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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I wouldn't let Traditions restring a long bow.
  2. Just regular wrist high surgical gloves for me. The full length ones do make nice "containers for the liver and heart to transport out though. Hold in your hand with the glove on and pull from the top down (inside out) right around the organ.
  3. A goal, but not the most important aspect of hunting....for me
  4. I think there is a difference in the allure of having that buck of a lifetime POSSIBLY walking out. It has been a thought of me since I was hunting with my father before I could even carry a gun. Is that the driving force behind why I hunt, no. Do I feel that my season was unsuccessful if it doesn't happen or if I eat my tag, no. It is a sport of possibilities and I can't fault folks for taking a management approach or securing good land to increase the possibilities. Back in the day I have hunted a season and only seen a handful of deer, many times without being lucky enough to draw a doe permit. I would relive those times all again because to me, taking a deer, a good buck or the buck of a lifetime is secondary. But every morning, when I put my hunting boots on the possibility is there and that is what gets me out of bed.
  5. or shoot a one piece, cut on contact broadhead and not have to worry about it...lol
  6. smoke typically wont penetrate very deeply. you will get a good smoke ring of about 1/4" maybe a little more. That can be achieved in about an hour. after that it is just intensity of the smoke in that ring that you are increasing. experiment with different woods. I am not a fan of hickory smoke. Apple and cherry will have a mild flavor and I use it a lot for poultry. alder works very nice with fish and I use oak and mesquite for many of the venison sausages I do. I like maple for pork, especially when using a brown sugar based rub. buy one of these. It will allow you to monitor internal temps and avoid opening the cabinet. They work great. The temp is taken at the very tip of the probe so adjust insertion depth accordingly. http://www.cabelas.com/product/polder-classic-cooking-thermometer/1164615.uts?Ntk=AllProducts&searchPath=%2Fcatalog%2Fsearch.cmd%3Fform_state%3DsearchForm%26N%3D0%26fsch%3Dtrue%26Ntk%3DAllProducts%26Ntt%3Dmeat%252Bthermometer%26x%3D10%26y%3D6%26WTz_l%3DHeader%253BSearch-All%252BProducts&Ntt=meat+thermometer
  7. Membership is growing. Any changes in NY's legislative machine needs numbers to make it happen. I know you live in GRST's region. Stop out at give a hand at one of the out reach events to help those numbers grow and get the message out.
  8. i would t think so. If anything the heavier bolt of a crossbow would take off softer that a lighter compound set up. In flight speed is speed. I can see a difference at Impact but at that point deployment is what you want. Lol. If they are more expensive I would be curious if here was a difference of just hype to charge more
  9. I heard the same, was wondering if they had some crossbow rated ones. Thinking though, some Compounds are as fast and NY legal crossbows.
  10. Always had good luck and I used them for years. Only reason I moved away from them was I wanted the cut on contact and I got burned one year and couldn't find replacement blades. Of course it was my fault for waiting until the last minute.
  11. The arbitrary nature of the Pope positions over the years was one factor in my leaving. The other two was how my wife was treated by one of 5.9's "young and orthodox' priest and two old school nuns when she was going through classes to formally enter the church after we got married and we going to have kids. She didn't end up finishing and asked me not to make a issue of their actions and comments so I let it go. Fast forward to my daughter confirmation classes. She was raised Catholic and without a doubt one of the most Godly kids I know. (and that isn't just Father's pride talking). She is a model of how you would want you kids to walk through life. She is a very intelligent kid and always asks questions so she fully understands. The last class was an interview with another of 5.9's "young and orthodox priests' and a young nun with 2 lay staff. I got a call from my daughter and had to pick her up at the steps to the church, in tears and didn't want to make her confirmation based on their interrogation and comments to her. Talking and berating her about her my mother-in-laws 3 marriages. now WTF would that have to do with my daughter's confirmation? That is did not let go and was in the church basement in the priest, nun and lay peoples faces. probably the closest I have come to being arrested and in any other situation a person treating my daughter like that and the arrogant way they dealt with me when questioned, they would have been picking themselves up off the floor. And for the record, 5.9 I am very glad I was able to spend every minute with my father on those hunting days as opposed to church. Dad died this past July and all I have are memories going forward with not option of creating more with him. Our parish Priest that you seem to take such issue with has also passed this past year and based on the life he led and the lives he helped form, I am certain he was greeted with open arms too.
  12. 80's,. And a Priest like that was probably one reason I stayed in the church as long as I did. It was the other devout hypocrites that I ran a crossed in the church later on in life that convinced me to bow out. The churches inflexibility and blind hard line is what has cost them.
  13. Not necessarily. At least most plots and farm fields for that matter offer great early successional habitat at the boarders and a mature wood landscape offers little for wildlife. The transitional edges around plots and fields are not only great places to hunt but, in many cases can offer forage that is superior to the plot or ag field themselves.
  14. Unless he is a Vegan his argument holds no merit what so ever. It is OK to pay someone to "kill" for you but not OK to do it yourself? I had a Priest growing up that used to tell my mother to not give me a hard time about skipping mass on Saturday or Sunday for hunting, because he believed doing that with my Father and being outdoors. I was as close or closer to God than in church. I don't think she ever really bought it but it did get me a pass...lol
  15. I actually prefer to gut on a slope if I am near one. the gravity seems to work great for rolling the guts out and draining the blood from the cavity.
  16. I shot a doe in the Am a few years back and in the afternoon shot one of the biggest bucks I have taken within 20' of the gut pile. The only time I could see an issue is if you draw in coyote activity and usually they will find it and clean it up in a night, unless the crows clean it up first. The smell is not an issue.
  17. Oh for goodness sakes. just type his screen name into google and up pops http://nytrappers.tripod.com/rondy.html His name and screen name is right there on the trappers site all linked together nicely. And he has a fully open to the public facebook page. Freaking "bullying"? with adults. damned country if turning into a bunch of pu$$ies
  18. I know his history. All the logical arguments in the world won't sway his 'opinions"
  19. Luckily there isn't a mandate or law requiring a hunter or landowner to practice QDM. If he doesn't like it then don't practice it. But what he described in NOT QDM and he was an A$$ in his approach.
  20. Upstatehunter was SPOT ON concerning who this is.
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