 20 yards . It's kind of sporadic as to when they will show up . In a weeks time I had over 1000 pics on the camera because I have the timer set wrong and I think the weeds blow enough that it trips the camera . The motion sensor must be real touchy ! If I click through the pics fast , it's like watching a video . I would like to reset it but it's 50 miles awat and at least a 1/2 mile wet , soggy walk to where the came is .........
  18. I don't have ant equipment to work the land so I may just try some throw and grow . It usually stays wet around there as the water doesn't drain off . Where the deer are standing is an overgrown field that was plowed maybe 20 years ago and nothing done after that . It's a bumpy / lumpy field !
  19. This is near where I plan to install the Quad Pod this summer .......
  20. Of course crossbows are easier . You don't see any of the humans on "The Walking Dead" shooting compound bows , do you ?! They are killing those Zombies with Crossbows !
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