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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by GreeneHunter

  1. Hey .... Dont forget to look into hunting at Camp Smith just across the river ...its bow only and you have to register with Base Ops but currently only 2 (as far as I know) individuals hunt there ! And yes I've seen quite a Deer population there and they think they own the place ! Base Ops will give you a map of the hunting areas and you have to attend a short training/lecture class too hunt there but its well worth the trip !
  2. A buddy of mine whom originally put in for 4R didnt get one when he first bought his license , this past week he received his 4R in the mail ! Brown is Down !!!
  3. I retired from the race in 2009 on a Friday (the day before opening day) and on Saturday I shot an 8 pointer (attached hopefully) Sadly I became bored too tears after hunting season and am now a member the "the race" again !
  4. I prefer to go in the woods in the early AM , meaning carrying a flashlight to get to my stand . Unfortunately I have no clue as to how many deer I am probably kicking on the way in ! I've had more luck in the AM as the woods wakes up but on quite a few occasions I have been late going in ..about 9 am and happened to drop a few that way also . I think its all a gamble anyway !
  5. Keep running them in Durham ..... its greatly appreciated !
  6. Salvation Army might be a good place to try !
  7. Just curious about the Coyote population in your area . I've used a Doe/Fawn baying call the last few seasons and have consistently brought in Coyotes . I've been meaning to get out there pre season and blow a few away but have'nt had the time ! I hunt Greene County ...how is the Coyote population in your area ?
  8. Last year I used one of those little cans that you just turn upside down and back again - Doe Bawl ? - I called in Coyotes three times !!!
  9. Love it at one of my Bar-B-Q's when someone whom is eating one of my steaks and ribs and says "you kill deer , but they are so beautiful" .... And after everyone has eaten I ask how was the Venison ?
  10. When your late for Thanksgiving Dinner because your still tracking the Blood Trail !
  11. I'm not seeing anything .....dont know why ?
  12. Northern Zone right ? Southern Zone is November 19th ..right ?
  13. I used to have a few kids running through my property in Greene County (4R) and they would stay out during hunting season ... the trails they cut made for nice hunting trails ! Kids are gone and trails are overgrown unfortunately !
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