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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by airedale

  1. About all I have to say is this board is turning into a real shithole!!! Al
  2. I have a modest collection of hunting knives and some are pretty nice but they are for looking at. For me my actual carry field knife is part of the whole hunting experience, my main carry knife is just a decent two blade Western from back when they were made in Colorado USA. I enjoy spending time sharpening it to a razor edge and seeing it do what it was designed to do when it comes to field dressing my animals. Al
  3. Congratulations, looks like a fine Bow, enjoy, practice makes perfect. I hardly bow hunt at all anymore these days but I still enjoy shooting my bows frequently just for recreation and to stay proficient. Same for my firearms can't be a good shot unless you shoot. Al
  4. Weather has a lot to do with a Squirrel's activity, when there is a cold snap like the one we are currently having they will tend to lay low in their dens. I have a couple of Squirrels that have nests in a big oak tree in the back of my barnyard and they visit my chicken coup just about every day stealing feed, during this cold snap over the past week or so they have not come out of their nests. Never had much luck hunting them when it is nippy cold, once the temps turn and warm up a bit their activity picks up and they will be out and about grubbing for food. Al
  5. Old school for me, I have used both the Bushnell and Tasco type with arbors for fifty years, the Bushnell has the expandable style while the Tasco has an individual arbor for each caliber, I would say they are both equal in performance and will get me on the Target with no fuss. Al
  6. Congratulations on your new 28 ga, I scratched my 28 ga itch some years back first with a CZ side by side and recently with a Tri Star over and under. I enjoy shooting both on clay targets and small game hunting. Like your ATI my two are made in Turkey which has become a major player in the firearms industry in recent years especially when it comes to decent quality doubles at affordable prices. The only drawback I have found with the 28 ga is finding ammo and which can be high priced when it is found, I solved that problem with a Mec 28 ga loader and now roll my own. Anyhow good luck Turkey hunting with your new ATI 28 ga. Al
  7. I have owned a Rad Mini for several years now, I like the ability to fold it up and put in in the inside of my Honda Ridgeline if I want to take it for some trail riding. I purchased mine mostly for fun and recreation and this fellow's video is right on the mark on how these bikes can be ridden and used. So far so good with mine. I see the newer models have motors with more torque which would make them a bit better on hills although I have no problem going up hills with mine. I ride mine in the peddle assist mode and can go right along on the road close to 20 mph easily. Al
  8. I still use some similar gear pictured in the photo like the Bean type hunting boots, the plaid wool and waxed upland wear, I have not found anything that works better. Al
  9. I like the modern snowshoes because of their ease of maintenance, lacings do not break or need restringing and no rot, no varnishing, also wet snow does not stick to neoprene. Now as far as actually walking on snow the old style wood frame and rawhide laced work perfectly fine. Al
  10. At one time I would spend every chance I had during the winter months hunting Snowshoe Hare with hounds in lake effect snow country where snowshoes are a must. I started out with wooden frame models that were strung with rawhide and treated with shellac or varnish to waterproof everything. For hunting I used the semi bearpaw type which allowed maneuverability in the thick woods. The long trailer type are more for crossing open country. Later I purchased a set of wooden frame models that were strung with neoprene lacing and leather bindings, they were much more worry free and lasted much longer than my rawhide jobs which are now used for a wall decoration. A few years back I went the modern route with a pair of Canadian made aluminum frame models strung with neoprene like the ones pictured below and quick adjustable bindings, they work great and are virtually maintenance free. They are sized for your body weight and you want them a little big because of the heavy clothes, gun and hopefully a game bag full of Hares. Al
  11. Hell that is an every other day happening in Chicago and they have some of the toughest gun laws in the land. You have a culture problem in this country these days where a person's life has little value and no teeth in enforcing gun laws already on the books. When I was a kid, a person old enough could purchase an M1 Garand for a few bucks out of a outdoor magazine through the mail. A murder or shootings rarely happened around here and would be big news back then, today they are almost an every day occurrence. Al
  12. It makes zero difference who the HSUS CEO is, the anti hunting mission and message remains exactly the same as can be seen by the failed legislation attempt. Al
  13. Weaver made a side mounted base that was held by screws on the curve of the receiver and a ring set up that would attach to that base. It is a very strong setup and it puts the scope right over the top of the receiver. Best done by a competent gunsmith. Below is my Winchester super X1 with that mount.
  14. When it comes to eating different game animals and birds a lot has to do with how it is prepared. I have had the chance to try just about everything at one time or another. From Possums to Moose and everything in between, some was a lot better than others but all were at least palatable except for one and that was Pronghorn Antelope, I did not like it at all, the smell or the taste. It was just fried in butter with some salt and pepper, yuk!! Al
  15. I have a couple of 45 cal sidelocks that have presented problems obtaining projectiles in recent years, almost everything is geared toward 50 cal these days. The problem was easily solved by purchasing a bullet mold and casting bullets myself and not for a lot of money. Not hard to master at all, just do it in a well ventilated area. Lead is pretty easy to find and purchase. Al
  16. You do know this is HuntingNY.com a hunting themed message board, this troll have been on this board for months and all he posts is political libtard venom to stir the pot, he does not belong here! What I posted was universal message board etiquette, having two accounts like the Versatile one is a banning offense on any message board I have ever been a member of, he is being dishonest and a liar! Notice his typical deflection of the charge. Al
  17. Oh my, should I get down on my knees and kiss your ring superior one? What we have here with the Versatile "non hunter" is a perfect example of a sockpuppet account, having operated a message board for close to twenty years I can spot them a mile away. A sock puppet or sockpuppet is an online identity used for purposes of deception. The term, a reference to the manipulation of a simple hand puppet made from a sock, originally referred to a false identity assumed by a member of an Internet community who spoke to, or about, themselves while pretending to be another person. The use of the term has expanded to now include other misleading uses of online identities, such as those created to praise, defend, or support a person or organization, to manipulate public opinion, or to circumvent restrictions, such as viewing a social media account that they are blocked from, suspension or an outright ban from a website. A significant difference between the use of a pseudonym and the creation of a sockpuppet is that the sockpuppet poses as an independent third-party unaffiliated with the main account operator. Sockpuppets are unwelcome in many online communities and forums and should be banned!
  18. Several fellows on the Airedale board use their dogs here in the states to recover Deer, had this photo sent in from a hunter in France using his dog to recover Deer in the same way done in the states, Fallow Deer instead of Whitetails. Al
  19. “We are going to use the ballot box and the democratic process to stop all hunting in the United States ... We will take it species by species until all hunting is stopped in California. Then we will take it state by state.” - Wayne Pacelle, CEO & President of HSUS
  20. I have posted many times on this board about all of the animal rights groups being in bed with the Democrat party and the above legislation pushed by HSUS s just another example. Why should Second Amendment or hunting supporters care about HSUS? There’s a lot reasons. The money that HSUS is raising under deceptive pretenses helps fund a radical anti-gun and anti-hunting agenda. HSUS’s lobbying arm fought a successful push to allow concealed carry in National Parks, on the grounds that it could increase poaching. That’s about as logical as saying we should ban concealed carry entirely because permit holders might be potential robbers or murderers, despite the fact that they are overwhelmingly law-abiding citizens. HSUS is trying to ban lead ammunition in hunting, which sets a bad precedent for all shooters. HSUS’s allies in the radical environmental movement are hoping to go further and ban lead ammo from target ranges. HSUS is a rabidly anti-hunting organization. HSUS CEO Wayne “I don’t love animals” Pacelle has said, “If we could shut all sport hunting down in a moment, we would.” Pacelle has also come out against hunting for food. When asked if he would prohibit it, he replied, “I think that I would campaign against it. Yes, I think that I would.” Pacelle has claimed that the “NRA is led by extremists,” as if protecting hunting and Second Amendment rights is a radical concept. “The NRA’s invoking of the noble principles of freedom and constitutional rights to defend hunting, as with its inflexible stance on gun control, is only a smoke screen for extremism,” Pacelle stated. HSUS’s main mission very much includes attacking hunters and farmers and trying to stop people from eating meat, cheese, ice cream, and other animal products—the PETA agenda, in short. HSUS is also no friend to gun rights, and will throw them under the bus whenever it’s convenient.
  21. It will work perfectly fine in current so called modern barrels, I paid pretty high prices for mine and only use it in my older doubles for waterfowl. I have since acquired both bismuth and IXT non lead shot and load it myself at much lower cost but still not cheap. Congrats on getting a deal, not easy to come by these days. Al
  22. I have several boxes of Classic Doubles lead free shot shells I use on occasion when hunting waterfowl with a couple of older fixed choke Doubles made before steel shot use came into being. It is perfectly safe to used in any non damascus barreled old Double that is in good condition. The will be safe to fire in the old Parker. From the manufacturer Classic Double line of shells are designed for older fixed choke and fine classic doubles shotguns. The shotshells are loaded to 1100 fps and relatively low pressures to reduce recoil and function safely in old chambers. To compensate for the slower speed Classic Doubles pellets are dense about halfway between lead and steel and hardhitting.
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