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JJBat150 last won the day on July 24 2023

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About JJBat150

  • Birthday 02/21/1971

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Hopewell Center, NY

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  • Hunting Location
    Ontario County
  • Hunting Gun
    Rem 870
  • Bow
    WhiteTail II
  • HuntingNY.com
    internet search

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  1. Chupacabra, definitely Chupacabra.
  2. Technically it's Oliver green - TSC had it on clearance sale for $5 a gallon in the fall.
  3. Here's one I built this summer. Coop floor is a 4 X 8 sheet of exterior grade subfloor. Back wall is 5 ft high, and front is 3 - used 2 sheets of T-11 for those walls. End walls were T&G boards that I had laying around. I built it with a run under to coop so they could have protection from the weather but still be outside if we don't let them out into the caged area. Once springtime is here, we'll put up nylon Electra-fence to let them "free-range" in fresh grass, and they'll still have the protection of the cage. There's a sliding door in the floor and the ladies learned pretty quickly how to get in and out that way. In the spring need to make some adjustments to the sliding door - I planned on being able to open the end door and use a push rod to open and close it, but it loads up with poop and gets hard to open, so for now we're going into the cage to open and close it. 9 chickens and 3 nesting boxes. Generally, there're be 1 or 2 in a box at a time, so they load up 1 box with eggs, if someone can't wait, they'll use the other boxes.
  4. Have a deck that's done that for the past 30 years - only when temps get down into the single digits Take a walk in the woods - trees are doing the same thing.
  5. nothing walked by the couch
  6. Yes, crossbows are currently considered muzzleloaders for late season
  7. I'm only 53 and have a lot of the same memories. Hunting in my area (8J) sure has changed. I'll admit yesterday was the 1st Thanksgiving morning in years that I didn't hunt, hope I didn't start a new tradition...
  8. If someone got a ticket for an under-sized crossbow, me thinks it's a situation where they were poaching or doing something painfully stupid, and multiple citations were written - the old "throw everything at them and see what sticks". No way DEC randomly measured someone's crossbow and wrote 'em up....
  9. Never used either one but do have friends and family that give positive reviews. https://fingerlakesmeat.com/ https://justplainbusiness.com/log-city-meats/
  10. From what me and my daughter have seen the past few days, I would say they're locked down in 8J
  11. Chupacabra. Definitely chupacabra.
  12. Plant maybe dead but wonder about the urushiol and how long it will be active. Never used these before, would be interesting to see how much clothing get contaminated when exposed to active plants. https://seeleaf.com/
  13. They send to phone when they take a picture. they also keep a copy on the card in the camera
  14. Year round. They are Spy point cell cameras with either Litium-ion battery packs or solar powered. Usually visit each camera 2 -3 times a year to replace battery, trim brush / leaves or re-position a bit. They have high-capacity SD cards, so carry cards when I visit, and only swap if one is near capacity.
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