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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. The cat doesn't eat much ......
  2. What are the threads ? Did they get removed or moved ?
  3. Anything to help out a Newbie .............well almost anything ;D
  4. That would be one heck of a surprise to climb up in the dark and find the bear there . I think from now on , I will put and extra pair of shorts in my backpack ! ???
  5. No , it's not a bad drive but I stay until almost dark . If I leave then , i'd have to hit the sack as soon as I got home and get up real early the next am to hunt again . I would be farther ahead to stay and sleep in the back of my Subaru and be ready to go the 1st thing in the morning . I would save 3 hours of driving time . Either that or score the 1st day I hunt there !
  6. I have never used a Tree saddle but i've heard of them . You'd never get me in one . http://www.trophylineusa.com/subpages/videos/5.php
  7. One of the members of Down south Hunting posted it on their site .........I'm an Admin over there
  8. How would you like to climb up to your treestand in the dark and find this guy hanging around ?
  9. I think Foxworthy is doing a new show in the fall . It will be called " Can You Shoot Better Than a 5th Grader " !
  10. My son's best friend's Dad has some property on the west side of Canandaigua Lake near the south end . It's thick overgrown vineyards and we have had pretty good luck there . He is going to let someone clear the hill , fence it and grow beef cattle . Sooooo , I gotta hunt it hard this year as I will lose it after that . I'd like to go there opening day and if I don't cash in , maybe stay overnight so I would be there early in the am the next day . It's 100 mile drive round trip .
  11. They do a heck of a job !!!
  12. Yeah , I saw that video about a year ago . What are the odds of that happening ? I wouldn't want to take a 2nd shot to find out ! ??? ... ???
  13. http://www.ksl.com/?nid=157&sid=11651855
  14. This is either the sight my son has or very similar . It's the Extreme Bone Collector and a light can be placed at the back end where the end of the fiber optics are .......
  15. Sorry to hear of the loss of your buddy ........
  16. Steve ---- when your neighbor shoots that Big Boy see if you can get a picture to post ! : ... :D
  17. I have never used or touched a Pendulum sight but have read and heard comments about them . Too many moving parts . I have single pin TruGlo Range Rovers on a couple of my bows . I got rid of a couple multi pin sights . I can see fine with my setups . My youngest son bought an Extreme multi pin sight that has a port toward the back end that allows a sight light to be screwed in . This concept eliminates the glare on the pins .
  18. Since you are in Pennsylvania , they probably won't .........
  19. If I see lightning , I am out of there in a New York minute ! ??? .. ??? .. ???
  20. Let's see if this shows up ........... "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EpciS8s54G0?fs=1&hl=en_US
  21. I was talking about the one on Boughton Hill Road kust a bit east from Route 64 . It only has a 100 yard range .
  22. I took these pics the spring of 2009 at the north East corner of Routes 65 and 251 . I lost count at 57 ...........
  23. I have a NEF 50 cal Huntsman with a 1.5 X 4.5 scope .
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