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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. you could not shower for 3 weeks, rub Limburger cheese all over you hunting clothes,gargle with beer and sit in your stand taking a leak while smoking a cigar.... if you are playing the wind right. My 3 biggest bucks were taken with a cigarette in my hands, besides a bunch of others. They can always come in where we don't expect them but there is NO such thing as being scent free.
  2. I don't get your take on it. I can't find an issue with legally tagged deer being donated. If they were truly killing for the sake of just killing, why would they even take the deer out of the woods. Just shoot it an let it lay. Is it possible their motivation is enjoying the hunting experience, being successful and also helping out the less fortunate? no?
  3. There isn't a "wealth gap" there is an "effort gap"
  4. Please explain that? Are you saying a person that shoots a deer or multiple deer and donates them are being unethical? Feeding the poor or homeless is unethical?
  5. Actually the court that struck that down only had jurisdiction in the western regions of NY. That is why it is gray about the rest of the state. Similar to the court that allowed the feeding of deer. It isn't binding on the entire state. and as far as capacity for rifles and shotguns for big game. it is unlawful to hunt with an autoloading firearm with a capacity of more than 6 shells (one which requires that the trigger be pulled separately for each shot), except an autoloading pistol with a barrel length of less than 8 inches. So technically a pump, bolt or lever gun is not bound by those capacities.
  6. I usually find that this time of year, the best area may not be the area with the most visibility. Deer have been pressured and probably moving mostly at night. Get in as close to bedding areas as possible. ideally setting up on the side that favors their travel to food. And watch the wind.
  7. I would agree, equal to or above. I believe a case could also be made that a law may be a hindrance that keeps you from doing something you believe to be ethical.
  8. haven't missed a Thanksgiving morning in 41 years. It is only a few hours and we usually do a couple drives and get out of the woods for dinner. heading to camp after dinner and hunting until Sunday night. 9hopefully with a bag full of leftovers.
  9. That is who I talked to Eddie, but apparently I am full of it. Personally, carry in a chainsaw, cut some nice wide shooting lanes, screw in steps, marking paint to mark you trail and a pocket full of Emerald ash borers. On the way out dig a few spruce to take home for the yard. It really isn't that important to me. lol.
  10. They want to stop crime so pass the safe act against the law abiding and do a minimal window dressing to address the real outlaws. Does that make it more clear?
  11. I bet the majority of hunters really try to get it right, but the folks that write these regulations must be doing some pretty heavy drugs when they write them. I can't imagine they can sit down, read them at a later date and say "yeah, I totally understand that', no way. I wonder how many that think they have everything squared away in the hunting would find that Mr. Enforcement could find they have some violation.
  12. ever notice that every tag and season thread ends of sounding like a rerun of "who's on first" skit? LOL
  13. Even in NY the duty to retreat isn't in force for Arson. It wouldn't bother me in the least. No consequences for actions is what got this whole thing started. I can't imagine the mind set that thinks it is ok to attack a LEO and not expect sever consequences.
  14. It is covered under the Environment Conservation Law.
  15. I didn't look it up. I went to a State Ranger that enforces these laws. Just relaying.
  16. How truthful is this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vDxgJq4toYo
  17. They planned on the looting and burning no matter the outcome. I can't believe there aren't reports of the POS's being piled up by the property owners that they are looting and burning.
  18. Ooops. My bad. Thought the title said bare hunt
  19. FYI , just heard back from a State Ranger I know. For screwing anything in a tree on State land. (cut/remove/injure a tree) is a Misdemeanor and the fine STARTS at $1,500. Can buy a ton of climbing sticks for that price.
  20. Yes. do it down south, the risk of frost bite or hypothermia up here, this time of year is too great.
  21. Who the hell makes a post like this and doesn't include a pic?
  22. If you get an actual spread measurement, be sure to post it up. Awesome buck
  23. beachpeaz, I remember reading of a couple raised elk that go out of a fenced area that got shot by some hunters a few years back in NY. I haven't read or seen any stories on the PA elk making it here yet. Have you? Would love to read them.
  24. yeah but that is ACTUALLY a bear trap so I put that wolf at about 765 pounds
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