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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. But back then the telegraph didn't get work around as quickly...lol
  2. Wonder if that will be phase 4 after their first 3 brain farts fail to sole their "critical need"
  3. which page were you saying had the exception still on it. I looked at page 8 about the tags and I don't see any mention of it valid in the NZ season prior to October 1st for last year
  4. Yup. Imagine how many does get reported in these areas in the last day of the late bow/ML season. Lol.
  5. The DEC SS couldn't risk the new plans getting out early. lol
  6. illegal in NY unless on land in commercial livestock
  7. I have tried 4 times to upload the New regulations guide from their site and get a corrupted file message each time so I can't check the new book.
  8. Exactly!!! they are operating just like...............well.................Government and politicians, but NOT wildlife managers
  9. What expense? It is an automated system and the retailers issue the tags. If you are actually talking about the cost of the paper I can't imagine there is anything there of significance. and as far as the energy going to the surviving does.....who cares if there is such a "critical need" to reduce the population in these areas? so they don't fawn well. so they don't winter well. The goal is DEAD right? major catastrophe if we don't reduce numbers based on what they are saying. so what would this matter. You can't apply QDM logic or justification to this half a$$ed process
  10. When they write a ticket, they don't cite the page in the handout regulations guide....lol. There is no way they are allowing the use of a tag from outside the license year. This used to be OK because the season opened in late September and the license year was October 1 to September 30, so the last few day of September was covered by the license year that covered that calendar dates.
  11. I do NOT believe that bullet point for last years tags is valid. There really are no tags that are valid for the salt September Early bow season up north since they changed the license year to run from September 1st through August 31st. The tags we have for the 2014-2015 season are void come August 31st and the new 2015-2016 tags are valid for open seasons starting September 1st. If that is still in current regulations it is an error.
  12. Define "carried away". You mean complaining publicly about poor decisions? Trying to hold them accountable table? Spreading the word about their case of cranial rectumitis?
  13. yeah. I haven't seen one spike or 4 point this year but can show you a dozen small 6 and 8 pointers that are all 1.5 come the season
  14. I don't want to turn this into yet one more AR thread but if you want the AR you mentioned to get 1.5 year old bucks through , it won't work in the areas that are impacted in region 8 and 9.
  15. Doc, Based on the info from 2014 harvest (Thanks WNYBH) and this year probability charts All areas that had the change imposed format will be WMU / 2014 /2015 ( delta - ) 3M / 49500 /42900 ( delta -6,600 less ) 4J / Max / Max ( delta -0) 8A / 20000 / 14400 ( delta -5,600 less ) 8C/ Max / Max ( delta -0 ) 8F / 53700 / 39100 ( delta -14,600 less ) 8G / 55300 / 44900 ( delta -10,400 less ) 8H / 32600 / 27200 ( delta - 5,400 less) 8N / 29200 / 28500 ( delta - 700 less ) 9A / 24000 / 19600 ( delta -4,400 less ) 9F / 15800 / 14000 ( delta -1,800 less ) For a total of 49,500 less permits in the target areas. By the way, the numbers above aren't assumptions either...lol
  16. That was actually my point. There is no reason to do what they have done other than spin. antlerless take increased 4+% from 2013 to 2014 based on their 2014 report in 8H they need to show a BIG increase in %filled to prove they knew what they were doing. if they show the real numbers the totals won't lie, whatever the % is calculated from.
  17. probably was before they changed the license year dates.
  18. I guess I still don't understand. You have to buy the license for the year you are hunting in.
  19. I don't think anyone can know the motivation for sure. We can see the resulting regulation change. I can also put a pretty good argument together why this change will not yield the results they want, especially to the numbers they elude to. They make it sound like there is sever habitat destruction and a major over population. Let's take them at their word since they are the professionals. But that leads into a host of questions that they made no attempt to answer and they should have seen them coming. If the population is so out of control that there is a "critical need" to reduce it, why use the least productive weapon. Lets not get into a percentage conversation, they need numbers reduced and reduced in a big way. CRITICAL. right? Find a way to use guns and I don't mean ML's. Just get them removed and be over with it. Return to normal seasons when it is reduced to appropriate levels. Another question ---four areas with this "Critical need" are 8H, 8F, 8G and 8N. And since they need the take of doe to go up so much they did the most logical thing, besides the use of the least effective weapon to shoulder the increase. They reduced the number of available permits. 8H from 32,600 to 27,200; 8F from 53,700 to 39,100; 8G from 55,300 to 44,900 and 8N from 29,200 to 28,500. I guess the professionals have it well under control and the above are not assumptions.
  20. Not sure I understand the question. Except for the fishing license our licenses run from October 1st though September 30th
  21. All it takes is a little practice. I have skinned and deboned with the deer laying right on the ground and never taken it out of the woods. Sure all the nice gadgets make is easier but it isn't brain surgery we are talking about here.
  22. I can't get the justification for this approach to taking a doe. They start in August in SC and they get processed. To me either line up a processor or hone up in your skills. Once put an hour spent should get it in a cooler to keep. OR be a great time to donate some
  23. What isn't speculation is that if I fill them I. That bow I don't have them to use in gun. It isn't increasing anything other than their ill thought percentages
  24. I do t have an issue with that in a problem area either. I can't see this as any different than a September goose season going on. Small game season or duck season. Following regular season I see a marked increase of movement in legal shooting time movement after a week. When you add back in pre-rut and rut activity to push them towards more movement following a special gun Season in mid September, I can't see a huge negative effect
  25. This would achieve what they want. Can't understand why they didn't entertain the option
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