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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. My Encore will cut holes at 100 yards with the shockwaves. ( I believe same thing as the Hornady SST's). Have had wonderful terminal performance. I can throw a Powerbelt more accurately by had than my Encore can shoot them...lol
  2. Obviously doesn't have a clue what QDM is. Probably needs to do a little reading. Sounds like he has issue with TDM
  3. Impossible!!!! They are as thick as fleas out here. Or they are just getting much better at crossing at the deer crossing signs...lol
  4. 1982- 12 ga. Eastfield pump. (Made by Smith and Wesson and sold through Montgomery Wards) smooth bore, chambered in 3" so you could fit 6 - 2-3/4" rounds in it. no iron sights or vented rib., just a little brass bead at the end of the barrel.
  5. Very nice!!! Looks awesome. Posting the recipe would assure that those of us in the know, could review it and make sure if was all done safely.
  6. I wouldn't mind a true firearms proficiency instruction and test for the younger kids. Heck might not be a bad idea for the older ones or adults...lol. I hate the thought of little Johnny's fist outing with a gun to be on game.
  7. Those same idiots are going to 'teach" poor safety no mater the age. I am so tired of everything being set up for the lowest common denominator.
  8. I have to say though, that it is the PARENTS that allow the over involvement in things like sports. I can't begin to tell you how many parents I see with kids in multiple sports that are winter, summer, fall, travel this and competition that. they honestly believe little Suzie or Timmy has the talent and "really has a shot" In almost every case the ones that I know are delusional and are trying to relive their youth in their kids.
  9. We have seen the opposite even on this forum. Holding a license doesn't mean you know the laws. I don't have an issue with a previous license holder being a mentor.
  10. Almost without exception when I hear people say they don't like venison (not the ones that can't get by the eating Bambi thought but the taste or texture). I ask them how they eat their beef. It is almost always a "well done" response. Aged. Unaged. Well done venison sucks. Lol. I like mine medium rare and have not had a bad one that I have cut up. I really think the proper care from shot to stomach will give you a result that can really be enjoyed.
  11. here is a thought and I can't seem to get past it. Aging makes it more tender because it is the early stages of the decaying process. Bon appetite. Lol
  12. Doesn't matter, Elmo. all those Foreigners are related anyways. And besides, How would you ever know who it really was since they all look alike.....
  13. if you would like, PM me your contact info. I would be more that happy to have you over when I process one our ours so you can see how easy it really is. I am in Rochester area also
  14. You are right, the cellphone has a higher penalty...lol
  15. I'll be singing up for my 2 free years of Life Lock today.
  16. A little article on warm weather eat care. https://www.qdma.com/articles/how-long-is-venison-safe-in-warm-weather
  17. Have you sent in letter supporting the new legislation out there?
  18. G5 Montec- One piece construction. flies true and can be resharpened on a good FLAT diamond stone. about $35 for 3.
  19. Quite a few cars in the parking lot at Region 8 Headquarters every day. Gotta believe one of them has a few free minutes...lol
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