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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. My 2 sons that hunt and I will hit the woods in Geneseo tomorrow . Rain is forecasted a good part of the day . If I stay home it will be clear . If I go , I will probably get soaked but hopefully there might be a bunch of hunters out and about .
  2. Glad to hear that you weren't physically injured . Kinda sounds like a booby trap to have someone leave it that way . Someone is definitely a real a-hole !
  3. About 4 - 5 years ago , a couple of guys were playing John Wayne at the Ontario Rifle Range which is located on Trimble Road in Ontario , NY . They put a hole in a swimming pool located on Putnam Road which was almost a mile from there . There was a heck of a big deal made of it and the range was shutdown for about a year . Had to raise the berms , get certified to use the range and go through a special safety course . All because 2 dumb asses were doing something stupid . The homeowner was playing with his kids in the back yard when the accident happened . He said his daughter had just walked past the pool a few seconds before the hit happened and water came out of the hole caused by the bullet ( was later recovered ) . The club member was kicked out and he and his buddy are not welcomed back to the range . Point being ----- the bullet traveled at least a mile ( .223 ) .
  4. I was planning on hunting Sunday but rain is forecasted for most of the day so I really don't care to go and sit out . I don't think too many hunters will be out there pushing deer around in the rain . If my 2 hunter sons decide to go , I will have to drive to Henrietta to get my son's shotgun to him ........
  5. I went to Geneseo this am and took a web chair . I sat at the base of the Willow Tree after trimming a bit of crap that was blocking my view . I was relaxing at 6:30 waiting for 7:22 to roll around . Sat there until 10:30 . The spot overlooks a processed soy bean field where the deer travel . Nothing ! Walked to the woods and through the thickets and still didn't see anything . Went to my car and changed clothes . Stopped up to talk to my SIL before leaving . She was working in her barn . As we were talking , I spotted 3 does running across her neighbor's field . I had already called it a day and was in the process of thawing out . Did I forget to mention that it was cold . The real killer was when I turned off 390 onto 590 there were 8 does out in the big open area . Took the wife to dinner when I got home .
  6. Is it illegal to make a photo copy and have a tag on your back and also on your backpack ?
  7. I am going to try ground hunting this am . The stand I am going to faces blown down cattails where the deer had been sneaking through before they were flattened . The deer my son had seen from the stand in the willow tree came into the field behind him . He couldn't get a decent shot because of all the limbs . The stand had been set up for bow hunting toward the cat tail trails .
  8. Since I am still at zero for the year I can't claim any of the fat ......
  9. When you get that up in the tree , make sure the Turn Signal is off !
  10. I was wondering if you could trim limbs off as you go up . But , like Doc was saying , that tree in the demo was quite ideal / perfect .
  11. Before I even bought my in-line I bought a book by Sam Fadela that explained everything you would want to know about shooting BP . I looked all over for it and then called my youngest son as I recalled loaning it to him . He still has it . I think I paid less than $20 for it on Amazon or at Borders . Barnes and Noble may have it .......
  12. I will be trying my luck again tomorrow but I sure hate getting up at 4 am . It never bothered me much in my younger days but now , it sucks ! I took my son's Mossberg 835 to the range this am to check it out . Ist shot at 50 yards was right in the black . I put a couple more in there and then hit low . He is using the Brenneke KO slugs . Decided it was me not the gun and that all shots were in the killzone at 50 yards . I moved the scope up 8 clicks and put 2 shots at the top of the 4 1/4" black ring . After a dozen shots I started to flinch a tad but was still in the kill zone and figured I would leave well enough alone . It's ball parked but we don't all have the same sight picture and what's good for me might not be good for Nick . When I got home I took the barrel off and gave it a good cleaning . Ran a the bronze brush through it and the a crapload of patches . Then , in all my brilliance , I decided to remove the trigger housing group . Once I did that the carriage interupter fell out . As I was putting that in the carriage stop fell out . Dayum !!! I took out the bolt slide and couldn't remember which way it went back into the opening . I was working up a sweat and thinking I was going to have to bag a bunch of parts and to to a gunshop . I asked my wife not to talk to me for a while and took my time working on the re-assembly . I finally got it back together and everything works fine . I was sweating bullets for a while . It's one clean shotgun ! I'll give the gun back to my son when we hunt together this coming Sunday .
  13. I saw something similar to that on a hunting site several years ago . It was for someone who was wheelchair bound but still pretty neat .
  14. Nice story . Congrats on your buck .
  15. erussel ---- I would love to have seen the look on the guy's face when he 1st saw the stand piled up !
  16. The thing I don't like about the WildGame cameras is ...... none that I own take multiple shots like my Moultries . Their battery life is pretty good .
  17. Another bummer of a day . I left my bowhunting to my son and headed to the woods . Never saw a thing down there . I was in the stand by 6:30 . It's not quite a mile walk . At 8:45 I heard a shot . My son said a doe had snuck in behind him and he had to stand up and turn around in the ladder stand . He said he hit her in the leg so I told him to wait and see if she might lay down and stiffen up in case he caught more than the leg . He waited an hour and she had laid down in the lane-way but got up and booked as soon as she saw him . I had him get back in his stand and said I would drive the thickets to possibly push something to him . When I came into view he got down and pointed to the far end of the field about 500 yards away . There were 2 doe up there . They crossed the field and looked back . Nick said that 3 deer hauled butt out of the thick stuff and ran up to the far corner and apparently the 2 I saw were looking for the third one . We went up to our vehicles , got something to eat and went back to the stands . Around 3 pm , I got down and we double checked the area for the doe that was hit in the am . Nothing ! At 4:30 we called it quits for the day . I brought his gun home with some of his slugs to check it out at the range . I know everyone has a different sight picture but I would like to know how far out of whack the gun is actually shooting . I'll probably go back Friday . I need to give my back a rest !
  18. The DEC checked me on the Gibsonville Road between Leicester and Perry during deer season in 1966 . I was also checked for a fishing license in 2003 in Calicoon , ny . No problem either time .
  19. Heading for Geneseo in a few minutes . It's ccccccccold with snow flurries later . I hate sitting in 25 degree weather !
  20. That's dumb . I had called them about replacement hubs . The lady told me they didn't have them at the time and would cost $40 for a set of 5 . Why would they have replacement hubs and not the skins ?
  21. Talk to the neighbor's . If they don't mind , they might even welcome someone taking a few "shrub eaters" . You might find that you have a new found Honey Hole !
  22. No - It's a pic I had in my archives that I though might bring a few laughs . It sure would work though .
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