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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by fasteddie

  1. Instead of concentrating on the soy bean fields , i'd be trying to figure what food source the deer will have once the beans are harvested . I havn't seen deer eat the beans . Just the fresh green tops . Anyway the beans are usually gone before mid October .
  2. She's just a pretty face to sell a show and products but ............ i'd watch it .
  3. I don't think you can use the impact bullet pullers on rim-fire ammo. Wasn't the original post about 22 caliber rimfire ammo that was tossed on the ground? Doc That's right . It is 22 rim fire ammo . I know where I can dispose of it at the range . I was commenting on the stupidity of whoever the shooter was that left it on the ground !
  4. I bought a new bow at a shop in Henrietta several years ago . My son had spent a lot of money there previously . I thought the guy would cut me some slack because of that but I paid MSRP price . Anyway , I changed out the sight and replaced the Whisker Biscuit with a Drop Away that I had fastened to the down cable . I had my string and cable replaced there and the shop owner fastened the drop rest to the cable slide . That method didn't let the rest drop fast enough so I bought some cord and rut it back the way I had it before . I know the guy was more knowledgable than I am but I wasn't happy with how he set up my bow . I havn't been back . He was a real nice guy . Another shop owner who runs the shop part time .........
  5. fasteddie


    Black Flies are usually quite prevalent during the Turkey Season but it's skeeter season now . The worse place I can ever remember being for mosquitos was Onslow Beach NC . WE had mosquitos , ticks , chiggers and sand fleas . The bottled repellant they issued us would burn your eyes when you perspired . Nasty !!! ???
  6. I believe this stuffed coyote picture was taken in a Southern state . Some woman saw it and reported the vehicle owner to the police . The guy was a Taxidermist ..........
  7. I thought the same thing when I saw the broken arrow but I have no idea what happened when the arrow was released by the hunter . I would rather have missed than to get a hit like that . The deer could have made a quick move juat as the arrow was released or it could have been just a crappy shot . Who knows !
  8. Nothing like seeing something move and looking through the binos to see a hunter walking and wearing camo or a brown Carhart jacket . ???
  9. I shot woodchucks for a farmer in Lincoln . I pretty much cleaned them out . He wanted me to shoot the foxes and I suggested since he didn't have any chickens to leave the fox alone as they would also help with the chuck population . They gave me potatoes and Maple Syrup . I tried to refuse but it was like an insult to them as they were losing a lot in crop damage .
  10. It's a Democrat bear ...... waiting for a handout !
  11. I can click on your Site Name and see that you are from Rochester . If members would update their Profiles to state that they are from Avoca , Utica , etc instead of the SouthernTier or Central , NY or UPSTATE NY , we would know where folks are from ......but that would be too easy !
  12. fasteddie


    I have heard that Dryer Sheets work as a repellant for mosquitos
  13. fasteddie


    I was loosening up yesterday after several days off . I planned on shooting today but it was 91 degrees out so I did some reloading in the basement . I walked out back of my friend's house in Walworth to check for tracks . It wasn't too bad on the way out but the Skeeters were horrendus on the way back to the house . The ones that really get me are the skeeters that get you right in the middle of the back . Ouch .
  14. I don't feel wearing Blaze Orange should be mandatory but ........I will wear it during gun season and when walking to a stand if I turkey hunt . I want to be seen by other hunters . There are a lot of dumb asses out there and I don't want to be a statistic .
  15. The point of the original post is ......... some dumb ass left live rounds laying on the ground at the range and should have picked them up !
  16. I doubt it . Hatchets don't have triggers , stocks or bolts .......... : ... : ... :
  17. If you get your foot in the door to shoot woodchucks for a farmer , he might give you permission to hunt deer on his property .
  18. If the guy was using a crossbow , he might have recovered the deer . That buck couldn't have gone far dragging an anchor ! :
  19. I caught 2 big bucks on the trail cam last year ..... once . Never saw them again . Weird !!!
  20. I live 2 miles south of Lake Ontario but I wouldn't want to toss them in ..... ??? ... ??? ... ???
  21. Some of the folks that live near East Avon should stop by the DEC Sportsman's Show in September . They usually have a camp of the Flintlock group on site dressed in the 1700's style of living .
  22. Yeah , and many of these crooks get off the hook by paying a partial of what they owe and the collection agencies write them off . But ...... someone is paying the price for their thievery !!! > ... > ... > ... > ... >
  23. An Oldie but Goodie ! .. ..
  24. I called the Pres of the club and talked to his wife . He hasn't returned my call . If I had no place to dispose of "duds" , I think I would place them in a container with old motor oil that would eventually kill the primers . I don't know what effect it would have on rim fire ammo .
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