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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by airedale

  1. For every day I keep it small, light and simple, an old well used American made "Shrade" 2 blade Improved Muskrat. I like a two blade for the simple reason of having an extra sharp blade. My main carry hunting knife is a "Western" two blade in a bit of a larger version for the same reason. Al
  2. I have two Woolrich coat and pants outfits as pictured above, one pair of pants has straight legs worn on the outside of my boots and the other is the knicker type worn on the inside. I have bought and tried just about every type of outdoor apparel but I have found nothing that beats the old Woolrich wool. Like your Dad wildcat I spent many a day from daylight to dark hunting Hare behind Beagles up on the Tug all winter, so when I hit the timber and the weather is cold and nasty I will be wearing one of those Woolrich outfits. Al
  3. The only traveling that interests me is here in the USA and particularly states that have good hunting. Would like to go on a trip to such states in an easily driven maneuverable vehicle like below with a Honda Trail mounted on the rear bumper. In it I would be equipped and prepared to hunt everything I wanted. A good big game rifle, a couple of shotguns to cover both waterfowl and upland and a couple of highly accurate varmint rifles along with some fishing equipment. Of course one of my best Airedales will be along for the fun. Probably start in the Dakotas working my way to Wyoming and Montana. As the weather changes toward winter start south through all the mountain states and eventually working my way into Arizona and Texas sight seeing, fishing and hunting all the way. I have many contacts out that way and it would be a blast meeting them all. Al
  4. You are absolutely right, I did some casting years ago with a Coleman stove and a old kitchen pot. I got out of it because cast bullets were so easily available at not a lot of cost, it just was not worth the trouble for me back then. That was then and this is now, things are going south in a hurry and the old Boy Scout saying of "being prepared" is not lost on me. Picked up a new furnace, couple of new molds and some hard alloy lead ingots so I am pretty good to go as far as handguns and muzzleloaders. Al
  5. As I stated last summer the California model for banning traditional lead ammunition would be the Democrat's first salvo for their gun control agenda. As with California it will not stop with a ban on just state lands it will be implemented eventually state wide. California's hunting and shooting community has been devastated by the lead ammo ban. Old "sleepy Joe will be jumping on the traditional ammo ban band wagon before long for all Federal lands. Al
  6. If you are a tent wilderness back pack camper hiking deep into back country where no vehicles are allowed pack Llamas are a very good idea and work well for such hunting. They can haul enough equipment to make for a very comfortable base camp and also make coming back out with game that has been taken a much easier chore. Rinella did a show using Llamas to haul their equipment and they were sure well worth having along from what I saw. Al
  7. Looks like a hound dog to me. Al
  8. A matter of opinion, I for one agree with Fred's whole statement. Al
  9. Using this logic to Hell with any kind of special weapon Deer season, just have a Deer season and use whatever your preferred weapon of choice may be so then nobody will be deprived and left out. Al
  10. Trying a different sight picture, always wanted to give the shallow V and vertical line rear blade with front bead a shot, got the blade today and installed it, have not shot it yet but I like what I am seeing. Al
  11. If she gets serious and learns good marksmanship this rifle will do the job and be all she needs to get her feet wet. No flies on a single shot, I got my deer with one last season. Al https://www.henryusa.com/rifles/single-shot-youth-rifle/
  12. Have been looking to get myself another 44 mag revolver and decided on a barely used early 80s classic style Ruger Redhawk. Got the grips changed out and put in a fiber optic style front sight. Will be looking forward to testing it and it's GP100 357 Mag brother out over the summer with a bunch of various handloads, should be fun. Al
  13. A few years ago I purchased several 40 volt Greenworks tools including their pole saw and have had very good luck with all of them. I just did a bunch of limbing with the pole saw and it worked great, it is heavy and will give you a good workout but that is the only negative. Al
  14. The value of American made vintage scopes price wise has gone through the stratosphere in recent years and it does not seem to matter what make they are, across the board commanding big bucks is the rule of the day. I picked up a Winchester model 52 bench rifle 20 years ago that had open Olympic sights, my eyes had just begun to start going south so I mentioned to the dealer I may want to mount a period scope on the rifle in the future. So he pulls out a used Redfield 20X 3200 target scope in very good condition and offered it to me for $100 which by the way was the going price back then. Fast forward to today, that same scope now easily goes for over a grand if you can locate one for sale. I am constantly scanning ebay for good American made scopes and the days of getting them for a song are long gone. If you can find a nice one for a half way decent price my advice is buy it because they are only going to continue their upward climb in value. Al
  15. She is a beauty, I am a big fan of SxS doubles, for me there is nothing like the tradition, nostalgia and elegance of a side by side double for hunting small game. Before I croak I would like to own a small gauge detachable sidelock double. Al
  16. The 22 Eargesplitten Loudenboomer, a concoction made up by wildcatter extraordinaire "PO Ackley" AKA America's Gunsmith. For the heck of it he was looking to break the 5000 feet per second barrier but even with the huge case he was only getting around 4700 fps. Inefficient is the word!
  17. I believe it is only problem Deer that require special permits, when it comes to farmers protecting their livelihood say like Coons raiding a corn patch, it used to be they themselves or whomever they personally deem to do the job can go in and trap or hunt the offenders at any time no permit necessary, so I am pretty sure you would be legal. Al
  18. Call me the "vaccine king" I get them all, in addition to all the childhood disease shots I get the flu annually, completed the pneumonia series last year, got the two covids and am looking to get the shingles shot. Hopefully an effective Lyme vaccine is developed shortly, for someone that had the trifecta Lyme was the worst for me. No problems with shots at all for this old walking lab rat, personally I feel the benefits far outweigh side effects and have better things to do than being laid up or even dying from some preventable malady! Al
  19. I never cared much for so called traditional "dog" names like Sport, Fido, Rover etc. My Dogs for the most part get regular "people" names that I happen to like. I tend to choose uncommon ones. Al
  20. Looks good Wolc, with my old eyes I have become an avid user of fiber optic style open sights. Many of my handguns, shotguns, muzzleloaders and open sight rifles now sport some sort of fiber optic sights. I can get a much better sight picture in dim light and in the woods. Al
  21. That is some photo, a guy in a suit holding a double barrel shotgun, riding a motorcycle with a side car carrying a hound with a Deer lying across the handlebars. Al
  22. Those 32 cal Crockett Squirrel rifles are a lot of fun to mess around with, economical to shoot and very accurate considering their modest price. Your rifle is laying them in there good, get out there and kill a Squirrel with it this fall. Al
  23. For me the boot style that fits the above criteria is a good quality "upland" boot, as Nancy Sinatra would say "these boots are made for walking." Bird hunters do not sit in a stand, they are walking and walking constantly, light weight, comfort and durability are their claim to fame. All the major boot manufacturers have upland boots in their lines, I have experience with Cabelas, Redhead, Rocky and Weinbrenner and have been happy with all. Al
  24. Some good ones Grouse, I liked them all. Al
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