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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. That is one heck of an attractant !
  2. Nice going ....... You can't win anything if you don't invest . Sweet deal for 20 bucks !
  3. It's sunny and dry here after all that rain from yesterday . Got home from church and brunch and see that the neighbors had cut their lawns . Looks like a nice day .
  4. Obama Is Destroyed by Clare Daly of the Irish Parliament, Called “War Criminal” and “Hypocrite of the Century” http://conservativeangle.com/video-obama-is-destroyed-by-clare-daly/
  5. Never piss off a farmer who owns a back-hoe !
  6. Anyone have a Weaver scope ? Any opinions on the Weaver scopes ?
  7. 2009 Subaru Forester . Got it for gas milage and the 2400 lb towing capacity .
  8. Ants ----- How to you really feel about these guys ?
  9. I am really getting frustrated with product reviews and wonder how valid some are . I was looking at rider mowers and self propelled . Many reviewers give them a 5 star and a few give them a 1 star and say they are junk . My rider mower ( Troy Built Bronco ) crapped out on me and I was looking at new ones but couldn't make up my mind . I have a walk behind with a bagger but at 71 , I don't want to PUSH it for the next few years . I figured a self propelled with bagger would do . My lot is 180 X 110 and subtracting the house , driveway , shed , garden , etc , I have about 1/3 acre . Instead of mowing with a rider and then walking for exercise , why not walk behind the self -propelled mower . Anyway , I find the reviews confusing and wonder how valid they are . People mention wheels bending , wheels falling off , belts falling off the pulleys , shafts breaking , etc ... What the heck !
  10. "P" is silent in the pool .........
  11. Went out to check the cameras this am and the mosquitoes were horrendous ! I put some Cutter on but that didn't help much . They are bad enough when you can swat or squish them but when they nail you in the middle of the back ..........aughhhhhhhhhhhhhh !
  12. There are tiny ants in the camera . I sprayed some ant killer on cotton balls and put them in a sealed container . If it isn't raining when I get to the swamp , I plan to put the treated cotton balls in the camera housing and see if that helps .
  13. Check out the Sportsman's Guide . I have purchased several boxes of Remington 20 ga Accu Tips that I havn't been able to get anywhere else . http://www.sportsmansguide.com/net/sitemap/ammo-and-shooting.aspx?d=121
  14. Have a Great Day -- Ranger Clay !
  15. ???????????? I get nothing but the link to make a new post .
  16. I removed the metal blade that came with my saw and replaced it with an abrasive blade . Works for me ...
  17. Did you find the missing riders ?
  18. something makes me think this is a buck
  19. Hmmmmmmmmmm ! http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=-LIpAxjPt9U
  20. Thanks . We did a swap . He has the Primos Truth Cam Blackout and I have the small Truth which I havn't put out yet . The camera that took these pics is set up in a real shady spot and I had to lighten them up a bit . Those are the 1st twin fawns I have gotten on camera this year . Gotta figure out how to keep ants out of the camera housing !
  21. Here is how .............. http://www.youtube.com/embed/Vt7FDTpzGvo?
  22. The castor bean plant, Ricinus communis, contains two toxins that are poisonous to people, animals, and insects. The main toxic protein, ricin, is so potent that a single milligram may be sufficient to kill a human adult. Ricin is considered both a chemical and biological weapon and is explicitly prohibited by the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) and Schedule 1 of the Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC). Ricin works its harm by destroying small parts of cells, called ribosomes. Ribosomes produce all of the proteins needed by a cell. If the proteins cannot be produced, the cell dies. Although the effects of ricin ingestion may be felt within a few hours (abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting), it is a slow-acting poison, with death occurring after 1-3 days. A victim who survives the severe dehydration and lowered blood pressure of advanced ricin poisoning will generally recover. The other toxic protein in the castor bean, RCA (Ricinus communis agglutinin), agglutinates red blood cells. In other words, injection of RCA into the bloodstream essentially causes a person's blood to coagulate. Ingestion of a castor bean or its products will release ricin, but the RCA cannot cross the intestinal wall. Castor oil and products made from castor oil contain very little ricin or RCA. However, castor beans are grown for ornamental purposes, too. The seeds from the garden plant present a poisoning hazard to children and pets. Dehydration and vomiting are more dangerous for children than adults, so ingestion of a single castor bean seed may be fatal for a child. However, if the seed is ingested whole, there is a chance that it may pass through the gastrointestinal system without releasing its ricin. Purified ricin and RCA are of considerable concern as weapons for several reasons. First, castor bean seeds are readily obtainable. Second, several routes of exposure are possible (for ricin: inhalation, injection, or ingestion). Once the proteins are purified, the powdered toxin can be used to contaminate food or beverages. Ricin is heat-stable, so it can be applied to shrapnel within an explosive device. Possibly the greatest concern about ricin used as a weapon is that symptoms of poisoning can readily misdiagnosed. At present, therapy for ricin poisoning consists of replacing fluids and treating the symptoms of poisoning, but research is underway to develop a vaccine for the toxin. Also, testing is underway for a new drug, using an inactivated form of the ricin protein, to treat individuals following exposure.
  23. Got pics from the other Trail Cam in the Swamp also but havn't posted any of those .........
  24. I got to the trail cams and posted some pics from The Swamp Camera
  25. Camera is in a shady area facing South West . When I opened it up , there were tiny ants in it . Still taking pics though .
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