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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. If you don't cut it up yourself the points above are spot on. Find the processor, get his hours and phone number ahead of time. The tough part of not cutting yourself is illustrated perfectly by Grow's story. Even with a processor all lined up, you could end up with a midnight recovery. What then? I am sure he isn't getting out of bed to get your deer in. I also like frozen jugs for putting in the coolers with the deer. no water logged meat. I know there are really two camps of thought on hanging. (if the temps are right). I have done it out of necessity but not by design. I have never had bad meat from not hanging and "aging". Two thoughts. ALWAYS take out the inside tenderloins immediately when it is hung. Those tender little morsels should not be allowed to dry out. Understand that if you hang without the hide there will be a crust of dried meat that forms that will need to be trimmed off. this can happen when you do things like hanging quarters in an fridge. I have had good luck really minimizing this by simply wrapping the quarters in saran wrap before putting them in the fridge. You are doing the right thing in getting a game plan thought out prior to going afield. bravo!!
  2. Bout long enough to get it cut up...lol Are you cutting it up yourself?
  3. The lions share of the high population areas are in Region 8. I don't know about the proximity of the other WMU's to their region headquarters but in 8 it is a pretty easy drive down there to have the kill verified and another tag issued.
  4. I know. Anyone that thinks that all the game laws are clearly outlined and covered in that handout should take a read through...lol.
  5. I have seen a few. That is why I carry the small "model" sized can of brown spray paint in my backpack. Keeps my daughter from getting mad at me..lol
  6. the way it ran in 8C. you filled your doe permit and the checked in the deer (I believe you had to bring in the head). they gave you bonus either sex tag. you could take 100 antlerless by going through the same process over and over again. UNTIL you took an antlered deer, then you were done. it was quite a while ago that I had property up there that I could do this.
  7. I have reported baiting twice and nothing has happened, not even a call back. I can still take you to one feeding location and the call was made 2 years (=/-) ago. So I won't be wasting my time calling for that anymore.
  8. I didn't say they weren't in "writing" I said not in the hand out. You every see the full text of the Environmental Conservation Law?
  9. Take a read around THIS site and see how many hunters that have been at the game for quite a while don't know every game law. You would be surprised how many laws ARE NOT in the reference book they hand out with the licenses. A new neighbor gets the courtesy of a conversation.
  10. Phade, but those are archery only areas and access in 8C is probably the worst in all of region 8. I would like to see the OBR. I would also like ALL antlerless to be handled in the lottery system with all weapons having an equal opportunity at the permits. Run this bonus program through all the seasons and not just in archery for the high population areas.
  11. You may be satisfied by taking it like the DEC dealt this out, but many are taking exception to it. Your desire to just toss up your hands and do nothing is just what the government counts on.
  12. There still is a burden of proof of guilt. I would love to see a ticket given to me for hunting within 150' of a buddy's barn and get that ticket. That might just be fun to toy around with.
  13. Vanilla extract in a scape scent dripper would probably work well to keep putting it out there and keeping it fresh.
  14. OK. In true DEC fashion, the current sample size is fine. Close the poll, draw your conclusions and make your decisions...lol
  15. If I was in that populated of an area I would have it in writing also.
  16. which I think would change if we didn't have the burden of the city's 'thoughtfulness". The resources, talent pool and infrastructure without the hassle of transportation issues many areas have, would make it a good draw to business if the tax burden wasn't as high. Mandates are choking upstate.
  17. Body characteristics are the best bet. . https://www.qdma.com/videos/aging-bucks-on-the-hoof1 and when you get them on the ground https://www.qdma.com/uploads/pdf/Jawbone-Aging.pdf
  18. "better to be thought a fool than to open ones mouth and remove all doubt"
  19. So if the pistol is listed on both permits and the police check either permit, what would happen? Pistol matches to both permit holders.
  20. Monroe is no issue. Call Wayne. In Monroe there is one form for co-ownership. Last all pistols and it is one transaction fee of $3 I believe
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